

A Model Construction of Competence of PE Teacher of Secondary School and Its Empirical Research

【作者】 张长城

【导师】 陈俊钦;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以中学体育教师为研究对象,采用文献法、调查法、统计法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,构建了中学体育教师胜任力的模型,编制了中学体育教师胜任力量表,调查分析了中学体育教师胜任力现状,提出了中学体育教师胜任力提升措施。绪论和第一章,主要是对国内外相关的理论进行了系统综述,分析了中学体育教师胜任力的概念、内涵和结构,奠定了本研究的理论基础,确定了研究对象、研究内容和研究方法。第二章,构建了中学体育教师胜任力模型。该模型包括高绩效中学体育教师的胜任特征和共有的胜任特征。其中高绩效特征有20项,共有的胜任特征有15项。中学体育教师胜任力包括科研创新能力、信息收集与学习能力、教学与组织能力、专业知识和个性特征这5个因素。最后,编制了《中学体育教师胜任力调查问卷》。第三章利用自编的《中学体育教师胜任力调查问卷》对我国中学体育教师胜任力进行了调查分析。调查结果表明:1、当前我国中学体育教师胜任力总体水平中学体育教师的教学与组织能力、个性特征、科研创新能力、水平相对较高,而信息收集与学习能力、专业知识水平相对较低。高绩效组中学体育教师胜任力水平高于一般绩效组中学体育教师胜任力水平,两组差异具高度显著性。一般绩效中学体育教师的“教学与组织能力”和“个性特征”水平较高,而“科研创新能力”、“信息收集与学习能力”、“专业知识”水平则较低。2、高绩效中学体育教师胜任力水平调查结果性别、初高中和学校所在地不同的高绩效中学体育教师胜任力水平并不存在显著性差异。学历较之职称对胜任力水平的影响较大。不同职称者,随着职称的提升,胜任力水平呈现升高的趋势。3、在职中学体育教师胜任力调查结果学校所在地、职称、学历、性别的不同,中学体育教师胜任力水平存在差异。初高中不同但其胜任力并不存在差异。第四章研制了甄别性《中学体育教师胜任力评价体系》,并以案例加以分析,证实了该评价体系的有效性。第五章在分析影响中学体育教师胜任力因素的基础上,研究了中学体育教师胜任力的提升措施,包括基于教师胜任力的工作分析,构建基于胜任力的教师选聘机制,基于胜任力的教师培训以及基于胜任力的教师学习等。

【Abstract】 With the secondary school PE teacher as the research object, the research constructed model, surveyed and researched present situation, laid out the scales and promoted countermeasures of competency of PE teacher of secondary school. Many methods have been employed to probe into this research, such as literature review, survey methods, logics, mathematical statistics, etc.In introduction and chapter 1, in order to make solid foundation for the later research, the competence-related theory of between the domestic and foreign is reviewed, and the concept, connotation, construction of competence of secondary school PE teacher is also studied. At the same time, the research object, the research context and the research methods of this paper are determined.In chapter 2 the competence model of secondary school PE teacher, which is constructed, includes excellent performance traits and common traits. The excellent performance traits have 20 items, and the common traits have 15 items. The competence of PE teacher of secondary school includes research and innovation ability, information collection and learning ability, teaching and organization ability, sports enterprise, Personality Characteristic. Finally the questionnaire of competence of PE teacher of secondary school is compiled.In the chapter 3, with using the self-compiled questionnaire of PE teacher of secondary school, the present status of competence of PE teacher of secondary school is studied. The research result shows as follows:Firstly, the general level of competence of PE teacher of secondary school is as follows:The competence of research and innovation, teaching and organization, Personality Characteristic, is relatively high, however, the competence of information collection and learning ability, sports enterprise, is relatively low. The teaching and organization, personality characteristic of common performance PE teacher, is relatively high,but, research and innovation, information collection and learning, sports enterprise, is relatively low.The competence of excellent performance PE teacher of secondary school is higher than that of common performance PE teacher of secondary school, and the difference between them is statistically highly significant.Secondly, the research result of competence of excellent performance PE teacher of secondary school is as follows:The sexual, school type and school site is different, however, show no differentiation. The degree is more influence to the competency of PE teacher of second school than the grade title. Generally, with grade-title higher, the competence of PE teacher of second school is higher. IThirdly, the research result of competence of PE teacher in-service of secondary school is as follows:With different sites, different degree, different grade-title, the competence of them is different. However, with different school-type, the compete(?)e of them is not different.In chapter 4, the discriminating scales of competence of PE teacher of secondary school, and the evaluation methods are studied. The case analysis is used to verify.In chapter 5, based on analyzing the factors to influence the competence, the measures to promote competence of PE teacher of secondary school are studied. The measures include job-analysis based on competence of PE teacher of secondary school, construction of mechanism of selecting and pointing teacher based on competence, teacher training and teacher learning in workplace based on competence.
