

On the Institutional Economics Analysis about China’s Young Tennis Player Cultivation

【作者】 季跃龙

【导师】 李建英;

【作者基本信息】 山西大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 青少年阶段的训练效果如何,决定着网球运动员未来的竞技水平,网球运动员的培养是一个系统工程。我国青少年网球运动员的培养状况如何?怎样才能促进我国青少年网球运动员竞技水平的迅速提高和全面发展,成了我们迫切需要研究的问题。通过对青少年网球培养方面的研究归纳后发现:(1)在实证方面,缺乏全面系统的青少年网球运动员培养的调研。(2)现有的研究不能摆脱理论支撑不足的限制,对问题的认识缺乏深度和预见性。(3)对于如何优化不同培养模式的效率等问题有待于进一步的研究。(4)现有的研究对青少年网球运动员培养体制的研究较少,存在一系列有待进一步研究的问题。(5)对赛制和学训矛盾有了一定的研究,但如何完善现行赛制,如何降低办赛的成本和参赛的门槛,需要哪些制度上的支持等问题有待于深入研究。包括学训矛盾在内的诸多影响青少年网球运动员参训的问题如何有效解决需要一个综合解决方案。本研究以制度经济学作为分析工具,将我国青少年网球运动员的培养活动看作是一项生产活动,对培养的体制、模式等宏观及微观问题进行研究。试图探讨面向未来发展的培养体制、利益共享以及运行高效的培养模式,为我国网球运动的管理提供决策,并为其它相关运动项目的青少年运动员培养提供借鉴。结果表明:(1)通过研究国际网球的发展特点和规律,我们可以清楚看到优秀选手年轻化和低龄化是现代网球运动的一个特别明显的发展趋势。世界网坛涌现出了不少16-17岁的顶尖选手,更多的青少年选手跨入了世界水平行列,运动员有早期成熟的趋势。相比之下,我国现在18岁及以下优秀的运动员还没有在国内达到领先水平,更不用谈在世界网坛的排名和影响力了。(2)自上世纪90年代网球运动管理中心改革以来,虽然已经取得了长足的进步,但是与西方网球发达国家相比,我国网球运动发展时期还较短,网球的群众基础较薄弱(截止2009年,专业网球运动员注册人数919人),我国的网球运动员培养整体上仍然是国家投入为主的计划模式。(3)通过调查数据发现:a.我们可以看到我国的青少年网球运动员能够树立科学的训练目的和良好的训练动机;b.教练员结构可以形象地说成是“两头大,中间小”。这样的教练员队伍容易出现老化的问题,年轻教练又不能及时成长起来,教练员队伍的继承性和稳定性差;c.我国青少年网球教练员的学历已专科学历为主,说明我国青少年网球教练员整体学历结构比较低。(4)制度经济学作为西方经济学的一个重要分支,在西方经济学中占有重要的地位,制度主义形成和发展已经有百年历史,如今的制度经济学已经形成一个流派众多,成份复杂的庞大理论体系。利用制度经济学的相关理论和方法对我国青少年网球运动员的培养问题进行分析具有特殊的研究意义。(5)举国体制,造就了我国竞技体育当前的国际地位。但我国竞技体育改革的总目标指明了竞技体育的产业化、社会化、国际化的基本方向,并且在网球领域,网球管理中心已经明确了当前竞技网球“双轨制”的发展体制,这些变化促使我国青少年网球运动员的培养模式也发生了积极的转变。(6)通过研究不同培养模式下的青少年运动员的产权,可以看出在我国社会主义市场经济条件下,承认网球运动员人力资本私有产权的存在,并创建与共有产权相结合的多元化产权制度,为各利益方参与运动员人力资本利润分配以及实现公平和效率奠定了基础。而这样的局面也是国家体育总局进行体育改革的初衷。(7)从制度经济学的角度来看,我国网球的职业化道路在今后相当长的一段时间内还是脱离不了举国体制,也不可能在短期内完全市场化,因此,引入交易成本分析模型对当前市场化培养模式和专业队培养模式分析来看,在这个中间区间(即青少年网球培养的混合模式)培养青少年运动员体制的交易成本最低,混合模式也是中国网球运动培养体制战略转型的一个必然结果。(8)我国网球学校是伴随着经济体制改革的步伐应运而生,办学理念,办学宗旨与国际相接轨,市场化程度较高、适应社会发展的需要、发展的前景比较广阔。

【Abstract】 Adolescent stage training effect determines how the tennis player’s future competitive level will be, tennis player’s training is a system project. What is the China’s young tennis player cultivation situation? How can promote China’s young tennis player competitive level to rapidly increase and all-round development, became an important problem that we need to research.Through about tennis training study we conclude that:1. lack of the empirical and comprehensive system research of teenagers tennis player cultivation; 2. the existing research cannot get rid of the insufficient limit of theoretical support, lack of depth and the foresight about the understanding of the problems; 3.the problem that how to optimize different training mode efficiency, need further research; 4.existing research on youth tennis training system study is less,there are a series of problems remaining to study; 5. To the contradictions between the format and learning has a certain amount of research, but how to perfect the current format, how to reduce the cost and entry threshold, what are the required system on issues such as the support. Including the contradictions between the format and learning,there are many situations affecting adolescent athlete, how solve the problem effectively they need a comprehensive solution.This study use institutional economics as analysis tool,the youth tennis player’s training as a manufacturing activity, the training system, mechanism, macro and micro pattern,etc were studied. Trying to probe into the cultivation and benefit sharing cultivation mechanism of future development and running efficient training mode for tennis sports management to provide decision-making, and for other related sports training for teenagers to provide reference.The results showed that: 1.According to China’s young tennis players inferred age and training time, our young tennis players from around 8 years old contact and begin to participate in tennis amateur tennis training.In abroad, mainly to take home an independent tennis player training mode, In children 4-5 years old, the child’s parents began to guide them to access and receive training in tennis. International tennis by studying the characteristics and laws of development, we can clearly see the best players of the younger and Diling in Modern tennis is a particularly significant development trends. The emergence of a number of world tennis’s top players 16-17 years of age, more young players into the ranks of world class athletes with early maturity trend. In contrast, in China 18 years of outstanding athletes have not reached the leading level in the country, let alone in the world tennis rankings and influence.So this is the gap, which has a certain relationship to our young tennis players tennis training time later the Enlightenment movement. Compared with the domestic, forein young sport athletes in the choice of the sports than us have more freedom.Foreign parents just give them proper guidance and advice to develop the children interests and hobbies.Eventually they will be engaged in the movement and future career independently.2.Overall, most of our young tennis players participating in the training motivation is positive, but the athletes in an interview, select "glory for the country" and participate in the training of athletes only 4.3%, indicating that the patriotism of our athletes mostly is a mere formality, not play a practical role.The main reason may be the sports management and the coaches to consider their personal interests at all focus on improving athletic performance of athletes and the athletes on the neglect of ideological education. Therefore, athletes motives importance of education has become a very important and urgent issue.3.Survey results show that lack of site is still an important element restricting the training of yang tennis players. The deep-seated reason is the National System of China’s athletes to achieve training mode, a single dependent on national investment regions, which can not lead society organizations and the private capital involved in order to achieve diversification of investment channels. Single investment model has hindered the training of young tennis players, and how to mobilize social forces to develop tennis is an important issue. At the same time, a relatively high level of economic development areas is good for the development of tennis training facilities and creates better conditions.So developing the local economy is still visible to develop young tennis players of important measures.4.There is no doubt that tennis is a noble sport, and tennis players need to spend a lot of training material and financial resources. High-risk, high return investment and a long time tennis player are important features of training.5.Western countries of the high level of economic development, have a high income and consumption levels, and could develop tennis players. So in Western countries, tennis is a family of investment culture. Tennis has a history of a century, which form a good mass base and a broad market demand, the high level of professional tennis, social groups. Young tennis player has become a significant investor in training. Compared with developed countries, due to our low economic development, level less income, the family is also very difficult for a tennis player’s training body. For a shorter period of development of tennis, poor tennis’s mass base and the low level of professional tennis, social forces is difficult to make significant investments in business and tennis training tennis players. Therefore, our tennis players into the national culture is still based planning model, which is the nationwide system.6.Foreign sports to thrive is a major cause of learning and culture to correctly handle the relationship between physical training, making the two promote each other, to achieve positive interaction, adhere to the Combination of the way.The school became the main basis of sports training and major sites, as a sports school sports and community-based sports. They have a sound operational mechanism of the cradle of a train the future, the current young tennis players in our training process, cultural studies But the contradiction between the exercise training is the most prominent problem, due to physical training started from a young age, in order to pursue short-term effects and results of training and too much of a cultural lesson to learn time and the neglect of cultural education.Cultural learning difficult to ensure that players of the time, can not be better educated. So sports training and education, lack of coordinated development of cultural knowledge, is a direct impact on raising the level of professional athlete. Employment athletes after retirement became a major issue.7.Constitute a source of young tennis players by China’s "National System" of three training mode, which many foreign countries, families and club players with very different training modes, the Western developed countries Training and Schools close integration of education and social investment, relying on schools and social forces to develop sports, sports talents make the school become the cradle of culture, mainly through the primary-secondary-university or industry groups and clubs to discover the best athletes, young people players through the spare time for training, never out of school, the school became the main source of the best young tennis players, so that they can accept the system at school to learn basic literacy class, improved the quality of young athletes and moral culture cultivation, from the long-term development, these are all levels of athletes improve athletic laid a good foundation. In China, young tennis players are from schools because of premature entry into the national sports school to train, causing them not to accept the system of cultural knowledge to learn, so is bound to affect their ability to understand new theories and long-term career development.8.Elite junior tennis coaches present age structure of the basic "two big middle small" trend, indicating that the age structure of juvenile tennis coaches is not very reasonable, so coaches prone to aging, young coach and can not grow up in time, so that coaches are the inheritance and stability of the poor. Qualifications of junior tennis coaches have specialist education level, indicating that the overall education of young tennis coaches structure is relatively low.9. System of economics as an important branch of Western economics, in the West played an important role in economics, institutionalism has been the formation and development of a hundred years of history, today’s system, many schools of economics has become a complicated composition of the vast theoretical system. The theory of institutional economics and methods of training young tennis players is good to analyze the issue of special significance.10.It is seen that the original is no longer conducive to China’s nationwide system of comprehensive and coordinated development of tennis, you must practice to cultivate new interest groups-social organizations, to break the original a "Sports center" pattern, the management unit must In practice, trial and error to gradually explore and establish coordination mechanisms sports interests, incentives and competition, through public policies and other forms of law to establish a dominant position in favor of social organization of the main institutional arrangements and property rights rules to get more benefits.11.From the perspective of institutional economics, tennis training system of the optimal value in the market system and the middle of the nationwide system, due to limitations of the specific national conditions, China’s road of professional tennis for a long period of time nationwide system can not be inside or out, can not fully market-oriented in the short term, therefore, at present, in the middle range of training young athletes the lowest transaction cost structure, "dual system" of tennis training system is a strategic transformation inevitable result.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山西大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期