

Translation of Buddhist Scriptures in Tibetan Buddhism History

【作者】 扎西卓玛

【导师】 洲塔;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 藏传佛教的佛经翻译历时千年,规模宏大,对藏族社会产生了巨大而深远的影响:一、推动了藏文字的三次改革,丰富了藏语词汇。二、随着佛教经典的藏译,印度、尼泊尔和中原、于阗等国家和地区的科学技术、医药、工艺、.天文、历法、文学、艺术等优秀文化也随之传入西藏,藏民族的文明、行为、科技、经济等各方面比以前有了很大的进步,促进了西藏文化的发展。三、藏文《大藏经》与国内汉文、蒙文、满文、西夏文《大藏经》相互校勘、互译互补,促进了兄弟民族的文化交流和祖国文化的发展。对此重要历程的研究,具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。首先是对宗教学研究的意义。佛经是佛教教义的承载者,通过对西藏社会各个历史阶段出现的重要译师及所译佛经等方面的综合性考察,从中可以探寻出佛教在西藏的发展演变轨迹。其次,通过对佛经翻译史的考察还可以带动其他相关研究,如藏语史和文化交流史的研究等。再者,通过对各个时期佛经翻译译论的考察,可以为今天的翻译工作者提供有益的借鉴。本论文在对前人研究成果借鉴、参考的基础上,以历史唯物主义的观点和宗教学、文献学等学科的方法,并利用大量的第一手藏文资料,紧紧围绕佛经翻译这条主线,对佛教传入藏地之后各时期的佛经翻译概况及主要译师情况进行了考察,并以专论的形式对五部大论的译传过程、其他重要典籍的翻译情况进行了介绍,文章内容除绪论外共分六章:介绍佛教传入前西藏社会历史与宗教信仰状况;考察藏传佛教前弘期的佛经翻译,内容包括吐蕃王朝早期吞米桑布扎为主的佛经翻译、中期九大译师为主的佛经翻译和晚期三大目录的编订、吐蕃高僧桂·法成的佛经翻译活动;考察藏传佛教后弘期的佛经翻译,内容包括分裂割据时期四大译师为主的佛经翻译活动,以及萨迦、帕竹、甘丹颇章等三个政权时期在佛经的翻译、结集和对勘等方面所取得的成就;考察藏传佛教显宗五部大论的译传情况,内容包括在藏传佛教体系中占有重要地位的释量论、中观论、现观庄严论、俱舍论和律宗论等五部经典的藏译与师承情况;考察佛经翻译过程中其他重要典籍的翻译情况,内容包括文学、医学、天文历算等著作的藏译;结语部分总结了佛经翻译为推动藏族文化发展方面所具有的重要意义。

【Abstract】 Translation of Buddhist scriptures in Tibetan Buddhism lasted thousands of years, large-scale, on all aspects of Tibetan society has a huge and far-reaching impact:First, to promote the Tibetan translation of Buddhist scriptures produced to promote the reform of the Tibetan text of the three enriched Tibetan vocabulary. Second, with the translation of Buddhist scriptures, India, Nepal and the Central Plains, Khotan and other countries and regions science and technology, medicine, technology, astronomy, calendars, literature, art and other fine culture also will be introduced into Tibet, Tibetan civilization, Behavioral, technological, economic and other areas have made great progress than ever before, promoting the development of Tibetan culture. Third, the Tibetan "Tripitaka" with the domestic Chinese, Mongolian, Manchu, Tangut "Tripitaka"mutual collation, translation complement and promote the fraternal peoples of the cultural exchange and cultural development of the motherland. Study this important process has important academic value and practical significance. The first is the significance of religious studies. Buddhist teachings of Buddhism bearers, through the various historical stages of Tibet’s important translation and the translation of Buddhist teachers and other aspects of a comprehensive study, from which you can explore the Evolution of Buddhism in Tibet.Secondly, the history of Buddhist scripture translation can also promote other research, such as the history of Tibetan history and cultural studies.Furthermore, through the translation of Buddhist scriptures translated each period of the study, today’s translators can provide useful lessons.This paper draw on previous research, based on the reference to historical materialism and religion, philology disciplinary approach, and use a lot of first hand information on the Tibetan language, Buddhist Text Translation that closely around the main root, outside the research is divided into six chapters except Introduction, The first chapter of social history in Tibetan Buddhism and religious beliefs. Chapter II study of Tibetan Buddhism on the translation of Buddhist scriptures before Philip. Including the Tubo Dynasty dominated the early endocytic Maysan Bouza translation of Buddhist scriptures, medium-nine teacher-based translation of Buddhist scriptures translated and compiled late three directories, Tibetan monks into the Buddhist Tube·Law Translation. Chapter III study of Tibetan Buddhism after the Hong translation of the Buddhist, including four during the split period translation of Buddhist scriptures translated division based activities, and Sakya, Pazhu, Phodrang Gan during the three regimes in the translation of Buddhist scriptures And Collecting and other aspects of the exploration achievements.Chapter IV examines exoteric Buddhist Translation and five great mass of the situation. Included in the Tibetan Buddhist system plays an important role in the interpretation of the amount of, in view of theory, is a solemn view of theory, such kosa and Lvzong of the Tibetan translation of five and studied under classical conditions.Chapter V examines other important Buddhist texts translation translation situation. Including literature, medicine, astronomy, calendar and other works of the Tibetan translation. Chapter VI Conclusion section summarizes the translation of Buddhist scriptures to promote the development of Tibetan culture has significance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期