

Research on Social Identity of Young Civil Servants and Their Guidance

【作者】 孙秀艳

【导师】 苏振芳;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 社会认同是社会团结的基础,是社会和谐稳固的价值源泉。本文中的社会认同是基于群体相互交往实践过程中的社会主体,对外在环境和群体状况之间的综合互动形成认同感与归属感的动态过程。青年公务员特殊的群体身份地位决定了其社会认同的建构对其他社会群体具有一定的典型引导和示范功能,不仅对积极塑造我国广大民众共享的文化意义系统,对切实建设中华民族共有的精神家园,对努力构建社会主义和谐社会等均具有重要意义;而且对增强主流意识形态的主导地位、对思想政治教育学科建设的新发展等有促进作用。本研究围绕当前青年公务员的社会认同及其引导这一主题,沿着理论支撑和现实依据相结合的逻辑路线,指出青年公务员社会认同中既有正面的积极认同,也有负面的消极认同,与其应有目标之间尚有不小差距,亟需科学合理地进行引导。思想政治教育与社会认同之间的辩证关系决定了思想政治教育领域引入社会认同研究的必要性。青年公务员社会认同的具体状况,既抹不掉历史的印迹,也离不开当前所处环境背景的形塑,是社会记忆与社会时空共同作用的产物:从中国古代官僚到新中国建立后干部群体社会认同的历史变迁,是其根深蒂固的社会历史渊源;而包括经济、政治、文化、社会四大影响因素的中国社会环境系统是其直接现实的社会时空架构。在诸多因素的深刻影响下,当前青年公务员的社会认同总体上是积极的,在世界观、人生观、价值观等根本问题上有着自身相对稳定的价值判断和取向,对马克思主义主流意识形态的基本社会认同感就像一条红线贯穿始终。与此同时,青年公务员的社会认同也呈现出分化多样性、内部层次性、结构二重性和动态过程性等主要特征。符合国家性质、时代发展、职业地位等特殊要求的青年公务员社会认同,必须遵循坚定的政治信念与规范的职业标准相结合、开阔的世界眼光与鲜明的民族特性相结合、强烈的公共精神与合理的个体利益相结合、正确的理论认识与自觉的行为实践相结合的原则加以引导。在实然与应然的差距中,引导青年公务员塑造积极的社会认同是一项庞杂艰巨的系统工程,需要通过积极有效的价值引导来指明正确方向;通过合理均衡的全面发展来夯定坚实基础;通过具体系统的机制运作来提供统合可能;通过全面多维的制度建设来寻求根本保障。

【Abstract】 Social identity is the foundation of social solidarity, is the value source of social harmony and stability. In this article, social identity refers to the dynamic process, in which the social subjects who practice on group interaction format the integrated and belonging sense on the condition between the external environment and their own situation. Special group status of young civil determines the construction of their social identity have some guidance and demonstration to other social groups. It not only have significance to actively shape the cultural meaning systems and effectively build the spiritual home of the Chinese Nation, but also enhance the dominance of mainstream ideology and promote the new development of ideological and political education. There are both positive and negative identity in the social identity of young civil servants, need scientific and reasonable guidance. The dialectical relationships between Ideological and Political Education and social identity show the necessity to introduce social identity to the field of ideological and political education. The specific social identity of young civil servant is the interaction product of social memory and social space. The historical changes of social identity from ancient China bureaucracy to New China cadres, are the deep-rooted social and historical origins. And China social environment system including economic, political, cultural and social factors is the direct social reality. The current social identity of young civil servants in general is positive. There are relatively stable value judgments and preferences, and the mainstream ideology of Marxism throughout their basic social Identity as a red line. At the same time, the social identity of young civil servants also show some major features, such as differentiation diversity, internal hierarchy, double structural and dynamic procedural. The principles to guide the social identity of current young civil servants include four combination. To guide the social identity of current young civil servants is a numerous and formidable system which needs the active and effective value guidance to point the right direction; the reasonable、balanced and comprehensive development to set a solid foundation; the specific and mechanisms operation of the system to provide integration possible; the multi-dimensional and comprehensive system building to seek the fundamental guarantee.
