

Study on Population Quality and Quantitative Cultivation of Mechanical Transplanting Rice

【作者】 于林惠

【导师】 凌启鸿; 丁艳锋;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本研究针对机插粳稻发展中主要存在的技术问题,开展了不同栽培方式比较试验、培育壮秧关键技术试验、基本苗定量试验、穗肥氮素比例试验、氮素基肥与分蘖肥比例试验等专题试验,并结合大面积机插粳稻调查和高产示范方调查等,分析了机插粳稻群体特性和高产限制因子,同时对机插粳稻高产定量栽培技术进行了系统研究。研究的主要结果如下:以常规粳稻5356为试验材料,设机直播、机抛、小苗机插、人工手栽四种种植方式比较试验,研究了不同种植方式对水稻产量、生育特性以及氮素吸收的影响,并通过生产成本调查研究,比较了几种种植方式间的经济差异。结果表明,机插方式产量显著高于其它几种种植方式,且有效穗数较高,群体结构合理,群体透光率较高,对氮素的吸收利用能力较强,此外机插较人工手栽明显节约了生产成本。结果表明,机插具有明显的省工节本、高产稳产优势,适应性广的特点。2008年选择江苏武进区邹区、漕桥和前黄各1个百亩连片超高产示范片,品种分别为武香粳9号和武运粳7号。2009年在如东进行了宁粳3号百亩连片超高产示范。另外试验选取四个点作实地调查,考测地点分别为高邮市(沿运地区)、淮安市宝应湖农场(沿淮地区)、兴化市(里下河地区)和大丰市方强农场(沿海地区),供试品种为苏中地区机插稻主栽品种淮稻7号、武育粳3号、镇稻9424和扬粳9538。调查分析目前江苏机插稻常规产量条件下机插稻产量限制因子。结果表明:颖花量大小是产量高低的主要影响因素,目前大面积机插稻穗数不足是影响机插稻产量提高的主要限制因子,稳定机插稻产量的基础是建立足穗的水稻群体。培育均衡性群体,促大穗、保证足够的颖花量是机插水稻进一步产量挖潜的主要方向。为明确影响机插育秧秧苗素质的因素,本文以镇稻6217为材料,研究分析了机插稻育秧中的播种量、秧田水分管理及施用旱秧壮秧剂对秧苗素质的影响。结果表明:播种量较低时,秧苗个体性状优势明显,但盘根性差,不利于起秧机插;播量过高时,秧苗素质弱,不利于机插后的返青活棵。水分运筹中,旱育较水育更有利于健壮秧的形成,同时有助于延长秧龄、增加秧龄弹性。施用旱秧壮秧剂在短期内可起到培肥的效果,但用量不宜超过1%。在前人关于水稻基本苗计算研究基础上,选择常规粳稻宁粳3号和杂交粳稻常优1号为材料,设置机插不同单穴苗数试验,对机插水稻基本苗计算的定量参数进行了获取研究,并将所得参数输入机插水稻设计栽培系统设计试验对其进行验证。结果表明,机插常规粳稻和杂交粳稻的分蘖缺位有所不同,机插常规粳稻分蘖缺位bn=1.5叶,机插杂交粳稻分蘖缺位bn=0.5叶;单穴移栽苗数对a值影响显著,其中常规粳稻3苗处理、杂交粳稻2苗处理产量表现较好,因此确定常规粳稻矫正系数a=1.5,杂交粳稻a=1.0;两种类型水稻的分蘖发生率r表现一致,均为0.8左右。将参数值输入机插水稻栽培设计系统比较高产方产量构成与群体质量指标对其进行验证,其平均值与设计值的偏差均在5%以内,验证了机插水稻基本苗计算参数的可靠性。以2008-2009年江苏武进区漕桥(品种为武香粳9号)和前黄(品种为武运粳7号)等2个百亩连片机插粳稻高产示范方为对象进行调查研究。探讨了机插粳稻养分吸收分配特征,并对高产精确定量施肥参数进行确定。结果表明,高产机插粳稻产量的80%左右来自抽穗后的光合产物;叶片的转运率较高,而茎鞘抽穗后呈表观输入;机插粳稻对氮的吸收量随着产量升高而增加,增加量主要来自抽穗后对氮的吸收量的显著提高:随着产量提高,抽穗至成熟期氮积累量和积累比例均上升,磷钾吸收量上升,而比例却有下降的趋势;机插粳稻叶片的氮素转运率较高,而茎鞘抽穗后呈表观输入,氮素的转运贡献率主要来自叶片;成熟期氮收获指数在0.510-0.610之间,磷收获指数在0.75左右,钾收获指数接近0.20;高产机插粳稻百公斤籽粒需氮量为2.0-2.1 kg/hm2,氮磷钾比例为2:0.9:1.4。2008年在江苏丹阳进行了机插粳稻氮素总量不变条件下,基蘖肥与穗肥比例、氮素基肥与蘖肥比例等2个试验,研究氮素运筹对机插粳稻氮素吸收与利用的影响。结果表明,在适宜施氮量下,适当提高穗肥比例,可以增加穗粒数和总颖花量而提高产量;提高穗肥比例有助于提高中后期的氮素积累,提高各个时期的氮素利用率;在适宜施氮和穗肥比例一定下,降低基肥和分蘖肥的比例可以提高有效穗和总颖花量而提高产量。提高分蘖肥的比例有助于提高中期的氮素积累,提高各个时期的氮素利用率。

【Abstract】 This study has focused on the major technical problems existing in the development of machine-transplanted. Different cultivation methods, key technology in cultivation strong seedling, the quantification of basic seeding, the ratio of panicle nitrogen fertilizer, the nitrogen ratio of base fertilizer and tillering fertilizer were carried out. According to the results of the investigation in a large area and high-yield mechanical transplanting rice demonstration, we analysis the population characteristics and yield limiting factor of mechanical transplanting rice at the same time, cultivation technology was studied carefully. The main results are showed as follows:One japonica variety,5356. was used as experimental materials. The effects of different cultivation methods (direct seedling, broadcasting rice seedlings, mechanical transplanting with plug seedlings, manual transplanting) on grain yield, growth characteristics and nutrient uptake of rice were investigated. Meanwhile, we research the production costs to compare the economic benefits between the four methods. The results show that the yields of machine-transplanted method was significantly higher than several other cultivation methods, with more effective spikes, higher population transmittance, a reasonable population structure, and higher nitrogen absorption ability. Moreover, compared with manual transplanting mechanical transplanting reduced the cost of production. In a word, the mechanical transplanting has a significant labor saving, more advantages to obtained high and stable yield and wide adaptability features.The factor which limit the rice yield of mechanical transplanting in Jiangsu province were investigation and analysis on 6.7ha demonstration fields at Zhouqu, Caoqiao, and Qianhuang. Wujin County, Jiangsu province in 2008, use Wuxiangjing 9 and Wuyunjing 7 as varieties, a 6.7ha demonstration fields at Rudong county, Jiangsu province in 2009, with Ningjing 3. Field survey was done at Gaoyou (along the transport area), Baoying hu Farm at Huai’an (along the Huai River region). Xinghua City (Lixiahe area). Dafeng City Farm (coastal areas).The rice varieties were Huaidao 7, Wuyujing 3, Zhendao 9424 and Yangjing 9538. The results showed that:the number of spikelet are the main factor to affect yield, panicle number is the main limiting factor during yield increasing of machine transplanting rice, the main goal of machine transplanting rice cultivation is make sure there are sufficient panicles. Cultivating proportionality population, promoting large panicle and ensure sufficient panicles is the main direction of further tapping the potential yield.In order to clarify the effects of mechanical transplanting on seedling quality of rice, Zhendao 6217 was used to study the effects of different sowing density, water administrate and HanYangZhuangYangJi on seedling quality. The results showed that as the sowing density was lower, seedling quality was superior, but the circuvoluting roots was too worse to curl up for mechanical transplanting. When the sowing density was higher, seedling quality got weak that made it difficult for seedling green recovery and revival. The suitable sowing density was around 739-924g/m2. Dryland-raised seedling was more benefit to grow vigorous seedling, and had more advantages to prolong the seedling age. The application of moderate amount that less than 1% of HanYangZhuangYangJi could take effect as same as fertilizing.On the basis of previous research, Ningjing 3(conventional japonica rice)and Changyou 1(hybrid japonica rice)were used to studied the quantitative parameters for calculate the number of basic seedling. Test the design parameters of the input mechanical transplanting rice cultivation system.The results showed that for mechanical transplanted conventional japonica rice, bn=1.5, for the hybrid japonica rice, bn=0.5, the number of transplanted seedlings per point significantly affect factor (a), of which 3 rice seedlings of conventional japonica performed better yield than 2 seedlings of hybrid japonica.The adjusting factor (a) for high-yield conventional japonica rice population should be taken as 1.5 for conventional japonica.while 1.0 for hybrid japonica. From seedling regreening to equal panicle to tiller stage, r was 80% or so.Insert the input parameter value will drive the design system is relatively high-yielding rice cultivation yield component parties and groups to validate the quality indicators, the deviation between average and design values were less than 5%. verified the mechanical transplanted rice planting density reliability of calculated parameters.From 2008 to 2009, a 6.7ha demonstration fields at Caoqiao(Wuxiangjing 9) and Qianhuang (Wuyunjing 7),Wujin County. Jiangsu province, were used to investigate the N uptake and utilization characteristics of mechanical transplanting rice, and determined high yield precise quantitative parameters. The results showed that approximately 80% of the high proportion of matter in grain yield was come from the photosynthesis after heading. Under high yield, leaves transfer rates increase, while the stem and sheath was apparent input after heading. Uptake of nitrogen of mechanical transplanting rice increased with the yield, mainly from the significantly increased uptake in the amount of nitrogen after heading. As production increased, from heading to maturity and the accumulation of N accumulation ratio were increased, P and K uptake increased, but there is a downward trend of P/K ratio. Mechanical transplanting rice leaves inserted higher rate of nitrogen translocation, while the stem and sheath was apparent input after heading, the main contribution of nitrogen transfer from the blade; mature nitrogen harvest index between 0.510 and 0.610, P harvest index was about 0.75, K harvest index was closed to 0.20; The nitrogen-requirement for 100 kg grain of mechanical transplanting rice was 2.0~2.1 kg/100kg, NPK ratio of 2:0.9:1.4.Two experiments at Danyang, Jiangsu province, in 2008, for a given amount of fertilizer, the proportion of base-tillering fertilizer to panicle fertilizer and the proportion of base fertilizer to tillering fertilizer were done to investigate effect of N fertilizer management on N element absorption and utilization. The results showed that for a given amount of fertilizer, appropriate improve the ratio of panicle fertilization could get the optimum spikelets and the number of grains per panicle, and it could improve the yield of rice. Increasing N rate at panicle differentiation could increase the nitrogen accumulation at late stage and improve nitrogen utilization all the growth stage; For a given amount and ratio of fertilizer, reduce the ratio of basal and tillering can increase the effective panicles and the number of grains per panicle, and it could improve the yield of rice.
