

Research on the State of Evolution and Development of Technology Management Discipline in China

【作者】 宋刚

【导师】 王续琨;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪中期以来,随着科学技术在社会中的作用日趋重要,人们对科学技术本身的探究热情也愈益高涨,技术管理学科逐渐发展成为学科群落中的一门独立学科。技术管理学科是介于技术学与管理科学之间的边缘学科,具有明显的交叉科学属性。目前,学术界对于技术管理学科在中国的演进状态尚缺乏应有的研究。本文重点描述了技术管理学科及其主要分支领域在中国的演进发展状况。从技术管理学科内部、外部两个角度分析技术管理学科发展的态势,并针对存在的问题提出对策。首先,通过梳理国际和国内技术管理研究的发展状况,讨论技术管理学科发展的基础,运用文献计量和信息可视化方法,确认了技术管理研究在中国的基本主题,并认定了技术管理学科的四个主要分支领域。其次,借鉴协同学的相关理论,利用系统有序度模型和系统协同度模型,定量分析技术管理学科四个主要分支领域的有序程度和学科协同度,展示了技术管理学科在中国经历了从萌发态——稳发态——裂发态的三个阶段或三种状态,目前处于裂发态向下一个循环萌发态的过渡阶段;在特定的社会、经济背景下,这个过渡阶段可能需要较长的时间才能进入新的循环。再次,运用微分动力方程和李雅普诺夫判断定律,对技术管理学科与企业管理学科文献的历史数据进行回归分析,在同企业管理学科的比照中,判定出企业管理学科作为外生变量促进技术管理学科长期持续发展,两个学科目前处于共同发展的状态但这种状态尚不够稳定。最后,针对技术管理学科及其主要分支领域协同发展中存在的问题以及技术管理学科发展与企业管理学科共同发展但不稳定的现状,提出了推进技术管理学科有序发展的若干对策。,

【Abstract】 Since the mid-twentieth century, science and technology have been of vital importance to the society. Also, people have been keen to the research of science and technology. Technology management has been becoming a separate academic subject. As for the subject feature, it is an interdisciplinary subject between technology science and management science. So far, there has been a lack of studies on evolution state of technology management in China. This study focuses on both the descriptions and theoretical analysis of its evolution state and main branches. It analyzes developed trend of technology management discipline from internal to external range. And it puts forward countermeasures to deal with the existing problems.First of all, by analyzing the research on international and domestic of technology management, it discusses the necessity and realistic basis of its development. The study uses literature metrology and information visualization methods to confirm the research themes in China. And it recognizes four main branches of technology management.Secondly, by using the related theory and model of synergetics, it analyzes the ordered degree and synergetic degree of the four main branches. It tells three stages from germination, stable development and split development. The ordered degree and synergetic degree of the subject demonstrate that the technology management is at the transition stage from division to germination in China. The transition phase will need long time to move into the next stage. Thirdly, by differential equations and Lyapunov judgment, the study uses regression analysis to analyze literature data of technology management and enterprise management. After comparing the development of enterprise management, it evaluates that enterprise management promotes technology management in long-term sustainable development. And the two disciplines are in the state of common development. But the state is not stable.Finally, basing on the existing problems of coordinated development and the lagging situation, the study puts forward to the countermeasures which will promote the development of technology management quickly.
