

Research to Marxism Outlook on Chinese Marxism

【作者】 冯昆

【导师】 张澍军;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义观问题,是关系到如何正确认识和科学对待马克思主义的一个根本问题。有一个什么样的马克思主义观,就会有一个什么样的关于马克思主义的理论立场和实践取向。正是在这种意义上讲,只有坚持科学正确的马克思主义观,才能正确地认识和对待马克思主义,才能坚持真正的马克思主义和真正地坚持马克思主义,才能真正地创新和发展马克思主义,也才能在实践中切实地发挥马克思主义的强大指导作用而使之转化为实践性的物质力量。马克思主义观问题同样也是马克思主义中国化中一个极为重要的理论问题。可以说,在马克思主义观问题上的自觉性水平,直接决定着马克思主义中国化的水平。没有科学的马克思主义观,马克思主义中国化只能是一个自发的过程;有了科学的马克思主义观,马克思主义中国化才能是一个自觉的过程。正是在这种意义上讲,关于中国化马克思主义之马克思主义观的研究水平也规定和表征着马克思主义中国化研究的整体水平。但目前看,关于这一领域的研究还很为不够,需要大大拓深。尤其随着马克思主义理论一级学科和马克思主义中国化研究二级学科的确立,这一问题的研究更显迫切。正是基于这样的认识,本论文的研究想在此为关于马克思主义中国化和中国化马克思主义的理论研究略尽绵力。本论文基本结构如下:第一章主要探究我国学界目前关于马克思主义观研究的基本现状,阐述笔者关于马克思主义观基本内涵的理解,分析马克思主义观的基本表现形态,并进一步论述了科学马克思主义观的极端重要性及基本内涵。这样,才能为以后各章中关于中国化马克思主义之科学马克思主义观相关问题的进一步深入研究提供一个前提和基础。第二章主要是从科学马克思主义观的视域上去探讨马克思主义中国化的可能性与必要性问题,探究树立和坚持科学马克思主义观之于认清马克思主义中国化的可能性和必要性问题的重要性,强调科学马克思主义观是认清马克思主义中国化的可能性与必要性问题的重要前提与基础。第三章主要研究科学马克思主义观与科学认识马克思主义中国化的历史语境的关系问题。这一章分别从中国现代社会变迁的世界历史语境、国情性语境和中国现代化问题结构语境等三个维度考察了这一问题。第四章主要是从历史的视角梳理马克思主义中国化历史发展中,中国化马克思主义的科学马克思主义观是如何发展演进的,概揽一下各个历史时期中国化马克思主义之科学马克思主义观发展的简略过程及其基本内容,以从历史的视角探寻其内在的规律性,从而为总结历史的经验教训打下基础。第五章主要探究马克思主义中国化历史进程中在马克思主义观问题上的基本历史经验教训。在本部分内容中,主要是从马克思主义中国化中是如何批判和纠正教条主义、经验主义,如何坚持科学马克思主义观,如何用科学的马克思主义观进行有效的思想政治教育等这样几个视角进行的。第六章主要解析中国化马克思主义之科学马克思主义观的内在理论结构。这部分内容主要是从科学马克思主义观的本体—本质维度、功能—价值维度、实践—技术维度等三个维度进行的。最后,在结束语中主要是简略地总结一下关于本论文写作过程中的几点基本认识及未来进行深入研究的初步想法。

【Abstract】 The issue of Marxism outlook is a fundamental one related to precise understanding and scientific treatment of Marxism. The theoretical standpoint and practical orientation of Marxism depends on Marxism outlook. In this sense, only adhering to precise and scientific Marxism outlook can get precise understanding and scientific treatment of Marxism, can follow true Marxism and follow Marxism really, can improve and develop Marxism and can utilize Marxism as guidance in practice.The issue of Marxism outlook is also a very important theoretical issue in the process of Marxism Sinicization. The extent of self-consciousness about Marxism outlook decides the extent of Marxism Sinicization. Without scientific Marxism outlook, the process of Marxism Sinicization will only be a spontaneous one; with scientific Marxism outlook, the process of Marxism Sinicization can be a conscientious one. In this sense, the study of Marxism outlook in the context of Sinicized Marxism decides and indicates the general condition of Marxism Sinicization. Research in this field is under development but needs deepening. This dissertation is to make some contribution to this research.This dissertation includes seven parts.The first chapter explores the research conditions of Marxism outlook domestically, providing the contents of Marxism outlook, analyzing the basic forms of Marxism outlook and discussing the essentially importance of scientific Marxism outlook and its essence.The second part discusses the possibility and necessity of Marxism Sinicization from the perspective of scientific Marxism outlook, emphasizing scientific Marxism outlook is the premise and basis of getting a clear understanding of the possibility and necessity of Marxism Sinicization.The third part examines the relations between scientific Marxism outlook and scientific cognizance of the Sinicization of Marxism. This chapter deals with Chinese modern social changes in the context of world history, the context of national circumstances and the context of structure of Chinese modernization.The fourth part summarizes briefly the process of scientific Marxism outlook in the process of the Sinicization of Marxism and its basic contents, in order to quest the regularity of it from historical perspective.The fifth part analyzes basic historical lessons learned from the process of Sinicization of Marxism on Marxism outlook from the perspectives of how to criticize and correct of dogmatism and empiricism, how to stick to scientific Marxism outlook and how to use scientific Marxism outlook to develop ideological and political education.The sixth part interprets theoretical structure of scientific Marxism outlook in the context of Sinicization of Marxism from noumenal-essential dimension, functional-value dimension and practical–technical dimension.The conclusion part summarizes the special and general values of the scientific Marxism outlook in the context of Sinicized Marxism for the Sinicization of Marxism, for the modernization of China and for the trend of world history.
