

A Research on Hui’s Marital Values in China

【作者】 白蓉

【导师】 张进辅;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 构建社会主义和谐社会是当今中国社会的时代主题,民族关系的和谐是构建和谐社会的重要基石。促进各民族间的文化、价值观的交流与对话,是实现和谐民族关系的有力举措。回族是中华民族大家庭中的一员,在漫长的发展进程中形成了独特的文化、价值观。其中回族的婚姻价值观,不仅关系到个人自身发展与家庭幸福,而且还关系到回族社会稳定、发展等关键性问题。国内有关回族婚姻价值观的研究较为匮乏,研究内容零散,未能形成系统观点,从心理学视角针对回族婚姻价值的研究更为少见。因此,有必要对现时期回族群众的婚姻价值观等相关问题展开系统、广泛而深入的研究,为促进与提升民族关系提供理论依据。在总结了已有相关研究存在的不足后,本研究以回族群众为研究对象,从回族群众的实际生活出发,遵循多层面、多角度、多学科的研究思路,对回族婚姻价值观的结构、特点及相关影响因素、影响效应进行了系统的研究,以便实现研究成果的社会效应转化。整个研究分为以下四个部分。第一部分对回族婚姻价值观的结构进行探讨,编制了回族婚姻价值观问卷,以此为基础对回族群众的婚姻价值观现状特征进行全面调查。第二部分立足于回族群众的生活实际,结合回族社会变迁的突出特征——回族社会关系的变化,对回族婚姻价值观的影响因素进行了探讨,并修订、编制了相关问卷。第三部分探讨了回族婚姻价值观对婚姻满意度的影响,并综合探讨了宗教信仰程度、回族社会关系、婚姻价值观、婚姻满意度之间的关系及相互影响机制。第四部分对回族内隐婚姻价值观进行了实验研究,旨在进一步、全面了解回族婚姻价值观。本研究的主要结论有:(1)根据Rokeach价值观理论编制了回族婚姻价值观问卷,包括婚姻目标和婚姻方式两个分问卷,婚姻目标分问卷包括宗教目标、婚姻功能、婚姻重要性、家庭社会取向四个因素,婚姻方式分问卷包括夫妻关系、宗教规范、择偶标准、婚姻坚持四个因素。编制的回族婚姻价值观问卷具有可接受的心理测量学指标。(2)总体上,回族群众重视婚姻,此外,回族群众的婚姻价值观在性别、年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、职业、居住环境、居住类型上存在一定的差异。(3)回族群众总体上呈现出一种中、高程度的宗教性;回族宗教信仰程度对其婚姻价值观具有一定的预测力。修订的圣克拉拉宗教信仰程度问卷具有可接受的心理测量学指标。(4)回族社会关系对回族婚姻价值观具有一定的预测力。编制的回族社会关系问卷具有可接受的心理测量学指标。(5)总体上回族群众的婚姻满意度较高。回族婚姻价值观对其婚姻满意度具有一定的预测力。(6)不同宗教信仰程度、社会关系的回族群众在婚姻价值观上呈现出不同的特点。(7)宗教信仰程度、社会关系、婚姻价值观对婚姻满意度的作用机制获得模型的支持。其中,宗教信仰程度通过对婚姻价值观的影响,并间接地对婚姻满意度产生积极的影响作用;社会关系通过对婚姻价值观的影响,并间接地对婚姻满意度产生积极的影响作用,并且宗教信仰程度与社会关系的中介效应显著。(8)回族个体的内隐婚姻价值观的评价倾向是积极的。回族的外显婚姻价值观和内隐婚姻价值观是不同的两个心理结构。回族宗教信仰程度对其外显、内隐婚姻价值观有一定影响。回族社会关系对其外显婚姻价值观有一定影响,但与内隐婚姻价值观的影响不显著。从整体上看,本研究在以下儿个方面有所创新和拓展:(1)在研究的视角上,基于社会学、心理学、民族学、宗教学等多元化与综合性视角对回族婚姻价值观等相关问题展开深入的探讨。(2)在研究对象上,以我国18岁及以上的回族群众为研究对象,将已有婚姻价值观研究的对象范围进行了扩展。(3)在研究方法上,首次使用心理学的方法对回族婚姻价值观等相关问题进行研究。在研究思路上,尝试将质的研究与量的研究相结合,主要使用了实验法、访谈法、文献法、问卷调查法等方法,对研究问题进行了系统而深入地探讨,促进了回族婚姻价值观的研究。(4)在研究内容上,主要对回族婚姻价值观的结构、特点、影响冈素、影响效应以及内隐婚姻价值观的特点等问题进行了比较全面和系统的考察。(5)在研究的取向上,从回族群众的实际生活出发,立足于回族社会变迁的突出特征,以解决民族现实问题为目标,对回族婚姻价值观展开系统研究,使研究结果对实践具有一定的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Constructing the Harmonious Socialism Society is the theme of the times in today’s Chinese society, while the harmonious ethnic relations are the basic of construction of the Harmonious Socialism Society. To promote communication and dialogue of culture and values among ethnic is an effective measure to achieve a harmonious ethnic relations. Hui is one of the members of big family of China. During the long time development, Hui has the unique culture and values. Hui’s marital values are not only related to personal development and family happiness, but also related to Hui social stability and development and other key issues. The researches of Hui’s marital values are seldom conducted, unable to form a systematic point of view, and the study of this issue from a psychological perspective is quite rare. About the Hui’s marital values researches are rare from psychology perspective. Therefore, the current study of values of Hui marriage and other related issues in-depth is particularly important and urgent.In view of the defects in existed researches, the present research was taken Hui minority in China as the subject, according to the reality of Hui people’s living, following the multi-perspective, multi-levels and multidisciplinary idea, conducting a systematic study on the structure, characteristics, and influence factors of Hui people’s marital values, in order to implement the transformation of research outcomes into social benefit.The whole study was composed of four parts. The first part contained that the structure of Hui’s marital values was explored and developed the Hui’s Marital Values Questionnaire, using the Hui’s Marital Values Questionnaire to investigate the status and characteristics of Hui people’s marital values. The second part was based on the reality of Hui people’s living, the influence and effects factors of the Hui’s marital values were explored according to the prominent features of Hui social change—the changes of social relationship, and the relevant questionnaires were developed and revised. In the third part the strength of religious faith, Hui’s social relationship, marital values and marriage satisfaction were integrated to explore the relationship and the effect mechanism. In the fourth part the experiment of Hui’s implicit marital values was carried in order to study the Hui’s marital values further and comprehensively.Summing up all the researches mentioned above, the main conclusions are as follows:(1) The Hui’s Marital Values Questionnaire was developed based on Rokeach’s value theory. The questionnaire is composed of marital goal sub-questionnaire and marital ways sub-questionnaire. The marital goal sub-questionnaire is composed of religious goal, marital function, marital importance and family & social orientation. The marital ways sub-questionnaire was composed of marital relationship, religious standard, standard of mate selection and lasting marriage. The self developed Hui’s Marital Values Questionnaire possess good index of psychometrics.(2)In general, Hui people valued marriage; furthermore, variables of gender, age, education, marital status, occupation, living surrounding and living types are also concerned demo graphically.(3)On the whole, Hui people have moderate or high religion; the strength of religious faith of Hui people could predict Hui’s marital values to some extent. The revised Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire possess good index of psychometrics(4)Hui’s social relationship could predict Hui’s marital values to some extent. Hui’s Social Relationship Questionnaire possess good index of psychometrics.(5)In general the Hui people marital satisfaction level is higher. The Hui’s marital values could predict Hui’s marriage satisfaction partly.(6)Hui people who had the different strength of religious faith and social relationship would have different marital values.(7)The effect mechanism of strength of religious faith, social relationship, marital values and marriage satisfaction processed the model support. The strength of religious faith effect on the marital values directly and effect on the marriage satisfaction indirectly; social relationship effect on the marriage satisfaction indirectly by effecting on the marital values directly. Also the mediating effect of strength of religious faith and social relationship are significant.(8)Hui individual’s implicit marital values tended to be positive. The implicit structure of marital values differed from the explicit one. Hui’s strength of religious faith could effect on the implicit and explicit marital values. Hui social relationship could effect on the explicit marital values, but riot implicit marital values.To sum up, this paper makes some creations and development as following:(1)In the study of perspective, from a multicultural perspective, based on the diversified and comprehensive perspective of sociology, psychology, religion and ethnology, we explored and discussed the issues deeply.(2) In the research subjects, the Hui minority persons aged 18 and older in China were the subjects, which extends the range of the subjects of the researches on marital values.(3)In the research methods, we first used the psychological method to study the Hui’s marital values and relevant issues. We also tried to integrate the quantitative and qualitative research methods, used the experimental method, interview method, and literature, questionnaire r methods to study the issue systematically and deeply and promoted the research of Hui’s marital values.(4)In the content of the research, the study focus on the structure, characteristics and influence factors, effects and the characteristics of Hui’s implicit marital values, takes a comprehensive and systemic research on the issues of Hui’s marital values.(5)In the research orientation, taking the Hui’s actualities of life into account, on the basis of the characteristics of Hui’s social changes, we purpose to solve the actuality need of minority and take a systemic investigation on Hui’s marital values; therefore, maked the research outcomes guided the practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期
  • 【分类号】C955
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】2425