

Studies on the Polyphonic Techniques of Benjamin Britten

【作者】 孙志鸿

【导师】 于苏贤;

【作者基本信息】 中央音乐学院 , 复调, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本杰明·布里顿是二十世纪英国最重要的作曲家之一,是一位有着较高的作品上演率和拥有世界范围内的广泛听众,同时又被国内外学术界长期关注的坚持以调性原则进行创作的作曲家。布里顿在创作中广泛运用帕萨卡利亚和赋格等复调形式,并探索了建立在新的调式调性思维和节奏节拍思维基础之上的对位技术,鲜明地体现了他在复调技法上的创新特性。论文以布里顿的复调音乐作为研究对象,分为绪论、正文(上、下两篇)和结论三部分。绪论主要介绍布里顿的生平与创作,以及论文选题的缘起和论文的研究范围和研究方法。上篇分为两章,主要研究布里顿复调音乐中的个性化对位技术,阐述了布里顿对综合调式对位尤其是无调性和十二音序列对位技术的独特运用,并以节奏节拍对位来丰富复调织体的表现力的技术特征。下篇分为五章,主要研究帕萨卡利亚、固定低音、赋格、赋格段以及两种结构原则纵向结合的复调形式在布里顿创作中的运用,通过对其代表性复调形式的技术分析,总结布里顿复调形式的创作技术特征及其创新特性。结论部分从三个方面对布里顿的复调技法进行了总结:一是其独特的美学观念对复调技法的影响;二是布里顿复调技法的多元性技术构成,指出布里顿复调技法在传统基础上融合了二十世纪的复调技术以及民间音乐因素作为其技术构成特征;三是布里顿复调技法中的发展与创新特性,指出了布里顿复调技法在传统基础上的创新思维特性;四是布里顿复调技法的表现功能,指出布里顿复调技法所具有的戏剧性表现特点。最后提出布里顿复调思维及其技法在创作中的创新性运用对现实创作实践的影响或借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 As one of the most influential British composer in the 20th century, Benjamin Britten’s compositions have a high rate of performance and a large crowd of audience around the world. He is also a composer with the insistence on tonality, which has been paid long attention to both at home and abroad.Britten widely applied polyphonic techniques like Passacaglia and Fugue, and explored new counterpoint techniques based on new tonality and mode thinking on one hand and rhythm and beat thinking on the other hand, which shows his innovation on polyphonic techniques.Making Britten’s polyphonic compositions as main research object, the dissertation could be divided into three parts:introduction, main body (section I and section II) and conclusion. Origin and methodology of dissertation, and life and composing experience of Britten are introduced in the introduction. Part I consists of two chapters about counterpoint techniques in Britten’s compositions. The two chapters point out Britten’s unique application of comprehensive mode counterpoint technique especially atonality and twelve-tone serial, and technique with rhythm and beat counterpoint which is to enrich polyphonic expression. Five chapters are involved in partⅡwhich is about polyphonic composing techniques and innovation of Britten. Chapter three studies Passacaglia’s application and its innovation in Britten’s operas, suites and cycles, pointing out that two-theme Passacaglia is Britten’s innovation. Chapter four studies Ostinato polyphony techniques, their features and innovation in Britten’s operas and instrumental compositions, pointing out their fruitful dramatic expression. Chapter five studies fugue’s application and its features in various genres. Chapter seven studies complex polyphony techniques which are more innovative:polyphony form based on vertical combination of two polyphonic structures, and its nature of structure counterpoint and dramatic expression.The conclusion summarizes Britten’s polyphonic techniques from three facets. First, multiply constitution of Britten’s polyphony:his polyphonic techniques comprised polyphonic skills of the 20th century and traditional music. Second, the inheritance and innovation of Britten’s polyphonic techniques. Third, expressive function of Britten’s polyphonic techniques. The influence and practical benefits of the innovative application of Britten’s polyphonic thinking and techniques are also discussed at the end of the dissertation.

  • 【分类号】J614.2
  • 【被引频次】1
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