

The Study of Shaking Table Test on Out-of-plane Performance of Infill Masonry Wall

【作者】 程云

【导师】 刘明;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 结构工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 填充墙在平面内方向对框架结构的影响,国内外众多学者做了大量的试验研究,从多方位、多角度出发,对静力荷载和动力荷载、足尺和缩尺模型等方面进行了大量的试验研究,建立了相对完善的理论体系。然而,对于框架填充墙自身的平面外稳定性问题,研究成果甚少,没有提出合理的计算方法和具体的构造措施。框架结构中的填充墙作为非结构构件通常按构造设置,不考虑抗震计算,但从国内外历次地震灾害中框架结构的破坏形态来看,因填充墙等非结构构件的倒塌所造成的损失相当严重。《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)对建筑工程中非结构构件的要求虽然有了较大幅度的提高,如在13.3.1及13.3.3中规定了材料选择、结构布置原则,并提出“填充墙宜与柱脱开或柔性连接……”的要求,可以说从理论上保证了框架填充墙平面内和平面外的抗震性能,但因我国在这方面的研究甚少,多年来抗震规范中的该项要求始终没有具体实施的措施。规范中要求填充墙与框架梁紧密连接,但是如何实现紧密连接没有给出具体的构造措施,填充墙引起结构在平面内的抗侧刚度发生改变,降低自振周期等问题均未解决。因而,填充墙与框架梁、柱间如何设置合理的连接是急需解决的问题。本文通过1/3缩尺模型的模拟地震振动台试验、数值模拟试验分析和连接构造的理论研究,主要取得如下研究成果:(1)对1层、2层和4层砌块填充墙共计24片墙片进行了平面外模拟地震振动台试验,结果表明:与框架梁、柱脱开并用钢筋拉接的填充墙始终表现出良好的平面外抗震性能;与梁设置拉筋并用砂浆填缝或预留砂浆带的做法其平面外抗震性能次(?)顶部与梁采取斜砌顶紧方式连接的填充墙在大震作用下发了破坏;与梁和柱完全脱开的填充墙,其平面外抗震性能最差,不宜使用。(2)数值试验的计算和分析表明,钢筋拉接对填充墙体自由边界的影响作用明显;拉筋的直径和缝隙厚度的变化不会对墙体的基本频率产生根本性的影响。经钢筋拉接后的填充墙体具有较高的基本频率,一般随主体结构的振动而振动,不会引起加速度局部放大的二次振动问题。因此,对填充墙体建议采用脱开并用钢筋拉接的柔性连接方案。(3)当填充墙两侧和顶部钢筋拉接有效时,对填充墙体取上边固支、两侧自由的简化模型进行近似分析,结果表明,对钢筋拉接的填充墙体按上下端均固支的梁进行分析是可行的,可大大简化分析过程且满足工程精度要求。(4)基于框架填充墙抗震构造可选择采用填充墙与框架柱、梁不脱开方法或填充墙与框架柱、梁脱开方法的设计理念,对填充墙的地震作用计算、结构内力分析和承载力验算做了分析和研究,提出了基于全截面屈曲理论的拉筋承载力验算公式和填充墙地震作用计算方法,并对砌块填充墙的构造措施进行了探讨,提出了相应的构造要求。

【Abstract】 A large number of full scale and reduced scale specimens subjected to static or dynamic load are carried out to research the in-plane affects of infill wall to the frame structure by national and international researchers and a relatively complete theory system has been established. However, the out-of-plane stability of infill wall is considered rarely, furthermore, its calculation method and feasible measures have not been investigated. As a kind of nonstrucrural component, infill wall in frame is often constructed with construction requirements without considering any seismic calculation. The earthquake disasters show that the loss caused by the collapse of nonbearing components was too heavy. The regulations of Code for seismic design of building (GB50011-2001) is improved a lot, for example, the rule of material selection and structure layout are confined in 13.3.1 and 13.3.3. Also it proposes that flexible connection should be used between infill wall and column which can ensure the in-plane and out-of-plane seismic performance of infill wall in theory. However, the requirement doesn’t include the practice details for so many years and the study in this field is so little. In China, even though it is made clear that infill wall in frame should connect frame beam tightly in "Code for seismic design of building GB50011-2001", still there are not any practical measures concluded. The problem that infill wall can change the stiffness and reduce the national vibration periodof structure still is not resolved. Thus, the reasonable connection between infill wall and beam or column is an urgent problem.In this paper, the main results obtained are as follows through the shaking table test of 1:3 scale models, numerical analysis and the research of connection details.(1) The out-of-plane stability of infill wall in frame had been researched with the shaking table test of single-layer, two-layer and four-layer specimens to explore the seismic performance of infill walls under different conditions. The results show that the infill walls which connected with the frame by steel bars and keep a gap are better than others obviously, and the walls connected with the frame by steel bars but without gaps aren’t as well as the former ones. In addition, walls filled with inclined bricks on the top are destroyed under the large earthquake, and the disengaged ones have poor performance during the test.(2) Numerical calculation and analysis indicated that the steel bars between the infill wall and frame have obvious effect to the free boundary of the wall. The alternative of steel bars’diameter and the thickness of gaps between beam and wall haven’t essential impact to the wall’s fundamental frequency. The infill walls connected by steel bars with the frame have high fundamental frequency, which generally vibrating with the main structure and do not cause the secondary vibration. Therefore, the measures connected with the frame by steel bars and keep a gap are proposed.(3) When the steel bars between infill wall and beam are valid, the computational model of masonry infill wall can be simplifieed as built-in beam at both ends, which result can both simplify the calculation and satisfy to the precision of buildings.(4) Based on the design idea that there could remain gaps or without gaps between infill walls and the frame, the structural analysis of internal forces and bearing capacity of the infill walls are researched. Then bearing capacity calculation formula of the steel bars and the seismic calculation of infill walls are prorosed on the base of total cross section theory. Also, the practical measures are discussed and the corresponding construction requirements are suggested.
