

Research on the Eco-friendly Road Construction and Geological Environment Issues

【作者】 林涛

【导师】 张洪涛;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 交通运输是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的重要领域,一方面,现代化的公路建设是经济社会快速发展的重要标志,也是社会可持续发展的保障;另一方面,我国公路建设速度提升引发资源消耗日益增加,对生态和人类居住环境的负效应逐步显现。在这种背景下,对公路生态友好与地质环境问题进行研究成为当前的迫切需要。本研究以大浏高速公路建设项目为例,研究了生态友好型公路的内涵和地质环境,并建立模型开展了公路生态友好程度评价,总结了相关建设管理与实践经验。主要结论和创新点如下:1、针对现阶段高速公路建设过程中所面临的生态问题,本文深度剖析了生态友好型公路的内涵,提出了生态友好型公路的定义:具有完善的营建方案设计、规范的施工建设程序和合理的运营管理机制的现代化公路。并阐述了生态友好型公路区别于传统公路所具备理论体系,从宏观上对生态友好型公路的思想精髓进行科学分析。2、阐述了公路建设中生态景观、水土保持和工程地质三方面问题,采用层次分析法分析指标的框架结构和权重,研究了生态友好型公路的理论分析方法,从指标体系和评价方法分别建立了公路生态景观友好性、水土保持优良性和工程地质安全性的评价方法,最后采用模糊数学法建立了生态友好型公路的总体评价方法和模型,3、在生态友好型公路建设技术与管理方面,提出了生态友好型公路建设单元、水土流失类型和预测模型,对临时工程、路基工程、交通安全设施、绿化景观设计等进行全线统一规划,从设计方案、施工建设和运行管理阶段形成了各分项工程的生态友好型建设技术和水土流失分区防治技术,提出了统一明确的资源节约、生态环保的安全保障体系,建立了包括自然环境和生态资源、保护植被、防治水土流失、较少环境污染在内的建设管理体系。4、选取大浏高速公路工程实例,在分别对生态景观、水土保持和工程地质进行单项分析基础上综合评价了大浏高速公路建设的生态友好程度,根据评判结果,提出有实用性的大浏高速公路项目建设的生态友好型建设技术。

【Abstract】 Transportation is the important field of building a "resource-saving and environment-friendly" society.On the one hand, modern road construction is not only an important symbol for rapid economic and social development, but also the guarantee of sustainable society development; on the other hand, enhancing the speed of highway construction causes the increasing consumption of resources, and ecological and human living environment get negative effect gradually. In this context, the study of eco-friendly road construction and geological environment Issues becomes an active demand.This study investigates the essence of eco-friendly road exemplified with the Daliu highway construction project, builds models for developing eco-friendly level evaluation of road, and summarizes relevant construction management and practical experience. The main results and innovations are as follows:1、With respect to the ecological problems that the highway construction process is facing, the current study makes depth analysis of the essential content of eco-friendly highway. The meaning of eco-friendly road is summarized as follows: a modern highway with a comprehensive construction program plan, standardized procedures and a reasonable construction of the building operation and management mechanism. It is described eco-friendly road with the theory that is different from traditional highway system, and the essence of eco-friendly road is analyzed scientifically from the macroscopic vision.2、Based on the theoretical system of eco-friendly road, this article focuses on the evaluation system study, to build eco-friendly road evaluation system from both the index system and the evaluation methods. Focused on the establishment of index system, the evaluation model of eco-friendly road was proposed from comprehensive analysis of the ecological landscape, soil and water conservation, and engineering geology. And the indicator framework was combed using the analytic hierarchy. To the evaluation methods, the expert scoring and non-dimensional method was conducted to determine the index value, and the analytic hierarchy to determine the index weight, fuzzy mathematical method to evaluate in this paper. 3、In the construction management of eco-friendly roads, the projects should focus on the temporary works, roadbed construction, traffic safety facilities, green landscape design, a full line of integrated planning. The current study focuses on the technical points in design, construction and operation of management stage of the sub-projects, clarify the organizational structure of construction, establishes a unified explicit construction technology program, security system, the implementation of responsibility for the organization department, builds up building management system, including the natural environment and ecological resources, protection of vegetation, erosion control, less environmental pollution.4、The paper selected Daliu highway project for the examples to evaluate its eco-friendliness comprehensively. The evaluation model of eco-friendly road was proposed from comprehensive analysis of the ecological landscape, soil and water conservation, and engineering geology. According to the evaluation results, a series practical eco-friendly road construction techniques were put forwarded for Daliu highway project.
