

Facing Teachers’demands: the Study of Just-in-time Training Model for Elementary School Teachers

【作者】 马萌

【导师】 何克抗;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 万众瞩目的“全国中小学教师教育技术能力培训”已进入中级阶段。这场声势浩大的能力建设项目拉开了中小学教师培训的序幕。教育技术能力作为信息化时代教师能力结构不可或缺的组成要素,具有重要的培训价值和研究意义。它对促进教育技术能力观念深入人心,提升全国中小学教师教育技术能力整体水平等方面具有重大贡献,为“国培计划”的顺利开展奠定了良好的基础。另一方面,随着项目的不断推进也暴露出一些不尽如人意之处:不少文献显示,就全国范围来看,培训存在着步调统一,忽视区域差异的问题;就某一特定区域而言,很多培训在具体实施中存在培训与教学分离、理论与技术分离和培训缺乏后续支撑的现状。如何才能克服以上顽疾,将教育技术能力真正落到实处,是本文研究的使命所在。本文认为某些区域开展的教育技术能力培训之所以效果不佳的重要原因之一是忽略了教师作为培训主体的地位,只是培训“被设计”的一项内容。这直接导致培训不能从教师需求出发,造成“所教非所想”;此外,一些培训人员不了解中小学现状,使得“所教非所用”。为了解决这一问题,本研究提出了面向教师需求的JiTT校本培训模式。此模式分为双结构五部分:教学实践——分析需求、课后交流——确定主题、微格教学——案例培训、反思升华——培训反思、评价。每部分都融入了教师的参与,能够做到根据教师实际需求制定培训计划,从而极大地发挥了教师参与培训的主观能动性,真正实现“学以致用”。课题研究采用的方法主要有文献研究法和行动研究法。文献研究贯穿于研究的整个过程;行动研究又具体为问卷调查法、观察法和访谈法等。第一章,简要介绍研究背景,提出研究问题,以及研究过程使用的方法。第二章,探讨了研究的理论基础。将成人学习理论、情境学习理论和马扎诺的认知目标分类理论作为研究的学习理论,将杜威的“做中学”实用主义哲学作为研究的行动理论,将能力迁移理论作为研究效果的验证理论。从以上三个层次汲取营养,作为培训的主要指导理论。第三章,分析中小学教师教育技术能力培训现状,并提出了确保教育技术能力有效落实的培训新思维。第四章,建构了面向教师需求的教育技术能力JiTT校本培训模式以及运用该模式的方法和步骤。第五章,归纳JiTT校本培训的策略。主要从“培训文化构建”和“培训实施”两个角度探讨。第六章,JiTT校本培训模式的效果分析。通过自行开发的“课堂教学设计观察量表”判断教师教学设计能力的发展;通过问卷和访谈,了解教师对培训的态度。第七章,对本研究的结论进行归纳,总结文章的创新之处,并对研究未来的走向进行了展望。本文的主要创新之处在于将及时培训(Just-in-Time Training)的理念引入国内,并与中小学教师教育技术能力培训相结合,构建了面向教师需求的JiTT校本培训模型,并在实践中加以验证。不足之处在于样本数量的不足可能会影响研究结果的客观性。因此,为了进一步验证此模型的有效性,应当扩大研究范围,增加样本数量和提高个人对评价工具的驾驭能力。

【Abstract】 The NETA training for elementary and middle school teachers has entered the middle stage. As one necessary element of teachers’ability structure in infomationization age, the educational technology ability has an indispensable important training value and research significance. Undoubtedly, this is to promote education technical ability idea thorough all over the country, lift educational technology ability level for all the primary and middle school teachers, and has significant contribution for the "National Training Plan".On the other hand, this project cannot be satisfied by everyone to some extent: many literatures showed that it unified and ignored regional differences nationally. While for a particular area, some training departed the theories learning to practice, and these trainings cannot build the relationship with teaching practice and so on. How to overcome the above conditions is the mission for this study.This dissertation argues that one of the reasons that the ETAT is not satisfying is ignoring the subjective status in a certain areas. And the teachers are always planned as one part of training. In addition, some training personnel don’t know the conditions of elementary schools. In order to solve this problem, this research proposes a new training model facing teachers’demands——JiTT Model. This model can be divided into five parts: teaching practice--analyzing requirements, after-school communication--determining theme, the micro-standard teaching -- case training, class reflection-- training reflection and evaluation. Each part involves teachers’participation, and it can make the training plans according to these teachers’actual demands.This dissertation refers to (1) Literature methodology; (2) Interview; (3) Class observation, including qualitative and quantitative research ;(4) Questionnaire; (5) Case study.The chapter 1 briefly introduced the research background, the research questions, as well as the research methods. The chapter 2 discussed the theoretical basis. The adult learning theory, context learning theory and Mazar-e Reno target classification theory as the cognitive learning theory; the study of Dewey "learning by doing" pragmatism philosophy as a research action theory; the migration theory as a research ability effect validation theory. The third chapter analyzed present situation, and proposed the new concept of training educational technology ability to ensure the effective implementation. The fourth chapter constructed the school-based model of JiTT, and how to use it. Chapter 5 induced strategies of JiTT model. Mainly from "constructing training culture " and "training implementation" two aspects. Chapter 6 is JiTT school-based training model effect analysis. Through the self-developed "classroom teaching design observing scale" judge teachers teaching design capability development; Through the questionnaire and interview, understanding of training teachers attitude. Chapter 7 is the conclusion of this study, and it summarizes the innovations, and the future perspective of the research.The main innovation of this dissertation lies in bringing the idea of JiTT into China, and combining it with ETA for elementary and middle school teachers. And it constructs a school-based training model facing the teachers’demands, and validates it in practice. The defect of this research is that the sample sizes are not big enough. Therefore, in order to further verify the validity of the model, I should expand research scope, increase sample size and improving personal control ability to evaluation tools.
