

Land Expropriation Institutional Change in China: Driving Factors and Institutional Supply

【作者】 王顺祥

【导师】 吴群;

【作者基本信息】 南京农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 我国自建国之初就建立了征地制度,从建国到现在,经历了三次重大变迁,每次变迁都有着特定的原因。土地被征收是农民为城市化、工业化作出的直接贡献,他们应当分享城市化、工业化成果。在计划经济时代,被征地农民除了享受经济上的补偿,还可以获得非农就业机会,城乡差距可以在一夜之间消除,农民也就变成了市民,所以农民是欢迎征地的,还盼望着被征地。但是,随着我国市场经济的进一步完善,劳动力市场逐步建立,征地制度也作出了调整,从法律层面对被征地农民实行一次性货币安置,不再进行就业安置。在货币补偿结束后,被征地农民彻底与土地脱离了关系,在土地方面无法再享受到社会经济发展的成果,由此引发了农民的不满,也为社会稳定留下了隐患。2008年中国国土资源公报表明,截止2007年10月底,全国耕地18.2574亿亩。根据2008年国民经济和社会发展统计公报,截止2007年底,全国乡村人口数为72135万人。据此,乡村人均耕地仅为2.53亩。经估算,到2020年至少有1600万左右的被征地农民需陆续安置。因此,如何改革征地制度,切实维护农民利益,已成为事关我国社会稳定和经济建设的重大课题。那么,国家为何选择征地制度?既然征地制度存在这么多问题,国家为何在改革步伐上扭扭捏捏?征地制度改革受哪些因素的影响,这些因素是如何影响征地制度变迁的?农民为何不进行抗争?用地单位对这项制度是什么态度?征地中中央政府与地方政府的关系是什么?征地制度的实质是什么?征地制度本身存在什么缺陷?征地后,农地实现了发展权,产生土地增值收益,农村集体是否应当参与土地增值收益的分配?如果应当,理论依据是什么?又该如何参与分配?征地制度应当如何运用这一分配理论?现行土地制度应该如何保障这一分配?这正是本研究要回答的问题。本研究的第一章介绍了研究的背景、目的意义、分析框架、研究内容、研究方法和技术路线,同时还界定了研究中所要用的制度安排、制度环境、制度背景和非正式制度等概念,为构建分析框架提供了基础。最后对研究可能的创新点和不足进行了预测。为了找准研究的方向和工具,力争使研究富有创新意义,第二章是对相关研究文献进行了简要回顾,从研究的框架出发,将历史文献分为缺陷分析、诱致性外因和农地发展权创设研究,发现综合运用国家理论、产权理论和制度变迁理论全面研究征地制度变迁的文献较少,多踞于一角看问题,有不少结论与客观事实相左,被应用的可能性较小。第三章对本研究将运用的国家理论、产权理论和制度变迁理论进行了阐述,并简要指出如何在研究中运用这些理论。第四章回顾了新中国成立以来的征地制度变迁史,通过对历史征地制度文献进行全面检索、挖掘,按制度框架变化情况将征地制度史分为四个阶段,第一阶段是1950年-1957年,这一阶段是征地制度初始安排,第二阶段是1958年-1982年,征地制度第一次变迁,第三阶段是1982年-1997年,是征地制度第二次变迁,第四阶段是1998年至今,是征地制度第三次变迁。同时,对当前征地制度存在的内在缺陷进行了全面分析,认为我国征地补偿原则与经济发展水平不相适应,征地补偿不全面,侵害了农民的土地发展权,而征地程序则压抑了农民的参与权、知情权等权利,被征地农民无法城市化。这些都是今后征地制度变迁的内因。第五章创新性地运用国家理论、产权理论和制度变迁理论研究了制度环境、制度背景、非正式制度变迁对征地制度变迁的影响。认为制度环境与征地制度存在着补充与竞争的关系:其中集体土地所有权制度是征地制度的基石,正是由于农民取得土地所有权的成本低下,给征地制度实施提供了良好的产权基础;国有土地有偿使用制度是国家设定征地制度获取最大收益的平台,因而对征地制度存在着激励作用;尽管国家对农民房屋拆迁制度未作出详细规定,但事实上的补偿是参照市场价格来进行的,所以,通过它,让农民部分分享了城市化成果—原非完全商品的房屋转变为完全商品,资产大大增值,缓解了征地制度的压力;计划经济时代,征地安置方式包括安排就业,而农民一旦就业,就完全城市化,充分享受到城市化的成果,所以劳动就业制度曾经为征地制度提供了较好的保障,也让被征地一度成为农民的渴望;在1988年修改土地管理法时,集体建设用地流转制度曾被置于与国有土地有偿使用制度同等地位,也是土地增值收益分配的一条路径,但在实施过程中,由于国家的选择,这一制度存在着严重的供给不足,缺少细则,实质上,集体建设用地流转制度由于在土地增值收益分配的重心倾向农村集体和农民,而征地制度和国有土地有偿使用制度一起,土地增值收益分配重心倾向国家和城市,因此,与征地制度存在着竞争关系。文章指出了社会经济发展水平等制度环境对征地制度发挥着激励和约束的双重作用,还研究了信仰、价值观、认知和意愿等非正式制度对征地制度的影响,分析了中央政府、地方政府、用地单位、农村集体和农民等制度相关人在征地中的行为对征地制度的影响,分析了地方政府在征地时存在着外部性和农民无力抗争征地等现象。最后指出,当前征地制度的本质是国家积累资金的工具,并且变迁的动力不足。第六章创新性地研究了影响征地制度今后变迁的诱致性因素,并逐个分析了与征地制度变迁的关系,认为主要诱致性因素有集体土地产权制度、土地有偿使用制度、就业和社会保障制度、财税制度、征地制度本身等,这些制度,结合在一起,构成了征地制度的非均衡状态,不同的利益主体都有从现行制度中获得净收益的可能。尽管征地制度处于非均衡状态,但由于各利益主体对于每项制度都有着自身的费用-支出,而且各利益主体的谈判力量也不同,通过博弈,最终将只有少量新制度会产生。在对这5项制度的制度需求内容、需求主体和需求原因进行分析之后,本研究认为征地制度变迁制度供给与需求的均衡点是创设农地发展权,通过设置农地发展权,其余的事项如补偿标准、安置方式、安置程序都会得到有效完善。第七章也是本研究的创新点之一,在理论上较好的探讨了农地发展权的创设,在总结借鉴国外农地发展权设置的理论和实践经验基础之上,对我国农地发展权的内涵进行了界定,建议创设农地发展权Ⅰ,即农地农用最佳利用的权利,创设农地发展权Ⅱ,即农用地转为建设用地的权利,并指出农地发展权Ⅱ的实现将导致农地发展权Ⅰ的丧失,因而应当包括农地发展权Ⅰ,为农民参与分享农地转为建设用地的增值收益提供了理论依据,然后再对农地发展权的来源、归属、现实状况、实现途径和量化方法进行了研究,最后在征地制度中进行了创新应用。第八章选择江苏省南通市港闸区进行实证,尝试运用农地发展权确定征地补偿标准,实证结果表明,通过设置农地发展权确定的征地补偿标准,能够使被征地农民分享城市化成果,生活水平达到城市居民平均生活水平,将地方政府征地的外部性成本有效内化。最后一章对本研究进行了全面总结,对研究结论进行了归纳,然后指出了今后可以继续研究的方向。

【Abstract】 The land requisition system has been established since the beginning of the founding of our country and has undergone three major changes which all have specific reasons from the founding to the present. Land is a direct contribution that farmers make to urbanization and industrialization and farms should share the results of urbanization. We should eliminate the urban-rural gap. In the planned economy era, farmers in land requisition not only enjoy the economic compensation, but also get job-placement and employment opportunities. The gap between urban-rural income, education, health, employment and consumption are all eliminated overnight and farmers completed the conversion to the public by the farmers. Farmers welcome to land and also looking forward to being land, because they can enjoy most of the results of urbanization directly. However, with further improvement of China’s market economy and the establishment of the labor market, the land requisition system has also made adjustments to the legal aspects that farmers whose land was expropriated are currency settlement and not job placement. After the monetary compensation when farmers whose land was expropriated and land are completely out of relations, fields no longer enjoy the fruits of industrialization urbanization in land, resulting dissatisfaction of farmers and also leaving a hidden danger for social stability. Bulletin of China Land and Resources in 2008 showed that there is 18.2574 million mu of arable land by the end of October 2007 according to survey of land use. According to the 2008 national economic and social development statistical communique, the rural population was 72 135 million and rural per capita farmland is 2.53 mu by the end of 2007. It is estimated that there is at least about 16 million landless farmers need to be placed one after another in 2020. Therefore, how to reform the land expropriation system and effectively safeguard the interests of farmers has become a major issue that related to china’s social stability and economic development. Why does the nation choose the national land system? Why the national hesitate to reform since the land requisition system has so many problems? Which factors can affect the Land reform? How do these factors affect the changes in land requisition system? Why do farmers not to fight? What is the attitude of land units to this system? What is the relationship in the land between central and local governments? What is the essence of the land expropriation system? What are the gaps in land requisition system itself? After land acquisition, land achieved the right to develop resulting in land value-added benefits. Whether rural collective should participate the distribution of land value-added benefits? If so, what is the theoretical basis for that? How to participate in the distribution? How to use this theory of distribution? How to use current land system to protect the distribution? These are the questions to be answered in this study.Chapter one not only describes the background, purpose and significance, analytical framework, research content, research methods and technical routes, but also defines the concept of institutional arrangements, institutional environment, institutional background and the informal system in the study. The innovation and inadequacy of the study have been predicted in chapter one finally.In order to identify directions and tools of research and strive to make research innovative and meaningful, chapter two reviews the related research literature briefly and divides historical documents into three parts starting from the framework of the study: defect analysis, Induced external analysis and analysis of creation of agricultural land development rights. We found that there have fewer literatures of changes in land requisition system comprehensively using state theory, the property rights theory and the institutional change theory. Literatures describe only from one aspect and many of its conclusions are not consistent with the objective facts which are less likely to be applied. State theory, property rights theory and institutional change theory are expounded in chapter three which also briefly describes how to use these theories.Chapter four reviews changes in the history of land expropriation system since the founding of china. The history of land expropriation system will be divided into four phases according to the changes of institutional framework by comprehensive search and mining in historical documents.The first stage which is from 1950 to 1957 describes the initial arrangement of land expropriation system. The second stage which is from 1958 to 1982 describes the first change of land expropriation system. The third stage which is from 1982 to 199 describes the second change of land expropriation system and the fourth stage describes the third change of land expropriation system since 1950. Meanwhile, chapter four has a comprehensive analysis of the inherent defects that current land expropriation system has. It shows that our land compensation principle is incompatible with the level of economic development and incomplete land expropriation compensation infringements the land development rights of peasants, while the land expropriation program suppresses the rights of farmers inducing living standards of farmers can not be urbanization. These are internal reasons of changes of land expropriation system in the future.The impact of changes of institutional environment, institutional background and informal institutional change on the land expropriation system are studied by innovative use of the state theory, property theory and institutional change theory in chapter five. It thinks that the relationship between institutional environment and land expropriation system is supplementary and competitive. Collective land ownership system is the cornerstone of the land expropriation system precisely because that low cost of land ownership that farmers get provides a good basis for property rights. There are incentives for land expropriation system because system of paid use of state-owned land is the platform of maximum benefit that state makes for land expropriation system. The compensation is carried out with reference to market prices although detailed requirements of farmers’ house demolition regulations have not been made. Some rural residents share the results of urbanization partly. The original incomplete commodity housing is transformed into complete product and assets of great value eased the pressure on land expropriation system. Placement is included in land expropriation in the stage of planned.economy. Farmers are entirely urbanized and fully enjoy the fruits of urbanization once they are employed. Therefore, the employment system has not only provided a better protection for the land expropriation system, but also made employment become desire to landless peasants. In 1988 when the land management law is modified, the system of Collective land and the system of paid use of state-owned land are at the same position which is the path of land value-added income distribution. But there is a serious supply shortage and the lack of details in this system because of the choice of country in the implementation process. In essence, the relation between the collective land system and the land requisition system is competition. The system of collective land focus on rural collective and farmers while land expropriation system and the system of paid use of state-owned land focus on country and city. In the dissertation, the author points out that the system environment such as the level of development of society and economy plays a stimulating and limiting role in land expropriation, studies the influence of informal policy system such as beliefs, values, recognition, and willingness on land expropriation, analyzes the influence of activities of relevant agents such as central government, local government, land-using units, rural collective groups and farmers on land expropriation, and does researches on phenomena such as externalities in land expropriation and farmers’ incapability of boycotting land expropriation. As a result, land expropriation is, in essence, a tool for national funds collection, and lacks the energy for institutional change.In the sixth chapter, the author makes an innovative study on the leading factors influencing the future institutional change of land expropriation system, and analyzes their relationship respectively, on the basis of which the author puts forward that the major leading factors include collective land property rights system, the land leasehold system, employment and social security system, taxation system, land expropriation system, which work together to make the imbalanced status in the land expropriation system and make it possible for different profit parties to get net profit from current system. Despite this imbalanced status, profit parties have their own income and expenses for each system as well as their different negotiation abilities, as a result of Game, only a few new systems will emerge. On the analysis of the institutional demand, demand subjects, demand reasons of the five systems, the author comes to the conclusion that an equilibrium point for institutional supply and demand in the institutional change of land expropriation is to establish rural land development right, by which compensation standard, resettlement methods, resettlement procedures will get improved.An innovative study also exists in the seventh chapter in which the author makes theoretical researches on the definition of rural land development right in China based on the foreign experience in establishing this right. According to the author, rural land development right-Ⅰis the right to put rural land into best agricultural use; rural land development right-Ⅱis to the right to put rural land into constructional use. The realization of right-Ⅱwill make right-Ⅰvanish, which, in turn, proves that right-Ⅱmust incorporate right-Ⅰ. Thus, the theoretical support for the farmers’ participation in sharing added profit made from changing agricultural land into constructional land is offered. In addition, the author studies the origination, ownership, current situation, realization methods, and quantification methods of rural land development right, and applies it into land expropriation system innovatively. In the eighth chapter, the author does on-the-spot experiment in applying the right into making land expropriation compensation standard in Gangzha District of Nantong City, Jiangsu province. The result shows that by establishing rural land development right for making compensation standard contributes to help the farmers whose land is expropriated share the fruitful profit of urbanization and improve their living standard to the average level of city inhabitants.In the last chapter, the author gives a summary of this dissertation, generalizes the findings, and points out a direction of further research.
