

A History of Single-mother Families’ Welfare in the United States, 1935 -1996

【作者】 吕洪艳

【导师】 梁茂信;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 面向弱势群体的公共福利政策,历来是彰显社会道德原则的重要尺度。本文介绍了美国最具争议的单亲家庭福利计划——“对有未成年子女的家庭援助”,尝试整理该福利计划的历史发展脉络,同时追踪并剖析美国社会围绕女性单亲家庭福利政策展开的冲突和争论。影响美国女性单亲家庭福利政策的一般价值观念,包括对典范家庭模式的认同,对工作伦理的推崇,以及对女性社会角色变化的感知;而单亲家庭福利制度演变的历史,充分体现了美国联邦政府对上述认知的把握能力和导向作用。全文采取编年体体例,以时间为经,以史事为纬,顺序展开。除引言和结语外,论文主体部分共分四章。第一章,从分析美国单亲家庭福利制度产生的历史背景入手,追溯这一制度的雏形和实践基础,以及得以正式建立的契机,并对单亲家庭福利制度的基本特征作出概括。第二章,主要阐述了伟大社会时代美国联邦政府扩大福利的举措,以及20世纪60、70年代美国单亲家庭福利制度与单亲家庭规模同步扩张的表现,深入探究两种现象的背后动因。第三章,着重分析在福利困境出现之后,美国社会各界在单亲家庭及其福利制度上的不同立场和态度,以及70、80年代尼克松至里根政府期间的福利改革详情。第四章,专论1996年福利改革,详细考察1996年福利改革发生的语境、立法过程、得以通过的原因及初步效果。

【Abstract】 The public welfare policy for the disadvantages has always been an important measure of social and moral principles. This article describes the most controversial U.S. welfare program for single parent families - "Aid to Families with Dependent Children", tracking and analyzing the conflict and controversy about the public welfare policy for single mothers families in the society. The factors involved in the U.S. single mothers families welfare policies includes the recognition of the nuclear family pattern, the appreciation for the work ethic, as well as the perception of the changing role of women in society. The history of welfare system of single-parent families reflects the U.S. federal government’s cognitive ability and guiding power of values above. This article is arranged by chronological style with time as longitude and historical events as latitude. The article is divided into four chapters in addition to the preface.The first chapter analyzes the historical background of U.S. welfare system aiming at single-parent families, tracing the prototype and practical basis of the AFDC, exploring how the ADC has been formally established, and concluding the basic features of AFDC.The second chapter focuses primarily on U.S. federal government’s efforts to expand social welfare and the expansions of both AFDC and single mothers families in the 1960s and 1970s, and interprets how both expansions could happened.The third chapter focuses on the different positions and attitudes about the welfare mess, the single-parent families and AFDC, and the details of Nixon’FAP and Reagan’s FSA in the 1970s and 1980s.The last chapter discusses specifically 1996 welfare reform and examines the context of welfare reform, the legislative process, the favorable factors for passage and the preliminary results.
