

Vanguard and Ambiguity

【作者】 刘桂茹

【导师】 管宁;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 文艺学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 “戏仿”(Parody)是西方文论的一个范畴,又译为戏拟、滑稽摹仿等等。作为一种叙事方法,“戏仿”往往指作家或艺术家在创作时有意模仿经典范式或传统文本的内容及美学表现形式,将前文本中的人物、故事、情节、文本和语言表现风格等等因素,置放于一个不相适宜甚至相反的语境中,在语境的对比和差异中对戏仿前文本进行有意识的或符合自身需要的曲解、嘲讽或颠覆。在中国当代文学与文化语境中,“戏仿”作为一种修辞手法和艺术表现手段,具备哪些美学特点?从话语修辞到审美范型,“戏仿”经历了怎样的理论嬗变?又获得了怎样的审美内涵?“戏仿”在特定的历史维度与文化坐标中,与各种理论问题和文化现象产生了何种关联?这些都是本论文要探讨的问题。从西方文学叙事到中国当代文学中的先锋小说,以至网络时代的大话文学、恶搞文化等等,“戏仿”已经溢出了单纯的叙事话语范畴,它与当代中国的文化语境变迁、文学理论、意识形态等等因素有着千丝万缕的联系,是后革命时代文学与文化发展中值得人们关注的重要话题。因此,对“戏仿”理论的重新梳理,对中国当代文学的“戏仿”现象进行深入的研究与探索,有助于我们重新审视戏仿的形式、意图与功能,正确认识当代文学中丰富多变的戏仿现象。结合中国当下语境中的戏仿实践,论文将集中考察以下几个问题:首先,作为先锋作家文体革命的策略之一,“戏仿”如何从一种修辞转化成审美范型?在先锋作家的“纯文学”想象中,“戏仿”如何陷入去政治化的“政治”之悖论?其次,网络时代的“戏仿”,在消解叙事成规的同时是否悄然延续着一种喜剧精神?在抵抗与畅销之间,戏仿怎样演变成一种流行的“风格”,成为“暖昧”的抵抗?第三,从先锋文学“严肃”的戏仿到网络时代的“游戏”戏仿,戏仿格局的演变包含了怎样的语境变迁?语境转换的背后彰显了戏仿与大众文化、市场经济、意识形态等方面怎样复杂的关系?

【Abstract】 Parody is a theory concept in the western literature theories.As a narrative method,parody is the way that writers or artists imitate other’s writing styles and form a new text.By this way,writers can imitate the content and shapes of one text,including the people,story,plot and language style,and then put them into an inaptitude even opposite context.It can get to the effect that the imitated text will be twisted,taunted and overturned. As a rhetorical tactics and artistic expression means,what aesthetic characteristics does parody have?From a rhetorical tactics to an aesthetic style,what’s the theory changing to parody?What’s the aesthetic connotations of parody in Chinese popular culture?In the special historial and cultural degree, what’s the association between parody and the theory problems and cultural phonomenon?All these questions will be discussed in this thesis.When we observe the western literature,the vanguard fictions of Chinese contemporary literature,even the boast literature and Kuso culture in the internet time,we can find that parody is not just a narrative method.It has much connection with Chinese changing culture,literature theory,ideology and so on. So it becomes an important topic in the literatural and cultural age after the revolution.It can help ust know the forms,purpose and functions of parody and the changing phonomenon in Chinese contemporary literature,if the parody theory can be combed again,the parody phonomeon can be observed.Through the parody activities in Chinese context,we will investigate these following questions. First,as one of the style revolution methods in the vanguard fictions,how did parody become an aesthetic form from a rhetorical tactics?In the pure literature imagination of the vanguard writers,how did parody get into the paradox of the politicized politics?Second,in the internet time,does parody continue the comedy spirit as it dispell the stereotyping at the same time?Between resistance and fashion,how does parody become a popular style and ambiguous resistance?Last,from the vanguard literature to the boasted literature,what’s the changing of cultural context in the parody activities?And what’s the association among parody, popular culture,market economy and ideology?
