

The Curriculum Standards of Physical Education (And Health) in the Eyes of Post-industrial Society

【作者】 吕慧

【导师】 李金龙;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 人类社会的演变是一个连续不断、持续发展的过程。人类社会的发展历程,从前工业社会,经过工业社会,向后工业社会迈进。后工业社会作为社会演进的更高级、更发达和更美好的新阶段,是各国努力追求实现的目标。纵观以往的各个社会时期,从来没有一个时代像现在这样,社会的各个方面发生着如此迅速的变化,相应的社会发展对教育的要求也发生了变化。我国基础教育60年的发展历程中,对学校体育课程改革进行过八次,可以说每一次体育课程改革都折射出了不同社会发展阶段的教育理念、社会价值、课程理念,代表了人们对教育发展的要求。以社会发展需求为动力机制,对我国学校体育课程改革的研究是本论文的根本出发点;以后工业社会为背景,对中小学现行《体育(与健康)课程标准》(以下简称《新课标》)的分析与探讨是本论文的落脚点。整体上来看,论文分为五个部分。具体内容如下:第一部分为导论。介绍了论文的选题缘由、目的和意义;交代了研究的认识论基础和研究思路;介绍了研究方法、研究假设以及研究的创新之处。课程社会化研究既是当前课程理论研究领域的发展趋势,也是社会转型期我国学校体育课程改革的迫切需要。本研究对我国学校体育课程改革研究的创新之处在于:首先,在研究视角方面,选取以后工业社会为背景;其次,以《新课标》为研究的切入点;第三,在分析讨论的基础上,进一步提出了有针对性的改革策略;最后,在研究方法上通过调查,加入了课程研究专家的意见。第二部分为体育课程改革与社会发展之间的关系辨析。通过我国建国以来学校体育课程改革的历史回顾与当时社会背景的分析,首先阐明了社会发展需求与体育课程改革的关系;其次为后续研究奠定了体育课程改革的本土发展特征和基础。研究结果表明:(1)社会发展需求制约着体育课程改革的价值取向。建国以后,随着社会各个方面从恢复到发展的半个多世纪中,体育课程改革的价值取向表现为由“社会本位”到“个人本位”的转变;(2)社会发展需求推动体育课程理念的转变,这主要表现在随着社会发展,体育课程的“工具主义”倾向一直都存在、体育课程内容的设置逐渐突出学生的主体地位、体育课程实施由以学科为中心向以学生为中心转变、社会价值观的转变使体育课程评价逐渐趋于完善。第三部分和第四部分是以后工业社会为背景,对现行《新课标》的审视研究。第三部分是在后工业社会视野中讨论《新课标》所体现出来的新一轮体育课程改革的价值取向的偏离。其研究内容包括:(1)关于后工业社会的分析讨论,涉及后工业社会由“社会结构”的转变而引起的社会变迁特征;以及在后工业社会,学生群落在时空概念、生活方式和思维转变三个方面的变化特征;另外,后工业社会教育的发展特征为开放性、双向性、创新性、终身化和个性化。(2)《新课标》所突出的“学生主体”地位,表明新一轮体育课程改革的价值取向偏向了“个人本位”主义。事实上在后工业社会背景下,“社会本位”与“个人本位”并不是“对立”的,而应该是“统一”的。(3)进一步分析价值取向偏离的原因,主要在于过去我国学校体育课程过于强调“社会本位”和“学科本位”。(4)面对后工业社会中社会竞争的加剧,生活方式的改变对人类健康的威胁以及学科发展的需要,体育课程改革的应然选择应该在于三个中心论的融合。第四部分是关于《新课标》在借鉴后工业社会的后现代课程理念时,所出现的偏差及其原因的分析。内容包括:(1)后现代主义与后工业社会的断裂注定了后现代课程理论不能适应后工业社会发展的需求;后现代课程理论有其自身发展的局限性,在指导现代课程改革的过程中还需要进一步认清社会发展的需要。(2)《新课标》中“超越工具性、超越主体性”的后现代课程理念,使《新课标》在话语层面和实践层面对学生的丢失,表现出对学生学龄段特征的忽视;(3)《新课标》中“体验式学习、发现式学习”的后现代课程理念,表现出对课程教育意义的弱化;(4)《新课标》中在课程目标上的整体性、丰富性和多元化特征是片面夸大体育课程的整体效应的结果。第五部分是以社会为背景,对《新课标》的发展研究。即后工业社会视野中《新课标》的改革策略。在这一部分中主要分为两个方面的内容,首先是通过分析中国的后工业社会二元经济结构特征为《新课标》的转型期社会发展背景,并结合论文第二部分中有关我国中小学体育课程改革历史的分析,确定了《新课标》应是中国特色体育课程建设的深化阶段。其次是以后工业社会的发展需求为背景,进一步从课程的目标、内容、实施和评价四个方面提出《新课标》的改革策略,具体来说(1)提出包含“三类课程目标”的体育课程目标体系;(2)建议在体育课程内容改革中应遵循“八条内容选择原则”和“三组内容组织原则”;(3)提出体育课程实施策略要注重学习环境的设计,重视学生的主体性,以及与课程设计的相互协调与适应;(4)通过分析体育课程评价的价值取向和应遵循的原则,在体育课程评价内容和评价标准方面提出应以发展性评价、多元性评价和互动式评价为主的评价理念和方式。第六部分是论文的最后一个部分,即研究的结论与展望部分。研究结论主要涉及五个方面:(1)明确了我国学校体育课程改革与社会发展需求之间的关系;(2)新一轮体育课程改革的价值取向与社会发展需求的偏离;(3)《新课标》中体育课程理念的偏差;(4)《新课标》是中国特色学校体育课程建设的深化阶段。(5)我国后工业社会背景下《新课标》的改革策略。理性地审视、辩证地看待我国中小学体育课程改革,是体育课程研究者不可推卸的责任。它不仅是新一轮体育课程改革的需要,更对建设有中国特色体育课程具有借鉴与启发意义。对《新课标》的理性审视和建设性思考,需要以现实为依据,而从社会发展需求为视角的分析讨论不失为一个新的思路。

【Abstract】 The evolution of human society is a continual, sustainable developmental process. The development of human society started from pre-industrial society, passed through industrial society, and moved forward to post-industrial society. The post-industrial society, which is the more advanced and better phase of the evolution of human society, is the objective of every country pursues. To take a sweeping view of the past social phrases, there has never been a time like now when every asP.E.ct of society is changing so fast that new requirements on education are proposed by the corresponding social phase. In China’s past 60 years’ development of basic education, eight reforms on school physical education’s curriculum reflect different education concept, social value, curriculum rationale, which stand for the requirement of the development of education proposed by the P.E.ople. The requirements of social development is the motivation. The research on our country’s school sports curriculum reform is essential starting point of this paP.E.r; The post-industrial society is the background. The analyse and discussion of the Curriculum Standards of Physical Education and (Health) (short for the New Curriculum Standards) the end result of this paP.E.r.The paP.E.r is divided into five parts. SP.E.cific content as follows:In the first part, Introduction.It introduces the reasons, purpose and significance, describes the research base of epistemology and the train of thought about the research and the research methods, research hypothesis, and the novelty of the research. Course socialization research is not only the current curriculum theory research, but also the urgent need in the development trend of social transition in our country school sports curriculum reform. This innovation in the research of our country school sports curriculum reform includes:first, choose the post-industrial society as the research angle; second, made the New Curriculum Standards as a starting point; third, through the analysis and the discussion, corresponding reform strategies are proposed; finally, through investigation in the research method, the curriculum research exP.E.rts’ opinions are added.In the second part, is the differentiate and analyses between P.E. curriculum reform and the social development. Through the review of the history of curriculum reforms of school physical education in China since the founding and the analysis of the social background, made the relationship between requirements of social development and P.E. curriculum reform clear and laid the foundation for follow-up researches. Research results indicate that:(1) the requirements of social development restricts the value orientation of the sports curriculum reform. Since the establishment of China, along with the restoration of social asP.E.cts, more than half a century passed, the value orientation of the sports curriculum reform change from "social standard" to the "P.E.rsonal standard"; (2) the requirements of social development promoting transformation of P.E. curriculum rationale, which mainly displays in along with the social development, the sports course "pragmatism" tend to agree there is, P.E. curriculum Settings gradually outstanding students’ subject status, sports curriculum implementation with disciplines as the center by to student centered change, social values change enabled sports curriculum evaluation tends gradually improve.The third part and the fourth part is with the post-industrial society as the background, studying the current the New Curriculum Standards. The third part discussed the deviation from the value orientation of the new round curriculum reform in the vision of the post-industrial society. The research content includes:(1) on the analysis of the post-industrial society, involving the post-industrial society discussed by "social structure" change and cause social change characteristic; The industrial society, students and the community in space-time concept, lifestyle and thinking shift change characteristics of the three asP.E.cts; In addition, post-industrial society development features of education for oP.E.nness, biphasic, innovative, lifelong and P.E.rsonalization. (2) "curriculum" outstanding "the student main body" position, the new physical education curriculum reform that value orientation bias "P.E.rsonal standard" socialist. In fact in the post-industrial society, "social standard" and "P.E.rsonal standard" and not "opposites", but should be "unity". (3) further analyzing the reasons, value orientation deviation mainly lies in the past our country school sports curriculum put too much emphasis on "social standard" and "discipline standard", so in the new round of P.E. curriculum reform has put too much emphasis on "P.E.rsonal standard". (4) face in the post-industrial society social comP.E.tition intensifies, the change of lifestyle of the threat to human health and the development of the discipline of need, physical education curriculum reform should choose the deserved the fusion is three anthropocentrism. The fourth part is about the deviation and reason analysis by using the postmodern curriculum concept. The contents include:(1) the postmodernism and post-industrial society fracture doomed postmodern curriculum theory is can not adapt to the development needs of the post-industrial society; Postmodern curriculum theory has its own development in guiding the limitations of modern curriculum reform, the process also need further recognize social development needs. (2) "curriculum" in "beyond the instrumental, beyond subjectivity" postmodern curriculum concept, make the curriculum "in discourse level and the practical level to student’s lost, show for school-age students to ignore the segment feature; (3) "curriculum" in "exP.E.riential learning, found in the learning" postmodern curriculum, show the weakening of educational courses. (4) "in the course of the new standard on target of the entirety, richness and diversity feature is a one-sided exaggerated the overall effect of the sports course results.The fifth part is the last chapter of the body.It is about the developmental research of the New Curriculum Standards through the angle of society. The reform strategy in the vision of the post-industrial society. It includes two asP.E.cts of content:first is through the analysis of the industrial society in China after the dual economic structure characteristics is the transition of the new standard of social development background, so the curriculum "should be P.E. curriculum construction with Chinese characteristics of deeP.E.ning stage. Second is the development of industrial society after demand for background, further from the aim of the course, content, implementation and evaluation of the four asP.E.cts of proposed curriculum reform strategy, sP.E.cifically (1) proposed "three layer structure" of the sports curriculum goal system; (2) in P.E. curriculum reform suggestion should follow "eight content choice principle" and "three groups content organization principle"; (3) put forward sports curriculum implementation strategies should pay attention to the learning environment and design, takes student’s indeP.E.ndency, and of the curriculum design of coordination and adaptive; (4) through the analysis sports value orientation of curriculum evaluation and principles in physical education curriculum, evaluation content and evaluation standard proposed reform strategy.The sixth part is the last part of paP.E.r. It is the research conclusion and the prosP.E.rity. Research conclusion mainly involves five asP.E.cts:(1) made the relationship between our country school sports curriculum reform and the social development needs clear; (2) the new physical education curriculum reform with the requirements of social development value orientation deviation; (3) the deviation of the P.E. curriculum rational; (4) the new curriculum stands is Chinese characteristics of school physical education curriculum construction deeP.E.ning stage. (5) the curriculum reform strategy under the background of the post-industrial society.It is an unshakable responsibility for the sports curriculum researchers carefully examine and view of P.E. curriculum reform in China. It is not only the need of new sports curriculum reform, but provides the reference and enlightenment to construction of the Chinese characteristic sports curriculum. The curriculum of the "rational examination and constructive thinking needs reality as the basis, and from the P.E.rsP.E.ctive of social development needs is a new idea of analyse and discussion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期