

Discussion on the Relationship of Human and Nature: From Karl Marx to Contemporary

【作者】 黄雯

【导师】 李建平;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 现代工业文明为人类带来了巨大物质财富,但也给人们造成错觉,似乎人是高于自然的,自然资源和生态环境只是满足人类需要的工具,人类应“统治自然”、“战胜自然”、“做大自然的主人”。这一理念最终导致人类活动破坏了自己赖以生存的自然条件,整个地球陷入资源濒临枯竭和环境严重污染的危机,人和自然之间的矛盾日益尖锐化。马克思在创建唯物史观的过程中曾给予人和自然的关系问题以极大的关注,他将实现人和自然的高度和谐统一放置于全人类解放这一问题下来讨论,实现了自然、社会与人的真正统一,这一思想对当前推进我国人和自然的和谐发展、建设生态文明,具有十分重要的指导意义。本文立足于马克思的经典著作,梳理了马克思在唯物史观创建过程中对人和自然关系的论述及其相关思想的转变与发展,给予国际上指责马克思“忘却了自然”的观点以有力反驳;回顾当代中西方在人和自然关系问题上展开的理论与实践探讨,借鉴国内外研究成果的合理成分,结合我国经济社会发展的实际,对推进当代我国人和自然的和谐发展、建设生态文明,提出了若干对策建议。

【Abstract】 Though the modern industrial civilization has taken enormous material wealth to human race, it also bring illusion, seems it is properly for human to handle to conquer and to be the master of nature, and the natural resources and the ecological environment are only the tools for man to meet the desires. The illusion results global crisis of resource depletion and environmental pollution finally, human has destroyed the nature, the contradiction between human and nature is sharp. When Karl Marx created the Historical Materialism, he took great attention to how to deal the relationship between human and nature, he discussed this issue on the context of the liberation of all mankind, realized the combination of nature、social and human, and his thoughts still make sense today. This paper bases on Karl Marx’s masterpiece, combs his views of how to deal the relationship between human and nature within his creation process of Historical Materialism, refutes the criticism of "Karl Marx forgot the nature" abroad. This paper also reviews the contemporary discussion on this matter at home and abroad, draws lessons from those reasonable research results, combines the economic and social development in China nowadays, then gives some suggestions on searching the harmony status of human and nature、construct the ecological civilization.

  • 【分类号】B03;F091.91
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1954
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