

Study on Distribution and Change of Medicinal Material Origin in Wu-Ling Mountain Region during Historical Period (618-1840)

【作者】 胡安徽

【导师】 卢华语;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 历史地理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 自古以来,药材就是人类防治疾病的重要物质,对人类的健康和生存发展具有重要的作用和价值。同时,药材在中国古代经济社会生活中有着不可忽视的重要地位。药材的开发及生产不仅在宏观上影响社会发展脉络,而且也在微观上对地方社会经济产生相当的影响,直到今天,对这种影响我们也不能低估。关注药材资源、探究药材产地分布变迁的过程、揭示药材产地分布变迁的原因是历史地理学研究的重要内容之一。武陵山区既是药材资源丰富的区域,又是多民族聚居区,同时又是国家扶贫和重点开发之区域。对武陵山区药材产地分布变迁进行研究,不仅具有重要的学术价值,而且具有很强的现实意义。对历史时期(618~1840)武陵山区药材资源及其产地的考察,除主要依据《新唐书》、《宋史》、《唐六典》、《通典》、《文献通考》、《元和郡县图志》、《太平寰宇记》、《元丰九域志》、《大明一统志》、《大清一统志》等所载有关资料外,还特别注意运用本草典籍中的材料,尤其是《新修本草》、《干金翼方》、《本草图经》、《证类本草》、《本草蒙筌》、《本草乘雅半偈》、《本草纲目》、《医学六要》、《本草纲目拾遗》、《植物名实图考》等著作中的相关资料。综合运用历史学、历史地理学、本草学、中药资源学、‘自然资源学、区域经济学、产业经济学、地质矿产学和动物学等学科的知识、方法和理论,定性研究和定量研究相结合,同时注重田野考察,以深化对唐至清代武陵山区药材产地分布变迁的认识。在进行学术史回顾的基础上,从药材产地分布变迁的背景、药材产地分布变迁的特点、趋势、主要影响因素、分布变迁规律,以及影响药材产地分布变迁诸因素的特点和历史时期药材产地分布变迁对当代药材产业的影响等多方位切入,建构起对历史时期武陵山区药材产地分布变迁研究的框架。尽管不同时期武陵山区地方行政区划的建置格局有所不同,但却反映了随着经济的发展和时代的进步,不同历史时期武陵山区行政区划日益完善的过程;武陵山区多样的地形、地势、地貌、地质和气候类型,以及植被总体保存较好,为本区药材的孕育、生长、生存提供了得天独厚的自然条件;唐宋、元明清时期和现代武陵山区药材资源数量分别为295、393、2172种,说明本区从古至今即是一个药材资源丰富的区域。植物药材的产地分布变迁特点主要有2个:一是产地范围扩大,二是多数药材产地具有相对稳定性;矿物药材的产地分布变迁特点主要是产地多有扩大和向武陵山区以外的周边地区扩展;动物药材以鄂西南地区为多,形成了以鄂西南地区最为集中、其他区域比较零散的分布格局,产地多有萎缩、具有明显的分布不平衡性的突出特点。药材产地遍布武陵山区各个地域,既分散又集中,其中鄂西南地区药材分布最多,具有高度集中性,尤其是植物、动物药材集中分布于该区;其次湘西地区是矿物药材集中分布之区;再次是黔东北地区,虽有药材分布,但数量相对较少,渝东南地区的药材分布最少,故产地分布呈现出自鄂西南向黔东北、自湘西向渝东南递减的地理分布格局。就药材资源总体变迁特点而论,主要有两个表现,其一是植物、矿物药材产地多有扩展,动物药材产地减少;其二是产地中心多有变化。药材资源数量的变化和药材分布的政区数量的变化是药材产地分布变化的重要表现。统计唐、宋、明、清4代武陵山区药材资源总量,分别为231、295、350和393种,资源数量不断增多,反映了本区药材产地总体上具有不断扩大的趋势;不同区域和不同类型的药材资源在不同历史时期的变化各不相同,鄂、湘、渝、黔4区植物和矿物药材均呈上升态势,动物药材资源先增加再略有减少然后继续上升。药材分布的政区总量从唐至清代有所增加,其中唐到宋代增幅最大,明到清代增幅最小,其增幅逐渐降低;植物和矿物药材分布的政区数量增多,动物药材则略有减少;单种药材分布的政区数量及其变化幅度大小不一。唐至清代武陵山区药材资源总量及其增幅变化趋势与药材分布的政区总量及其增幅变化趋势一致,从不同角度反映了本区药材产地分布不断扩大的趋势。在影响药材产地分布变迁的各种因素中,资源导向最为根本,地区经济开发、技术因素、交通和商贸、医药风俗和战乱的影响,以及人类对药用动物的捕杀和药用动物自身的生理、生态特点等,均是重要因素。在这些因素的共同作用下,形成了唐至清代武陵山区药材产地的空间分布格局及特点。唐至清代武陵山区药材产地分布变迁具有由点到面扩展、由边缘向腹地推进、专门化和多样化并存等规律;影响武陵山区药材产地分布变迁的诸因素具有综合性与差异性同在的特点;当代武陵山区的药材产业布局即是历史时期本区药材产地分布格局的承传与延伸,历史时期武陵山区药材产地的分布变迁奠定了当代本区药材产业的基础。

【Abstract】 Medicinal material has been an important material to prevent and treat human diseases since the ancient times. It has a great effect on human’s health, survival and development. Meanwhile, medicinal material occupies a significant position in ancient China’s economic and social life. The exploitation and production of medicinal material not only affects the context of social development macroscopicly, but also microscopicly impacts on the local economy. And it can not be underestimated even today. Concerning about the medicinal resources, exploring the process and reasons of changing in the distribution of medicinal material origin are important contents of historical geography study. Wu-Ling Mountain region is rich in medicinal resources. It is the multi-ethnic neighborhoods as well as the key area of national poverty alleviation. Study on distribution and change of medicinal material origin in Wu-Ling Mountain region has both academic and practical value.To study the medicinal resources and its origin in Wu-Ling Mountain region during historical period (618~1840), we must refer to some basic literature datas, such as New Book of Tang, The Hhistory of Song Dynasty, Tang Liu Dian, Tong Dian, Wen Xian Tong Kao, Yuan He Jun Xian Tu Zhi, Tai Ping Huan Yu Ji, Yuan Feng Jiu Yu Zhi, Da Ming Yi Tong Zhi, and Da Qing Yi Tong Zhi. Moreover, some materials in herbal works should be used, especially materials in Newly-revised Materia Medica, Qian Jin Yi Fang, Ben Cao Tu Jing, Zheng Lei Ben Cao, Ben Cao Meng Quan, Ben Cao Cheng Ya Ban Ji, Compendium of Materia Medica, Yi Xue Liu Yao, Ben Cao Gang Mu Shi Yi, and Zhi Wu Ming Shi Tu Kao.It is necessary to comprehensively use the methods and theories of different subjects—History, Historical Geography, Materia Medica, Chinese Medicinal Materials Resource, Natural Resource, Regional Economics, Industrial Economics, Geological Mineral and Zoology—when studying the distribution and change of producing area. By qualitativly and quantitativly study, as well as field research, we can deepen the understanding of distribution and change of producing area in Wu-Ling Mountain from Tang to Qing Dynasty.On the basis of reviewing the academic history, we can learn the background, feature, trend, causes and regularity of distribution and change of medicinal material origin. At the same time, we can know the influence that it has on contemporary medicine industry. In that case, we can build the framework of distribution and change of medicinal material origin in Wu-Ling Mountain region during historical period.Although the organizational system in Wu-Ling Mountain region’s administrative division is different among different period, it reflects process of improvement with the economy development. Wu-Ling Mountain region has various terrain, topography, geomorphology, geology and climate types, and vegetation is preserved well, which provides a unique natural condition for medicinal material to grow and survive. The number of resources in Tang and Song Dynasties, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties and modern times are 295,393 and 2172. It shows that Wu-Ling Mountain region is herb resource-rich area from the ancient time to today.Change in plant herb origin has two features. Firstly, medicinal material origin enlarges; Secondly, most places of origin have relative stability. Change in mineral medicinal material origin is that it expands to surrounding areas. Southwest Hubei is rich in animal medicine. It forms a distribution pattern which centralizes in southwest Hubei and scatters in other areas. The animal medicine origin is characterized by its recession and significant imbalance.Medicinal material origin spreads all over the Wu-Ling Mountain region, dispersed and concentrated. Herbs are highly concentrated in southwest Hubei, especially plant herbs and animal medicine. Western Hunan is rich in mineral medicinal material. While herb number in northeastern Guizhou is relatively small, and southeast Chongqing is the least. Therefore, the geographical distribution pattern of herb is descending from southwest Hubei to northeast Guizhou, and descending from western Hunan to southeast Chongqing. The feature of entire change of herb resources is two. One is most plant and mineral medicinal materials origin expands, but animal medicine decreases; another is the center of origin changes a lot.The change of herb resources number and the change of administration region number are the important manifestations of changes of medicinal material origin. The total number of herb resources in Wu-Ling Mountain region in Tang, Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties are 231,295,350and 393. The increasing numbers reflect the expanding trend of herb origin. Different areas and types of herb resources differ from different historical period. Plant and mineral medicinal materials increase, however, animal medicine resource first increase and then decrease slightly and then continue to rise. The total number of administrative regions increases from Tang to Qing Dynasties. The largest increase appears during Tang and Song Dynasties, while the least increase appears during Ming and Qing Dynasties. The number of administrative regions of plant and mineral medicinal materials improved a lot, but animal medicine decreased slightly. The numbers of single specie herb origin are distinctive. The total number and growth trend of herb resource in Wu-Ling Mountain region are identical with the total number and growth trend of administrative regions. They reflect the expending trend of herb origin.In all factors that affect the distribution and change of herb origin, resource-oriented factor is fundamental. Regional economic development, technical factors, transportation and commerce, customs, medical impact of the war, human’s killing of animals for medicinal and medicinal animal’s physical as well as ecological characteristics, etc., are all important factors. Under the functions, it forms the spatial distribution pattern and characteristics of herb origin in Wu-Ling Mountain from Tang to Qing Dynasties.The features of distribution and change of herb origin in Wu-Ling Mountain region from Tang to Qing Dynasties are extending from the point to plane, from the edge to the interior, and has characteristic of coexistence of specialization and diversification. The factors have feature of comprehensive and differences. The pattern of herb industry nowadays is the inheritance and extension of historical period. The distribution and change of medicinal material origin in Wu-Ling Mountain region during historical period lay the foundation for current herb industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】K29;F326.12
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】599
  • 攻读期成果