

A Study on Evaluation and Indemnification of the Implementation of Land Use Planning

【作者】 夏春云

【导师】 王万茂;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 规划的生命力在于实施,规划也只有通过实施才能体现其自身作用和价值的大小。规划实施的科学评价与合理保障是规划有效落实的关键。为保证土地利用规划目标、任务的科学实施,充分发挥土地利用规划在引导和调控土地资源配置中所起的作用,协调好土地利用活动中的各种利益关系,解决人口增长、经济建设与土地资源利用之间日益突出的矛盾,必须对规划实施过程进行科学评价,并在评价的基础上制定相应的规划实施保障机制。规划实施评价与规划实施保障是紧密相联的,规划实施评价是衡量规划实施效果的基础,而规划实施保障是提升规划实施效果的前提。本论文选择以土地利用规划实施评价与实施保障为题进行研究,共有六部分组成,即导论篇、基础研究支撑篇、规划实施评价篇、规划实施保障篇、案例篇、结论篇。首先,论文阐述了研究背景、研究意义、研究进展、研究内容、研究方法、研究技术路线和研究可能的创新与不足。其次,论文在研究文献综述的基础上,介绍国际上土地利用规划实施评价与实施保障的经验,归纳总结国际上土地利用规划实施评价与管理的类型,提出土地利用规划实施评价与保障经验的国际借鉴。论文分析了土地利用规划实施保障研究的理论支撑,即基于土地利用规划的实施评价与保障的人地协调理论、城乡统筹理论、公共管理理论、系统控制理论、生态学理论。然后,论文探讨了土地利用规划实施评价的思路与路径。分析土地利用规划实施评价的目的和任务以及土地利用规划实施评价的原则,提出土地利用规划实施评价的方法,明确土地利用规划实施评价的内容。在此基础上,建立了土地利用规划实施效果评价指标体系,系统地设计了土地利用规划实施评价指标体系的框架,并就规划实施管理的动态评价,土地整治项目的农用地质量、产能、生态评价和耕地占补平衡实施效果的评价进行了分析。其后,论文提出了土地利用规划实施保障战略导向,界定了规划实施保障内涵,就规划实施保障的目的和任务、战略和方法等进行了探讨。在此基础上,进行规划实施保障机制构建。首先构建了土地利用规划实施保障机制框架体系,然后就规划实施的法律保障机制、经济制约机制、行政管理机制、社会监督机制、技术支撑机制分别进行了详细研究。(1)规划实施的法律保障机制研究:应用文献研究,理论分析和实证分析相结合的方法,剖析了法制保障的作用、保障的层次,进行规划实施保障的法理分析,提出土地规划立法的导向,构建土地规划法律框架;(2)规划实施的经济制约机制研究:分析了经济保障机制的作用与方式,保障机制的成效与问题,从规划实施的权益调整机制、规划实施的权益维护机制、规划实施的经济激励机制等方面进行了探讨;(3)规划实施的行政管理机制研究:界定规划实施的行政管理机制内涵,对规划许可制度、规划公告制度、规划程序控制制度进行了探讨,并就其他行政保障制度,如土地开发利用年度计划、土地利用规划实施的业务能力建设和规划实施机构建设等进行了阐述;(4)规划实施的社会监督机制研究:主要从规划专家和专业机构辅助机制、规划实施资金监管机制、规划实施的第三方监理、规划实施的公众参与等方面进行了研究;(5)规划实施的技术支撑机制研究:就规划实施的技术规范和标准建立、土地利用规划实施监测评价预警系统构建、土地利用规划实施管理系统建设三部分内容进行了探讨。接着,论文是案例研究,以安徽省淮北市为例,对其土地利用现状进行了分析,对上一轮土地利用总体规划(1997—2010)实施进行了评价,对新一轮土地利用总体规划(2006—2020)实施机制的改进和完善进行了探讨。最后,是论文研究结论,对以上研究做了总结性结论,并提出了相应的政策建议。

【Abstract】 The life of land use planning lies in its implementation, while scientific and efficient indemnificatory mechanism is the key to putting the planning into effect. We should manage the process of implementation with high efficiency and work out related indemnificatory mechanism to ensure the scientific settlement of its goal and task, strengthen the function of land use planning in leading and adjusting land recourses allocation, coordinate diversified interest relations in the land use activity and soften the increasingly intensified conflicts among population explosion, economic construction and the use of land resources.This thesis carries out the study on indemnificatory mechanism of the implementation of land use planning, which consists of six parts, including the introduction of this research, fundamental research support, planning-implementation evaluation, formation of the indemnificatory mechanism, a case of the indemnificatory mechanism and the conclusion.The first part is the brief introduction of this research, namely Chapter 1. Chapter 1 includes the background, significance, process, contents, methods, techniques, potential innovation and disadvantages of the research.The second part is about the fundamental research support, which includes Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4. References are summarized on evaluation and indemnification of the implementation of land use planning in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 illustrates the international experience in the indemnificatory mechanism of the implementation of land use planning, summarizes the international types of indemnificatory mechanism of the implementation of land use planning and advances the learning form international experiences. Chapter 4 analyzes the theoretical support of the research, which comprises theory of harmony between human being and land, theory of coordination of urban and rural, theory of public administration, theory of systematic control and theory of ecology.The third part is about planning- implementation evaluation, which is made up of Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. Chapter 5 analizes intentions, missions, principles, methodologies, contents of the implementation of land use planning. Chapter 6 presents the index system of effect evaluation concerning the implementation of land use planning, systematically designs the form of the index system and makes detailed analyses of the dynamic evaluation of management, quality, quantity and ecological evaluation of agricultural land in the land renovation project and the evaluation of the implementation of farmland balance system.The fourth part is formation of the indemnificatory mechanism, which consists of Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12 and Chapter 13. Chapter 7 puts forward to the strategic orientation of indemnificatory mechanism of the implementation of land use planning, including the meaning of indemnificatory mechanism, the goal and task of indemnificatory mechanism and the strategy & methods of indemnificatory mechanism.. Chapter 8 mainly constructs the frame and system of the indemnificatory mechanism; the following chapters conduct researches on the legally indemnificatory mechanism, economically restrictive mechanism, public administration mechanism, social supervision mechanism and technical support mechanism respectively. (1) Chapter 9, namely legally indemnificatory mechanism:applying the literature research, theoretical analysis and empirical analysis to analyze the functions and levels of legal indemnificatory, raise the legislative orientation of land use planning and construct the legal framework of land use planning. (2) Chapter10, namely economically restrictive mechanism:analyzing the functions and patterns of economic indemnificatory mechanism and the effects and problems of indemnificatory mechanism; exploring the problems in the interest coordination mechanism, rights protection mechanism and economic motivation mechanism of the implementation of land use planning. (3) Chapter 11, namely public administration mechanism: putting forward to the definition of public administration mechanism; exploring the planning permission system, planning publication system and planning process control system; elaborating other related public administration mechanism, such as the annual land use planning, the professional ability cultivation in the implementation of land use planning and agency construction responsible for the implementation of land use planning. (4) Chapter 12, namely social supervision mechanism: conducting the researches on the planning experts and professional organizations assistant mechanism, the implementation funds supervision mechanism, the intermediary supervision mechanism and the public participation. (5) Chapter 13, namely technical support mechanism:exploring the areas of technical specification and standards establishment, supervision, evaluation and warning system construction of the implementation of land use planning and management system construction of the implementation of land use planning.The fifth part gives a case of the indemnificatory mechanism of the implementation of land use planning, taking Huaibei (a city in Anhui province) as an example, which makes a detailed analysis of the status quo of the land use, evaluates the implementation of the previous round of land use planning (1997-2010) and probes into advancement and improvement of the new round of land use planning (2006-2020).The sixth part is the conclusion of the research, which summarizes the thesis and put forward to related policy and suggestion.

  • 【分类号】F301.2
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】2572