

Spatial Polarization of Urban System in Northeast China

【作者】 赵映慧

【导师】 修春亮;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 城市与区域规划, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 全球化对世界各个国家和地区的社会、经济、文化、政治等方面的地域性产生空前冲击,冲击下的城市化不同于工业化背景下的城市化,正在塑造完全不同的城市系统空间格局,正在推进城市与区域的空间结构的变化,在这变化过程中城市间的分化和区域范围内的空间极化是最重要的特征之,因此城市系统空间极化问题是城市地理学新时期研究的核心,具有前瞻性。东北地区是中国内部整体性最强的区域,具有很强的独特性,对东北地区城市系统空间极化的研究理所当然地具有定的独立性。显然,对东北地区城市系统空间极化研究涉及东北地区内部重要的区域关系、城市系统的发展变化等,该研究将有助于深化对当代中国东北的认识,不仅具有学术价值,也具有实践意义,同时该研究也是东北地区城市与区域协调发展调控的需要。论文首先梳理了国内外学者对城市系统与空间极化的研究,阐述了空间极化的基础理论,从要素与测度、模式与效应、影响因素、判定标准等方面初步建立了空间极化的理论框架。其次,选取地区生产总值、地方财政收入、全社会固定资产投资、居民储蓄存款余额、职工平均工资等社会经济发展指标,分析了东北地区城市系统的空间差异和相对差异;并且运用差异指数模型(基尼系数、Theil指数)分析其总体差异;利用Theil指数的可分解特点,考察了城市系统不同分组情况下的组间差异和组内差异;运用P极化指数与KZ极化指数分别考察了城市系统的总体极化与不同方向的极化(组间极化);根据东北地区城市系统空间极化的演变特征,将极化分为三个时期,对不同时期极化进行初步研究;从东北城市群和省域城市系统方面分析了不同地域地域范围城市系统的极化。接着,从区域资源要素的约束机制、经济体制和发展战略的创新机制、空间结构的反馈机制、发展要素的集聚-扩散机制四方面分析了东北地区城市系统空间极化的动力机制。区域资源要素的约束机制体现在自然要素对空间极化的基础作用、经济要素的催化作用、社会要素的加速作用以及技术进步的支撑作用。创新机制体现在经济体制改革、产业结构调整、重化工业发展战略、逐步开放政策和振兴东北老工业基地战略五大方面。反馈机制在于开发区与城市群的建设发展导致空间结构变化,对空间极化产生反馈作用。社会经济发展要素的集聚与扩散机制在空间极化不同阶段产生作用不同。然后,分析不同级别间城市的GDP增长和人均GDP增长的差异,认为总体差异和级别间差异都将增大;基于人均GDP对经济增长进行收敛分析,认为人均GDP的极化收敛存在;对经济极化程度进行预测后认为总体极化和级别方向极化指数都将增大;经济极化效果在于促进核心城市增强,推动增长轴带扩展,促进层级分明的极化区形成,最终推动地区经济发展。最后,分析了东北地区城市系统空间结构存在的问题,提出以“点-轴-面”空间构造模式来优化东北地区城市系统空间结构,未来应当重点推进“四核三带两区”的建设,即重点建设沈阳、大连、长春和哈尔滨四个核心城市;重点建设哈大轴带、滨洲-滨绥轴带、辽宁沿海轴带三个经济带;重点建设两个经济区:沈大经济区和哈长经济区。同时,也要利用市场作用和行政作用推进东北地区城市系统空间结构的优化。论文的主要结论:从地区生产总值看,1990年以来东北地区城市系统的总体差异增大,总体极化在波动中增大,而且通过预测分析,可以判断未来总体差异和总体极化都将增大;不同行政级别城市间的分化主导东北城市系统的极化格局,以“沈大哈长”四个副省级城市为高端的极化过程成为1990年以来东北城市系统格局的基本特征。

【Abstract】 Globalization brings an unprecedented impact on society, economy, culture, politic and other aspects in all countries and regions. The urbanization under impacting is different from the urbanization under industrialization. The urbanization under impacting is shaping a completely different space pattern of urban system and is promoting the changes of spatial structure of cities and regions. In the change process of spatial structure , the differentiation between cities and spatial polarization of regions are one of the most important features .So spatial polarization of urban system is the core of research of Urban Geography in new period and the research on spatial polarization has a forward-looking.Northeast China is China’s internal region with the very strong integrity and strong uniqueness and research on spatial polarization of urban system in Northeast China naturally has a certain independence. Clearly, research on spatial polarization of urban system involving the important regional relations, the development of urban system changes and so on. Research on spatial polarization will help to deepen the understanding of contemporary China. Northeast, not only has academic value, but also has practical significance , While research is need of coordinated development of urban and regional regulatory in Northeast China.Firstly, research of the domestic and foreign scholars on urban systems and spatial polarization is reviewed in the dissertation. The basic theory of spatial polarization is described. The theoretical framework of spatial polarization is initially established from the measurement and the elements, patterns and effects, factors of spatial polarization, judgment standard. Secondly, the spatial difference and the relative difference of urban system in Northeast China are analyzed based on the GDP, local revenue, total fixed asset investment, household savings deposits, average wages and other social economic development indicators. The total difference of urban system is analyzed by the use of different exponential model (Gini coefficient, Theil index). The intra-regional difference and inter- regional difference are analyzed by decomposition characteristics of Theil index. The total polarization and inter-regional polarization are analyzed by P polarization index and KZ polarization index. The polarization is divided into three periods of polarization based on the evolution of the characteristics of spatial polarization of urban system in Northeast China. The polarization in different periods is preliminarily studied.The polarization of urban systems in different geographical scope is analyzed from urban Groups in Northeast China and the urban system in the province.Thirdly, the driving mechanism of spatial polarization of urban system in Northeast China involves the constraint mechanisms of regional resource, innovative mechanisms of conomic systems and development strategies, the feedback mechanisms of spatial structure, the mechanisms of the development elements assembling and diffusion . the constraint mechanisms of regional resource embodied in the fundamental role of the natural factors for spatial polarization, the catalytic role of the economic factors, the acceleration role of social factors, the supporting role of technological progress. Innovative mechanisms embodied in the economic reform, industrial restructuring, the development strategy of heavy chemical industry, and policy of gradually opening up and revitalizing strategy of industrial bases of Northeast China. Feedback mechanism is that construction and development of the development zone and urban groups led to changes in spatial structure and the feedback effect of changes on the spatial polarization.the mechanisms of the development elements assembling and diffusion play different roles on spatial polarization in different periods.Fourthly, the increase trends of population, GDP and per capita GDP and the total inequality and the inequality among the different rank cities are forecast.The convergence of regional economic growth in Northeast China is analyzed and the polarization exists based on per capita GDP. The index of economic polarization forecast and the P index and KZ index of the economic development of urban system will become large. The effect of polarization forecasts and the core cities, the growth belts and the polarization regions will be emphasized in development. So the regional economic development will be promoted.Fifthly, the problems in the spatial structure of urban system are analyzed and the countermeasures of regulating spatial structure of urban system by the mode of“point-axis-region”brings forward. to In the future,“four core cities”,“three belts”and“two regions”should be emphasized in construction, that is to say, four core cities(Shenyang, Dalian, Changchun and Harbin) and the three belts (Harbin-Dalian belt, Manzhouli-Harbin-Suifenhe belt, Liaoning coastal belt) and two regions (Shenyang-Dalian economic region and Harbin-Changchun economic region) should be emphasized in constructionThe end of the dissertation is the conclusion. The main conclusion is that the inequality and the polarization became larger in urban system in Northeast China since 1990. The inequality and the polarization will become larger in the future. The differentiation among different rank cities is primary character in urban system in Northeast China. The polarization process that the four cities (Shenyang,Dalian, Harbin, Changchun) in the most hierarchies dominant the urban system is the basic character in Northeast China since 1990.

  • 【分类号】F299.27;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】593
  • 攻读期成果