

Chinese Mythology History in the First Half of the 20th Century

【作者】 汪楠

【导师】 曹书杰;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中国神话研究经历了一个多世纪的发展,在众多学者的共同努力下,已经取得了十分可观的成果。这些研究成果的取得,不仅使中国神话学这一学科走向成熟成为可能,更为相关学科(如:文学、历史、哲学等)的发展提供了丰富的可资利用材料。在21世纪的今天,对上一世纪的神话研究状况进行一次较为彻底的回顾,显得十分必要。但是,就目前所了解到的情况,从神话学史的角度对过去一个世纪的神话研究情况进行较为全面梳理和总结的论文(著)屈指可数,研究的深度亟待加强。其中,特别应该强调的是,对20世纪上半叶(1903—1949年)中国神话研究进行系统梳理和总结的论文(著)更是为数甚少。而此时期正是中国神话学作为一门独立学科,从无到有,从初步建立到发展成熟的关键时期。这一时期,不仅在神话研究的定义、对象、范围、理论、方法等方面有了较大的突破,给后世研究奠定了基础;更为重要的是,这一时期涌现出一大批为神话学发展做出重要贡献的学者,他们发表了众多的神话研究论文,也出版了数量可观的神话学研究论著。他们不仅以其深厚的文献学功底,从纷繁复杂的文献中提取出数量众多的神话素材,而且以其敏锐的问题意识,大胆地将神话研究视野投向了蕴含着丰富神话资源的民间。这些工作的展开,不仅在当时,就是在今天仍然具有巨大的现实意义。虽然,其中有一部分学者并非将神话研究作为自己的主要研究方向,但他们从各自研究领域对神话研究进行的观照,却无意中为推进神话研究做出了重大贡献。这其中,有部分学者不仅为神话学者所熟知,而且在历史学、文学、民俗学等领域也有重要影响力,如梁启超、鲁迅、闻一多、茅盾、周作人、顾颉刚、袁珂、钟敬文等等;而另外一些学者,却因为种种原因,虽然曾在神话学的发展道路上做出过巨大的贡献,某些结论直到今天仍然被研究者所推崇,但却已逐渐淡出了研究者的视线,如芮逸夫、江绍原、娄子匡、马长寿、黄石、岑家梧、董作宾等等。本论文所要阐述的主要问题,正是试图对中国神话研究的早期阶段(1903-1949)的发展做一次较为系统的梳理和总结,不仅从神话学史的学科角度给那时的研究以合理的定位,更为重要的是凸显出在那个动乱年代里研究者们为神话研究所付出的艰苦卓绝的努力。本论文的主体部分分为以下四个板块:文本整理与理论译介,神话理论研究,神话类型和个案研究,中国神话研究的流派。文本整理与理论译介部分,主要阐述了学者们通过细致地爬梳搜集、整理本土神话资料,通过翻译、传播西方神话理论来探索中国神话的研究方法和理论体系,使得中国神话学逐渐成长为具有完整体系的独立学科。神话理论研究部分,通过对神话的概念、范围、分类、演变以及文化意义五个方面的分析,体现出早期神话研究过程中,学者们在神话理论研究中所取得的巨大成果和对后世的影响。在神话类型和神话个案研究部分,选取创世神话研究、洪水神话研究、《山海经》神话研究、盘瓠神话研究的相关研究成果,通过宏观分析和微观把握双重结合的方法,凸显出研究者们在神话研究中从广度研究到深度研究的转变。中国神话研究的流派部分,是本论文所要侧重阐述的内容。本部分共分为两章五节,根据研究目的和方法的不同,将早期神话研究者以及研究成果归属于文艺学神话学派、人类学神话学派、历史学神话学派、民族学神话学派、民俗学神话学派五个流派之下,这样的归类,不仅能将研究者的研究成果进行系统的梳理,而且能够充分体现出研究者们对待神话的不同取向,从而充分揭示出神话作为民族文化源头的价值作用。从神话学史的角度对20世纪上半叶的神话研究进行系统的梳理和总结,不仅有利于完善神话学作为一门独立学科的完整性,而且也有利于从源头上理清中国神话学发展的脉络,给神话研究的进一步展开提供必备的参考。

【Abstract】 Chinese mythology research experience for more than a century, in the development of the joint efforts of scholars, has made considerable achievement. These research results obtained, make not only mythological subjects maturity possible, more relevant discipline (such as: literature, history, philosophy, etc) development provides enough of its use of abundant materials. In the 21st century, past a century of mythology research status on a more thorough review, appear very necessary. But, as far as we know, from the standpoint of the history of mythologicalAngle of the myth of the past century a relatively comprehensive research on the comb and summarizes the paper numbered, the depth of the study to be strengthened. Among them, especially should emphasis is in the 20 century, (1903-1949) Chinese mythology research systematically sorting and summing paper is slender non-dom status. But this period is China’s mythological, as an independent discipline from scratch, from initial set up to critical period of development mature. This time, not only in the mythology research definition, object, scope, theory and methods, etc, had greater breakthrough study lays a foundation for later generations; More importantly, this period, a large number of emerged for the mythological development made important contributions scholars, they published numerous mythology research papers, also published a significant quantities of mythological research works. They not only with its profound philology strength, from the complexity of the literature to extract numerous myths, and with its sharp problem consciousness, bold will mythology research vision on contains rich folk myths resources. The work started, not only at the time, is in today still have realistic meanings.Although, there are part of scholars not will mythology research as his main research direction, but they from their areas of study of the myth of the witness, but to promote mythology research inadvertently made significant contributions. This among them, some scholars known not only for myth, and in scholars such as history, literature, folklore also has important influence areas, such as liang qichao, lu xun, wen yiduo’s, maodun, zhou zuoren, gu jiegang, either, ZhongJingWen etc; Other scholars, but for a variety of reasons, although once in mythological development road of who has made great contribution, some conclusions until today is still the researchers had honored, but has gradually faded out of the line of sight, such as RuiYiFu, JiangShaoYuan, LouZiKuang, MaChangShou, Yellowstone, CenGuWu, DongZuoBin etc. This paper expounds the main problems that in China, it is trying to the early stages of mythology research (1903 - 1949) do a more systematic carding and summarized, not only from the Angle of history of mythological subjects to then research to reasonable positioning, more important is the highlights in the turmoil in the researchers pay for myth institute of painstaking efforts.The main body part of this paper divided into the following four parts: text sorting and theory, the myth theoretical research, translation, the Chinese ancient mythical case study of mythology research genre.Text finishing and theory of translation part, mainly is elaborated scholars through careful collecting, collating rice-for-crime local myths material, through the translation, to spread the western mythology, and explore the theory of Chinese mythology research method and theory system, make China mythological growth for a complete system gradually independent discipline. Myth theory research of myth, through the part, the scope, classification, concept and the cultural meaning evolution in five aspects, reflecting the analysis process of early mythology research, scholars have made in mythology research the great achievements of the great influence on later generations and. Myth case study section, select flooding myths research, sea classics mythology research and panhu mythology research relevant research achievements of micro and macro analysis, through double of the method of combining grasping, highlights the researchers in mythology research from breadth research to depth research transformation. The Chinese ancient mythology research genres part, is this paper expounded to focus the content. This section is divided into two chapters five section, according to the purposes and methods of different, respectively and research achievements early myth researchers takes ownership school of mythology, human school mythology, historical school mythology, national school mythology, folk school mythological under five schools, so that the classification, can not only will the period researchers research achievements, and be able to sorting out the system fully embodies the researchers treat myth, which fully reflects different ethnic culture reveals mythology as the source of value function.From the perspective of the history of mythological early mythology research systematically summarized, carding and not only beneficial to improve mythological as an independent discipline the integrity, but also to help from the source of the development of Chinese mythology clear context, to learn the mythology research further provide the necessary reference.
