

An Evaluation Indicator System and Empirical Study in Fujian Province on the Compulsory Education Students’ Sports Rights

【作者】 汪君民

【导师】 李鸿江;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 学生体育权利就是规定或隐含在法律规范中,实现于法律关系中的,学生在各种有关体育的活动中可以作为或不作为或要求学校、家庭、社会做出或不做出某种行为以获得利益的一种自由和资格。体育权利是学生最基本、最重要的权利之一本研究能够使学生清晰认识到自己的体育权益,培养和激发学生的权利保护意识,从而积极维护自己的合法权利。也能使主管领导及体育教师做到以学生为主体,引导学生树立“终身体育”的思想和培养学生的体育运动习惯,切实保障学生的体育权利。同时也有助于我国学校体育工作效率的整体提高和学校体育政策的有效落实,特别是对新时期我国加强青少年体育、增强青少年体质的学校体育政策目标的预期实现,具有重要的理论研究意义和实践探索价值。本文以学校为研究层面,以福建省普通初中(包括完全中学的初中部)、小学为调查对象,采用文献法、系统分析法、调查法、层次分析法、数理统计法、逻辑法等研究方法,就义务教育阶段学生体育权利进行了理论和实证研究。在理论研究部分,论述了学生体育权利的理论基础。本文认为:人权理论、公民体育权利理论构成了学生体育权利的主要理论基础。在实证研究部分,首次建立了义务教育阶段学生体育权利评价指标体系,在此基础上以福建省义务教育阶段的小学、初中(包括完全中学的初中部)为调查对象,对学生体育权利现状进行了考察和评估。针对学生体育权利现实存在的问题,进行了深入探讨和分析,提出了改进学生体育权利保障的有效策略和方法。实证研究部分具体研究结果如下:学生体育权利评价指标体系,由五个一级指标、十三个二级指标和三十八个三级指标组成。我国义务教育阶段学生体育权利主要包括体育人身权、体育财产权、体育平等权、体育知情权和体育教育保障权五大方面。本文对影响和制约学生体育权利的根源进行了深入探析:法律方面原因、体育权利的法律救济制度不完善、现有教育制度对学生体育权利的影响、学校体育管理制度不完善、体育经费短缺、学生权利意识淡薄、体育教师数量和质量不达标等。最后提出完善学生体育权利保障的构想,从完善体育法律法规、加强软法建设、建立和完善学生体育权利的法律救济制度、加强法律执行的监督机制、用体育学习权取代体育受教育权、推进体育课程改革和深化,进一步完善体育教学、政府保证学校体育的资金投入、建立并发展体育社团、加强学校体育与社区体育的结合、加强学生的权利意识、提高中小学体育教师的素质并加强对体育教师的人权教育等方面提出了相应的对策和策略。

【Abstract】 Students’ sports right is the freedom and entitlement, which embodied or implied in the legal regulation and implemented in the legal relationship, of students’ any act or omission or requiring schools, families or the society for act or omission to benefit, in all kinds of relevant sports activities. It is one of the most basic and important rights of students.This research may help students to realize their sports rights, cultivate and activate students’ awareness of rights protection, thus, assert their legitimate rights. It also may guarantee the students’ sports rights by helping the executive leadership and P.E. teachers to form the education concept of students as main subject, and guiding the students in fostering the idea of "all life physical education" and the habit to do exercise regularly. At the same time, it may contribute to the progress of school P.E. teaching and effective implement of the school P.E. policies. The research results are beneficial to the attainment of the school P.E. ultimate goal, which is to promote junior sports development and build up young people’s health, showing important theoretical and practical significance.This theoretical and practical research on the sports rights of compulsory education students was conducted in the schools, taking secondary schools (including junior high schools in six-year high schools) and primary schools in Fujian province as objects, with literatures, system analysis, survey research, analytic hierarchy process, Mathematical statistics and logical approach.In the theory section, the author makes a further study into the theory bases of students’ sports rights, that is, the human rights theory and the citizens sports rights theory.In the empirical study section, an evaluation indicator system of sports rights of compulsory education students was established for the first time, and, on the basis of which, the author made an observation and evaluation on the current situation of students’ sports rights, taking secondary schools (including junior high schools in six-year high schools) and primary schools in Fujian province as objects. And then, the author designed the effective strategy to promote the students’ sports rights protection, based on the study and analysis on the existing problems.Following is the empirical study result:This evaluation indicator system of sports rights of compulsory education students consists of 5 first-class indexes,13 second-class indexes and 38 third-class indexes. Main sports rights of compulsory education students in China cover rights of the person in P.E., rights of the property in P.E., the equal rights in P.E., the right to know in P.E. and the right to education in P.E. In this paper, the author probes into the roots that influence and restrain the students’ sports rights, including deficiency of the present legal system and remedy system, negative influence of present education system, deficiency of physical culture hygiene and management of school, fund shortage of P.E., unawareness of students of their sports rights and being substandard of P.E. teachers both in quantity and quality. Finally, some countermeasures, such as developing law and legislation, improving soft law, establishing and completing remedy system of students’ sports rights, strengthening the supervisory mechanism, replacing right to P.E. education by right of P.E. learning, carrying forward the reform of P.E. curriculum, innovating P.E. lessons, ensuring the money investment, developing sports societies, promoting the combination of school physical education and community physical education, arousing the students’ awareness of sports rights, improving the quality of P.E. teachers, and promoting education on P.E. teachers about right of the person, are suggested to perfect the guarantee system of students’ sports rights.
