

Research on Patriotism Education of Tibetan Schools

【作者】 王启祥

【导师】 王德清;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 领导教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 爱国主义教育是学校思想政治教育的重要内容,在学校教育中弘扬爱国主义精神,进行爱国主义教育,是社会主义核心价值观的主要传播渠道,也是国家意识形态安全的重要保证。近年来,由于国际反华势力的肆虐,西藏地区的安定团结局面不断遭受来自各方面的挑战,藏区人民的日常生活、正常的民族文化宗教活动乃至人民群众的生命安全都受到了一定的影响和威胁。为此,国家在持续发展藏区经济的同时还必须注重维护西藏地区的政治稳定与意识形态安全;藏区学校的爱国主义教育也理应受到广泛的关注和研究。爱国主义教育不仅是我国教育理论与实践的重要组成部分,更是国家建构藏区核心价值体系的根本举措。加强藏区爱国主义教育改革既是建立、丰富和完善中国特色社会主义教育理论体系的迫切需要,更是构建社会主义和谐社会、促进各民族共同发展繁荣的现实追求。基于上述缘由,本研究试图从爱国主义的理论基础以及藏区学校爱国主义教育的现实出发,首先探寻爱国主义的真实内涵、理论基础和历史渊源,继而分析当前我国爱国主义教育的价值诉求,通过阐述爱国主义教育的时代意蕴、核心价值与现代彰显,来洞察爱国主义教育的政治、文化根基,追寻藏区学校爱国主义教育背后的历史合理性;其次,通过探索藏区民族政治与文化的历史轨迹,探究藏区学校爱国主义教育背后的历史逻辑,寻找藏区学校爱国主义教育个性鲜明的政治文化原因;其三,分析当前我国藏区学校爱国主义教育的现状,从国际与国内、政治与文化、民族与民主等多个角度分析藏区学校爱国主义教育面临的挑战以及内部存在的问题;最后,从价值上架构新时代背景下藏区学校教育爱国主义精神之弘扬的理念、内容及程序,提出藏区学校爱国主义教育的创新思路及构想。在具体研究过程中,本研究包括以下几个部分:首先,分析爱国主义这一概念的内涵和外延,从多重理论视角解读爱国主义的历史沿革、政治蕴意及文化特质。着重分析爱国主义与民族主义的复杂关系,区分感性的爱国主义与理性的爱国主义、狭隘的民族主义与普世的世界主义。由此引出社会主义和谐社会理论下藏区学校爱国主义教育的应有之义。其次,主要采用民族社会学与民族文化学等方面的理论,分析藏区学校爱国主义教育特殊性的政治、文化根基,并在此基础上分析在藏区学校爱国主义的历史背景与社会基础,描述藏区学校教育的历史沿革及其未来发展;并以此为凭借着重研究爱国主义教育在藏区学校教育中的社会功用和价值指向。第三,马克思主义的教育原理认为教育发展与外部的政治、经济等因素相互制约和影响,而且教育甚至往往还处于从属地位。在一定社会经济基础上形成的一定政治组织、政治关系、政治法律以及政治意识形态等共同构成了一定社会的政治制度。一定社会的政治制度同时又与一定的经济制度一并构成了特定社会的根本制度,而社会的政治制度和经济制度正是影响教育发展的根本因素。与此同时,文化传统也深刻影响这教育的实效性。因此,藏区学校爱国主义教育的实施和发展必然受到藏区经济、政治与文化发展的影响,反过来说,藏区经济、政治和文化存在的问题也正是藏区学校爱国主义教育所面临的挑战。本研究在了解藏区学校教育发展的基础上,通过对藏区民族教育的传统与现实的对比,深入分析新中国成立后藏区学校教育的改善与提高:同时通过问卷调查以及现场访谈等多种方式深入了解爱国主义教育在藏区学校中的目的、内容、形式与实效,通过调查结果分析藏区学校爱国主义教育的现状与面临的问题。最后,综合新的时代背景,分别从民族政治与民族文化的视角探析藏区学校爱国主义教育的合理性与实效性;在此基础上分析藏区学校爱国主义教育的大方向与落脚点。本研究认为,鉴于藏族人民的历史文化传统和藏区社会的特征,在此施行学校爱国主义教育不能是纯粹的意识形态教育,也不是文化沙文主义,更不是政治灌输;它应当是结合经济生活、文化传统与政治制度等多维知识的一种素质教育。它使人们的主观情感与客观认识相统一,在情感体验的基础上进行理想反思,从而真正理解个体与集体和国家的关系,建立自己的历史文化身份与社会政治身份,明确自身的公民权利与公民义务,在对文化意义上的民族国家产生深深的感情依恋的基础上获得对政治、经济意义上的民族国家的高度认同,最终自觉捍卫国家利益、维护国家尊严。基于上述理论安排,面对现实存在的种种问题与挑战,藏区学校爱国主义教育应当在指导思想、教育内容和教育途径等多个方面进行创造革新,构建富有时代特色和现实效用的爱国主义教育体系。

【Abstract】 Patriotism education is an important content of ideological and political education in schools. Highlighting patriotism in school education and carrying on patriotism education are significant ways of disseminating socialist core values and simultaneously, they are the guarantees that help to assure the safety of state ideology. Recently, the stability and solidarity of Tibet area are constantly suffering from challenges in all directions due to the persecution of international anti-China forces, which has exerted a detrimental influence on people’s everyday life, the normal religious activities there and it has even posed a threat to Tibetans’ life safety. Under the circumstances, aside from consistently promoting economical development in Tibet, our government should, at the same time, lay emphasis on protecting and insuring political stability and ideology security of the Tibet area. Patriotism education in Tibetan schools is supposed to be paid comprehensive attention and given enough research. Generally speaking, patriotism education is an important part of theory and practice of education in our country, and it is also the essential measure of establishing core values in Tibet. Strengthening the reform of patriotism education in Tibet area is not only the pressing need of establishing, enriching and perfecting the educational theory system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, it is but also the practical pursuit of constructing harmonious socialist society and enhancing a common development and prosperity of all nations.Based on the above facts, this research firstly trys to quest the inner connotation, the theoretical basis and historical figures of patriotism, and then analyze current values of patriotism education in our country on the basis of patriotism’s theoretical foundation and the current state of patriotism education in Tibet. And it also aims to penetrate the political foundation and cultural basis of patriotism education in our country, and at once look into historical reasonableness of patriotism education in Tibetan schools by elaborating on the new era meaning, the core values and contemporary characteristics of patriotism education. Secondly, the thesis intends to seek the historical logic about patriotism education of Tibetan schools and search the unique and obvious cultural and political reason by exploring Tibet’s history of culture and politic. Thirdly, by analyzing the current situation of patriotism education in Tibetan schools, it attempts to analyze the challenges with which patriotism education is confronted and the existing problems from different angles, including political, cultural, national and democratic. Finally, it trys to construct the ideas, the contents and procedures that patriotism education of Tibetan schools is upholding under the new der zeitshintergrund, and it also puts forward the innovative ideas and concepts of patriotism education in Tibetan schools. Specifically, this research comprises the following several parts:First, the research analyzes the connotation and extension of patriotism and interprets its history, political meaning and cultural characteristics from various theoretical perspectives. And it emphasizes the complicate relationship between patriotism and nationalism, clearly analyzes perceptual patriotism and rational patriotism, narrow nationalism and universal cosmopolitism. It also analyzes the internal meanings and values of patriotism education in Tibetan schools in virtue of the theoretical background of liberalism and liberal nationalism.Second, on the analysis of political and cultural background of patriotism education’s uniqueness in Tibetan schools, the thesis analyzes the historical background and social foundation of patriotism of the Tibet area, describes the history and future development of Tibetan school education by mostly adopting the theories of national sociology, national culture and so forth. And on the above basis, this thesis analyzes the social role that patriotism education plays in Tibetan schools and its value orientation.Third, On the basis of understanding the educational development of Tibet schools,By comparing with the tradition and reality of Tibet national education.Analyzing the improvement and enhancement of Tibet national education deeply after the founding of New China, at the same time,understanding the purpose/content/form and efficacy of patriotism education in Tibet schools deeply by means of survey and field interview. Analyze the Current situation and facing problems of patriotism education in Tibet area through the survey results.Marxist educational principles considers that the development of education as well as external politics/economic factors are interrelated and mutual checks, moreover,education plays a secondary role.The political organization/political connections/political law and political ideology formed on the social economic base constitute certain political system.The certain social’s political system as well as economic system form the basic system of the particular society. And it is the basic factor that affecting the development of education.Meanwhile,the cultural tradition also have a profound impact on the effectiveness of education.The development and implementation of patriotism education in Tibet schools will be inevitably influenced by the economical, political and cultural progress there. Conversely, the problem of latter is just the challenge of the former.At last,integrating with new age background, explore the reasonableness and effectiveness of Tibet patriotism education from national political and national culture perspectives.Thus Analysing the general direction and outcome of patriotism education in Tibet。Finally, Studies show that due to historical and cultural tradition of Tibetan people as well as Social features of Tibet region,performing patriotism education here is not pure ideological education or culture Salon socialist,still not political instillation,it should be quality education that combine economic life/cultural tradition and political system. That integrating people’s subjective emotion and objective understanding,reconsidering on the basis of emotional experience,thus understand the relations between the individuals and the society and the collectives truly,establish their historical culture and social politic identities,know about their civil rights and civil duties. Acquiring widely recognition of Nation-state in political and economical meaning that on the basis of having deep felling toward Nation-state in cultural meaning,safeguard the national interest and dignity consciously at last.On account of the theory arrangement above,facing many existing problems and challenge, patriotism education in Tibet schools should innovate and create in guiding ideology/education content/educational approach and so on,so as to building the patriotism education system full of times features and actual efficacy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】G41
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1022