

Design and Experimental Research on New Type of ALA+SPM Combined Rotor Machine

【作者】 陈学珍

【导师】 辜承林;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 电机与电器, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 组合式转子电机集高密度轴向叠片各向异性(ALA)转子宽弱磁扩速范围和面贴式永磁同步电机(SPM)高转矩密度、高效率、高过载倍数等优点于一体,且克服了它们各自的缺点。实际上,在转子总长度一定的情况下,ALA段和SPM段长度关系及两段转子d轴偏转角对组合式转子电机的性能有着特别的影响和特殊的意义,两段转子长度合理分配和偏转角合适调节的组合式转子电机在高品质交流传动中具有广阔的发展前景。本文深入研究ALA+SPM组合式转子电机的运行性能,为该新型电机走向实用化提供更有力的技术支撑。论文从交流传动系统的发展出发,介绍了组合式转子电机的研究现状,并对ALA转子电机和永磁同步电机的工作原理、转子结构、电磁关系和数学模型进行了全面分析。在此基础上,提出以电流限幅控制方式为组合式转子电机的安全运行条件,相量图为基本分析工具,研究永磁段占全长的比值k和两段转子d轴偏转角α的基本设计规律。提出了两段转子长度固定,偏转角可调的实验样机结构方案,首次制作了一台4极偏转角可调的ALA+SPM组合式转子电机,并开展了系统而全面的实验研究。电磁参数是评估电机运行性能的关键数据。为此,对不同偏转角的组合式转子样机参数进行了详细测定,结果表明,永磁段各向同性的组合式转子电机,偏转角基本不影响直轴电感、交轴电感和空载电动势大小。空载起动能力是电机走向实用化的基本要求。本文比较了不同偏转角的组合式转子电机开环变频空载起动性能。结果证实了合适偏转角的组合式转子电机在逆变器电源供电下能同步升速到额定转速稳定运行,且具有良好的快速响应能力和较强的过载能力,与理论分析一致。弱磁扩速是电机高速发展的关键。本文采用发电机组电源供电简易验证了不同偏转角的组合式转子电机的弱磁扩速能力,结果证实了合适偏转角的组合式转子电机具有更宽的扩速范围。稳定运行是电机性能指标的基本要素。提出用小信号扰动法分析组合式转子电机稳定性,得出组合式转子电机轴上附加惯性阻尼器能减弱或消除系统振荡,提高系统的稳定性,改善系统的动稳态性能,仿真和实验验证了此方法有效可行。

【Abstract】 A surface permanent magnet (SPM) machine has the characteristics of high power density, high efficiency and strong overload capacity. The axially-laminated anisotropic (ALA) reluctance machine can achieve a wide constant power speed range (CPSR). Therefore, the ALA+SPM combined rotor machine is expected to obtain the advantages of the SPM rotor machine and the ALA rotor machine, and overcome their shortcomings respectively. However, the performance of ALA+SPM machine is specially affected by both the fraction length of the two-part rotor with a fixed rotor full length and the deflection angle between two-part d-axes. The ALA+SPM combined rotor machine with reasonable designed the two new variables has a good applied prospect in the system of high-quality AC drive. To provide the new type machine with powerful technical support for its application in the near future, the operating performance of the machine is researched deeply in this paper,Based on the development of AC drive system, this paper firstly introduces the study status of the combined rotor machine, and maks a detailed analysis on the operating principles, the rotor structure, electromagnetic relations and mathematical model of the SPM rotor machine and the ALA rotor machine. Then, the basic design rules of the variables k, the fraction length of SPM part, and a, the deflection angle between two part d-axes are researched under the proposed current limit control condition for the safe operation of the combined rotor machine, using the phasor diagram in d-q reference as the tool for analysis of the machine,A 4-pole prototype with the two-part rotor fixed length and adjustable deflection angle was proposed and manufactured for the first time, on which the comprehensive and systematic experimental researches are implemented.Electromagnetic parameters are critical data to assess the performance of a machine. Parameters of the prototype with the different deflection angle are tested in detail. Analysis results indicate that the deflection angle has little influence on d-axis inductance, q-axis inductance and no-load back electromotive force for the combined rotor machine with isotropic PM part (e. g., SPM).The capability of no-load startup is an essential requirement for the application of a machine. The no-load startup performance of the combined machine of the different deflection angle with open-loop VVVF control is discussed. Results show that the combined machine of the reasonable angle a can operate synchronously from standstill to rated speed with inverter power supply, and obtain fast response and strong overload capacity, in accordance with theory analysis.Constant power speed range through field-weakening control is identified as the key technology for a machine to get further development in high speed field. The relevant experiments on combined rotor machine with different a are carried out with the help of sine wave generator set. Experimental results proved that the reasonable a can obtain wider CPSR.Steady operation is the fundamental performance norm. The method to analyze the stability of the combined rotor machine by using the small-signal model is proposed. Conclusions are drawn that the additional mechanical inertia damper on rotor shaft can eliminate or abate systematic oscillation, and improve the stability of the system as well as dynamic performance. Experimental results verify that the method is effective and feasible.
