
盆栽花卉缺素症及硫高效植物千日红(Gomphrena globosa L.)的营养生理研究

Study on Elements Deficiency of Common Potted Flowers and Nutritional Physiology of Sulphur Efficient Plant Species of Globe Amaranth (Gomphrena Globosa L.)

【作者】 王敏艳

【导师】 吴良欢;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业资源利用, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文对常见的盆栽花卉:金盏菊(Calendula officinalis),孔雀草(Tagetes patula),万寿菊(Tagetes erecta),蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis aphrodita Rchb. F.),大花蕙兰(Cymbidium hybrid),文心兰(Oncidium),‘名宝剑’(Vriesea’Tiffany’),‘丹尼斯’(Guzmania Dnise’),金边凤梨(Neoregelia carolinae var. variegata),‘粉菠萝’(Aechmea fasciata cv.),长春花(Catharanthus roseus)、鸡冠花(Celosia plumosa)、一串红(Salvia splendens)、一品红(Euphorbia pulcherrima)、火鹤花(Anthurium andraeanum)和千日红(Gomphrena globosa)进行了一系列元素缺乏试验,并在试验过程中发现千日红(Gomphrena globosa L.)在完全缺S的营养液中能够很好的生长并完成整个生命周期,推断其具有较高的从大气中吸收S的能力,对千日红的营养生理做了进一步研究,取得的研究结果如下:1.菊科花卉缺素症及植株养分含量变化金盏菊、万寿菊缺N,孔雀草缺K时症状最为明显;缺N对金盏菊、孔雀草、万寿菊的植株生物量影响最大;与全素(CK)相比,金盏菊和万寿菊缺K处理植株N浓度增加,3种花卉缺N、缺K处理均增加植株的P含量,但缺P处理降低植株K浓度,缺K处理增加含Ca量,缺Ca处理增加含K量和含Mg量,金盏菊缺Mg处理的含K量增加,3种花卉缺S处理植株S含量降幅不大,孔雀草和万寿菊缺N、P、K、Ca处理均可导致植株S含量增加。2.缺素栽培观赏凤梨的生长及植株养分含量变化缺S处理的金边凤梨和‘粉菠萝’植株N含量较对照有显著增加,缺N和缺K处理均能极显著刺激P在四种观赏凤梨植株体内的积累。缺Ca、缺Mg和缺S处理对‘名宝剑’、‘丹尼斯’和金边凤梨植株K含量的提高有促进作用。缺K处理利于Ca在植株体内的积累,‘丹尼斯’和‘粉菠萝’缺K处理的植株Ca含量较对照有显著的增加,但‘名宝剑’和金边凤梨缺K处理后植株Ca含量增加不显著。缺P处理利于Mg在‘名宝剑’、‘丹尼斯’和‘粉菠萝’植株体内的累积,缺N和缺K处理也利于P在‘丹尼斯’和‘粉菠萝’植株的积累,缺Ca利于Mg在‘粉菠萝’体内的积累。‘丹尼斯’缺N处理能促进S在其体内的积累。3.缺素栽培兰科花卉生长及植株养分含量变化蝴蝶兰植株试验前后增重最少的是缺N处理,其次是缺Ca、缺P、缺K处理,大花蕙兰、蝴蝶兰和文心兰缺N、缺K处理的植株均大幅增加了P含量,P浓度高达0.6%-1.2%,为一般植物P过量水平:大花蕙兰和文心兰在P、K、Ca缺失时会显著减少其植株的N含量,影响植株的生长,而蝴蝶兰在其他元素缺失时不会降低植株的N含量;N的不足影响了这三种兰科花卉对K的吸收,严重缺N植株可能存在K素失调的现象;蝴蝶兰和大花蕙兰的缺Ca,缺Mg处理植株K浓度均显著提高,但文心兰缺Mg处理的K含量不变,而蝴蝶兰在缺K和缺Mg处理的Ca浓度降低。4.缺素栽培对其他一些常见花卉生长的影响及植株养分含量变化对长春花,缺K处理显著抑制其地上部的生长,而缺P处理能显著增加根系生物量。缺素处理不同程度的降低了植株N、Ca, Mg和S含量;缺N和缺K处理能显著促进P在长春花体内的积累。对于鸡冠花,缺K株高的值最小,花序也最小;缺N地上部生物量最少,根系最短;缺N和缺K处理能显著促进P在鸡冠花体内的积累,缺K处理还能显著促进Mg在植株体内的积累。缺素处理鸡冠花植株Ca含量均下降。缺Ca处理植株K含量最高;缺P处理鸡冠花S含量最高。对于一串红,缺N处理对植株生物量影响最为显著。所有缺素处理均降低了一串红植株N浓度,缺N和缺K处理能显著促进P在一串红体内的积累,缺Mg促进了一串红K的吸收,缺N促进Mg的吸收,缺N和缺P促进S的吸收。缺N对一品红植株生物量的影响最为显著,缺P处理的植株根系最长,缺Ca处理的植株根系生物量最高。缺K促进了一品红N的吸收,缺P和缺Ca减少一品红的N浓度。N, K,Ca和S的缺失增加了一品红的含P量。缺N减少植株K浓度,缺Ca,缺Mg和缺S处理提高植株K浓度。缺K增加一品红S浓度。缺K处理对火鹤花生物量影响最为显著。缺K和缺Ca处理火鹤花植株N含量下降。缺N时P植株浓度上升。缺N处理植株K含量下降。Ca和Mg缺失促进K的吸收。缺P火鹤花和缺K处理的Ca浓度上升。缺N和缺S处理减少了植株Ca浓度。缺N致使火鹤花的Mg浓度降低,缺Ca促进Mg的吸收。缺S只降低了火鹤花的S浓度,对其他元素没有影响。千日红缺P处理的植株生物量最低。缺S处理的植株生物量最高,缺S栽培的千日红在所有处理中长势最佳,分枝和花量明显多于对照,缺S处理千日红植株的S含量也是最高,且千日红各个处理的S浓度普遍高于其它5种花卉。5.根系缺S对千日红生长以及各种元素含量的影响千日红在根系缺S栽培初期表现出缺素症状,而随着栽培时间的增加,缺素症状消失。到了末花期,缺S处理植株花、茎叶和根的干重都高于加S处理,这可能与持续缺S处理扩大了植株的根表面积,促进根吸收力有关。本试验表明千日红可以在正常的大气S浓度以及根系完全缺S的状况下正常生长开花,且缺S处理不会减少千日红的开花率。缺素栽培前期,缺S处理千日红体内的S浓度不到加S处理植株的30%,缺S处理植株P、K和Ca的浓度也低于加S处理。缺S处理植株体内的S浓度随着千日红的生长而增大,同时P、K、Ca和Mg的浓度也趋向接近加S处理,在微量元素上也有着类似的变化趋势。开花前可通过测定根系N/S值来诊断千日红是否缺S,而开花后的测定花N/S值来判断更有效。千日红能在根系完全无硫的情况下正常生长,并具有有较强吸收利用气态S的能力,可作为固定大气有害硫气体改善环境的园林植物,提高的大气S浓度有利于缺S千日红的生长。6.根系缺S对千日红生理特性的影响根系缺S栽培对千日红叶绿素a影响较为明显。缺S千日红的光合并没有较大的影响。缺S处理千日红叶片可溶性蛋白比加S植株显著增加128%,表明在这一时期缺S栽培的千日红代谢旺盛,生长迅速。根系缺S处理显著降低了千日红叶片的GS、GPT和NR的活性,根系缺S会降低千日红的氮素同化能力。缺S处理增强了千日红叶片的ATPS和OASS的活性。两个处理的千日红,无论是茎叶还是花中的半胱氨酸和蛋氨酸均含量稀少,推测千日红为需S量少的植物。缺S千日红茎叶的氨基酸有所增加,但不明显;花中氨基酸含量显著增加。缺S处理对千日红根的生长影响较大,根系形态和根系活力都显著劣于加S千日红。缺S栽培降低了于日红的抗逆性。7.不同供S方式的千日红生长状况及植株硫浓度变化0.2μL-1至0.8μL L-1浓度的SO2可较快的被千日红吸收利用,1.0μL-1浓度的SO2无法被千日红有效利用。千日红对酸雨有较强的适应能力。比较千日红的生长状况,叶色,叶片SPAD值以及干重株高,根系加S在本试验3种供S方式中最为理想,气态S次之。不同供S途径中,千日红的植株S浓度随着处理浓度增加都呈现先提高后降低的趋势。根系添加S对增加千日红体内S含量的效果最为明显,叶面喷施次之。

【Abstract】 This study was carried out in two parts. Firstly, some common potted flowers as Calendula officinalis, Tagetes patula, Tagetes erecta, Phalaenopsis aphrodita Rchb. F., Cymbidium hybrid, Oncidium, Catharanthus roseu,s Celosia plumose, Salvia splendens, Euphorbia pulcherrima, Anthurium andraeanum, Gomphrena globosa, were cultured in N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S deficient solution, separately. The nutrient deficiency symptoms, biomass and nutrient concentration of those plants were studied. And during this experiment, Gomphrena globosa was proved to be able to fulfill all of its growth stages without root sulfate or additional atmospheric S supply. The secondly experiment was conducted to investigate Gomphrena globosa growth and its primary nutrition conditions response to no root sulfate supply including growth status, biomass production, some elemental concentrations and its S metabolism physiology. The main results are summarized as follows:1. Common symptoms of element deficiency and concentration changes of nutrients in compositae plantsThe results showed that N deficiency of Calendula officinalis and Tagetes erecta were most visible, while the deficiency of Tagetes patula cultured under K deprived solution was most visible. Compared to CK, N concentration of Calendula officinalis and Tagetes erecta increased when cultured under K deprived solution. Of all the three plants, P concentration increased when plant grown without N or K, and K concentration decreased when P was deficient. K and Mg concentration increased when Ca was deficient. Ca concentration was increased when K was not supplied. K concentration of Calendula officinalis was enhanced when Mg was not supplied. S concentration of three plans was not decreased gradually without S being supplied, and S concentration of Tagetes patula and Tagetes erecta were enhanced when N, P, K and Ca were deficient.2. Effects of different element deficiencies on growth and elements concentration of four ornamental pineappleThe N concentration of Neoregelia carolinae var. variegata and Aechmea fasciata cv. was significantly enhanced without S supplied. The P of all the four ornamental pineapples increased when lack of N or K. Lack of S increased P content of Neoregelia carolinae var. variegata, as well. K concentration in Vriesea’Tiffany’, Guzmania Dnise’ and Neoregelia carolinae var. variegata raised on condition of limitation of Ca or Mg. Mg content in Vriesea’Tiffany’, Guzmania Dnise’, Aechmea fasciata cv. increased without P supplied. P accumulated when S was deprived in Neoregelia carolinae var. variegate.3. Effects of different element deficiencies on growth and elements concentration of Phalaenopsis aphrodita Rchb. F., Cymbidium hybrid and OncidiumThe mineral nutrition requirements of different species of orchids are different. In the actual culture, different orchids should be applied with the appropriate amount of each element and with appropriate extension of fertilization time to promote flower bud and improve the quality of flowers, thus to enhance the ornamental value. Application of proper N fertilizer on orchids might be benefit for flowering. A Flower number would be increased when certain concentration P fertilizer is applied.4. Effects of elements deficiency in cultivation on growth and plant nutrient contents of some other common flowersLack of K significantly inhibits the shoot growth of Catharanthus roseus, and lack of P treatment significantly increases root biomass. Shortage of N and K treatment significantly increases P accumulation in Catharanthus roseus.The shortest plant height and the minimum inflorescence of Celosia plumose will be appeared for lack of K. while, the minimum shoot biomass and the shortest root length for lack of N. Similarly to Catharanthus roseus, lack of N and K also significantly increases P content in Celosia plumose. And shortage of K also significantly increases Mg accumulation in Celosia plumose. The highest concentration of K can be obtained for lack of Ca, and the highest S concentration obtained for lack of P in Celosia plumose.To Salvia splendens, lack of N has the most significant effect on plant biomass reduction. Similarly to plant Catharanthus roseus and Celosia plumose, lack of N and K significantly increases P accumulation in Salvia splendens. While, shortage of Mg can increase K concentration in plant, and shortage of N increase Mg, and shortage of N and P increase S in plant.Lack of N has the most significant effect on plant biomass reduction of Euphorbia pulcherrima. Though has the longest root for lack of P, the highest root biomass of Euphorbia pulcherrima has been obtained for lack of Ca treatment. Lack of K treatment increases N concentration in plant Euphorbia pulcherrima, while, lack N treatment decreases K concentration in plant. P concentration in plant may be improved for shortage of N, K, Ca and S treatment. And K be increased by lack of Ca, Mg and S.Lack of K has the most significant effect on plant biomass reduction of Anthurium andraeanum. N concentration in plant will be decreased by lack of K and Ca treatment. Lack of N can let lower concentration of K and Mg, and higher concentration of P in plant Anthurium andraeanum. Shortage of P and K treatment can increase Ca concentration in plant, while Ca concentration decreased by lack of N and S treatment. And Mg concentration in plant can be improved by treatment of lack of Ca. Lack of S treatment will shorten S content in plant, and has no effect on other elements in Anthurium andraeanum.To Gomphrena globosa L., lack of P has the most significant effect on plant biomass reduction. However, the highest plant biomass may be obtained by lack of S treatment. The growth conditions of Gomphrena globosa L., as well as the branching and flowering, is the best in the treatment of S shortage compared to the other elements deficiency. Interestingly, the highest S concentration in Gomphrena globosa L. has been obtained with S shortage treatment compared to other elements deficiency treatment. And S concentration of different elements deficiency treatments in Gomphrena globosa L. is higher than in other common flowers.5. Effects of minus root sulfate supply on growth and the elements concentration of Globe amaranth under hydroponic conditionBy aquatic experiment we found that Globe amaranth(Gomphrena globosa L.) is one of these plants with especial high capacity to use atmospheric S. S concentration in flower, shoot and root of the plant without root sulfate supplied was increased with plant growth and development, symptoms of S deficiency disappeared and other elements concentrations in plant trended to nearly same with the plus sulfate treatment.6. Physiological Characteristics of Globe amaranth without root S supplyThe Chlorophyll a of Globe amaranth was dramatically decreased when root S was deprived in the plant, while botany photosynthesis was not affected. Lack of S significantly increased the soluble protein of plant by 128%, which might indicate that the plant had a higher metabolism during this period. Activity of Gs, GPT and NR was brought down in case of lack of S, while activity of ATPS and OASS was increased.Content of Cys and Met is rare in the Globe amaranth. When root S was deprived, content of amino acid in the shoot was increased a little and that in the flower was increased significantly.The root was severely affected when lack of S at that moment. Adverse resistance of the plant decreased in the minus S treatment.7. Growth and S concentration of Globe amaranth added with different type of SProvided with SO2 range from 0.2μL L-1 to 0.8μL L-1, biomass and S concentration of the Globe amaranth increased. SO2 was not benefit to Globe amaranth when the concentration went up to 1.0μL L-1. Globe amaranth was proved to be able to take acid rain as its S source. Root SO42-is the most effective way to improve growth of the plant, SO2 was pier to it. S concentration in the plant went up firstly, and then went down as well as the added S.

【关键词】 花卉缺素千日红生理
【Key words】 flowersnutrient deficiencyGlobe amaranthsulfurphysiological
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 06期