

Study on Taiwan Variety Program-the Mirror of Earthliness

【作者】 陈炜

【导师】 颜纯钧;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 文艺学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 “台湾综艺节目研究”,是一个新课题。综艺节目,是电视最基本的类型之一,本文以台湾综艺节目作为研究对象,从类型的角度出发,详细分析了台湾综艺节的几种基本类型:歌唱类节目、谈话类节目、游戏类节目、模仿类节目。同时也简要分析了其他的一些类型节目,如整人类节目。本课题还梳理了台湾综艺节目的发展历史,并总结其各阶段的特点,重点分析了台湾综艺节目的文化特质,以及日本电视节目对台湾的影响,台湾电视节目对大陆的影响。针对海峡两岸电视圈同时关注的一些问题,如节目的克隆与模仿、综艺节目对青少年的影响都进行了较为深入的探讨。对于台湾综艺节目的特色:多才多艺的台湾综艺节目主持人,综艺节目对于政治领域的关注,白热化的市场竞争以及综艺节目的低俗化都做了细致的分析。本课题的研究同时也立足在提高、发展大陆综艺节目的思路上,同时希望未来两岸能携手共进,通力合作,发挥各自的资源优势和艺术特长,让两岸的电视综艺节目不断提升文化水准和艺术水准、推动其向更高的层次发展。

【Abstract】 Taiwan variety program, a basic genre of TV, is a new research in resent years. The paper based on Taiwan variety program and perspective of genre research to discuss fundamental kinds of Taiwan variety program---Game show, Talk show, Music program, Imitation show. The article also classifies the history of Taiwan variety program and its influence on Japanese and Mainland TV program and focuses on the hot issue between two sides of the Taiwan Straits about clone and imitation of program and the effect on adolescents. The features of Taiwan variety program are also analyzed in this paper from four aspects, including versatile anchor, paying attention to political field, turning white-hot competition and vulgar program. The aim of this research is to improve mainland variety program and hope that both sides across the Straits can cooperate hand in hand and fully displaying individual advantage of resources so that will bring a bright future to promote two sides’ culture and art to a higher level.

【关键词】 台湾综艺节目类型主持人文化合作
【Key words】 Taiwanvariety programgenreanchorculturecooperation