

Study on Human Resources Management Activities of the High-tech Enterprises Based on Knowledge

【作者】 周福战

【导师】 陈树文;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 企业管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着知识经济时代的到来,知识作为一种独特的资源在获取持续竞争优势和提高组织绩效中发挥着越来越重要的作用。知识对于高新技术企业的重要性尤其如此。高新技术企业作为一种社会组织形式,要想在激烈的竞争环境中生存和发展,就必须以不断创新知识为基础。但知识需要人来创造并发挥其价值,这就需要通过人力资源职能活动有效地使组织内的个人不断获取、分享和创新知识,从而使高新技术企业的核心竞争力得到增强。现有的理论研究和实践都已证明,人力资源管理活动对组织绩效有影响作用。但是是否通过以及如何通过知识这一中间过程来作用于绩效还没有系统、明确的论述。因此,本文从知识的角度出发,以人力资源管理活动和高新技术企业绩效关系为研究主线,以实证分析方法为主要手段,重点研究人力资源管理活动影响组织绩效的作用机制中,知识在其中起到何种作用。对高新技术企业制定合理的人力资源管理策略,开发、利用知识和提高绩效具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文研究了人力资源管理活动是如何通过影响知识,进而影响高新技术企业的组织绩效的。本文首先对人力资源管理相关理论的文献进行了研究,认为人力资源管理活动主要有四个:人力资源规划与招聘、培训与开发、绩效管理和薪酬管理。接着,通过对各个因素之间的关系研究,本文提出人力资源管理活动是通过知识来影响高新技术企业的组织绩效这一观点,并提出相应假设,选择了大连高新园区的企业作为对象进行了实证研究,通过实证数据的统计分析,对假设进行了筛选,形成了最终的人力资源管理活动通过知识对高新技术企业组织绩效产生作用的理论模型。最后,基于本文的研究成果,对人力资源管理职能进行了重新的审视和定位,从高新技术企业的角度出发,提出了基于知识的人力资源管理战略,实现了人力资源管理各项职能的新转变,并用一个案例加深对模型的理解。

【Abstract】 Along with the arrival of knowledge economy times, as a unique resource, knowledge plays a more important role in obtaining the constant competition advantages and enhancing the organizational performance. Knowledge is important for the Hi-tech enterprises especially. As some kind of social organization, the Hi-tech enterprises must be significantly relied on the constantly innovative knowledge if they want to survive and develop in the fierce competitive environment. But knowledge is created and played its value by human. Therefore, it needs to effectively enable individual in organizations to constantly acquire, share and innovate knowledge through human resources functional activities in order to enhance core competencies of the Hi-tech enterprises. The current researches and practices have proved that the activities of human resources management have influence on the organizational performance. However, the current researches are lack of the systematic or distinct discussion on whether and how via knowledge as intermediate to influence performance. Therefore, from the perspective of knowledge, this paper treats the relationship between the activities of human resources management and High-tech enterprises performance as the mainline of the research and empirical analysis as the main method to focus on what role knowledge plays in influence mechanism of the activities of human resources management on organizational performance, which will have important theoretical and realistic significance for the Hi-tech enterprises to develop reasonable human resources management policies, develop and use knowledge, and improve performance.This paper studied how the activities of human resources management influence knowledge, thereby influence High-tech enterprises organizational performance. Firstly, this paper studied the literature of the relative theories about human resources management, then regarded the activities of human resources management mainly includes human resources planning and recruitment, training and development, performance management and compensation management four aspects. Then depending on the relationship research among the different factors, this paper brought forward that the activities of human resources management impacted on the High-tech enterprises organizational performance through knowledge. It also forwarded the relative hypothesis and screened it with the aid of statistical analysis of empirical data from the enterprise in Dalian high-tech industrial zone, which eventually formed the theoretical model that the activities of human resources management impacted on the High-tech enterprises organizational performance through knowledge.Finally, based on the research fruits of this paper, the function of human resources management is reviewed and relocated. From the perspective of Hi-tech enterprises, this paper forwarded human resources management strategy based on knowledge, which achieved the new changes in the functions of human resources management, and used a case in order to understand the model deeply.

  • 【分类号】F276.44;F272.92
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2031
  • 攻读期成果