

Quantitative Research on Roles of Courses of Ideological and Political Theory on Social Cohesion of College Students

【作者】 李艳春

【导师】 刘军;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 高校思想政治理论课实效性问题是困扰思想政治教育工作者的问题之一。近年来广大思想政治教育工作者致力于思想政治教育实效性研究,期望能够提出增强思想政治理论课效果的有效措施。基于此,本文对高等学校思想政治教育的主要渠道——思想政治理论课的效果进行检验与评估,对大学生思想政治理论课的主观态度及课程效果进行测量,将思想政治理论课的教育目标具体化,将其分解成为一系列具体的、可测量的、可操作化的子目标,并以总目标和子目标作为因变量,制定指标体系,考核高校思想政治理论课取得的具体效果。具体而言,本文以高校思想政治理论课作为自变量,以大学生社会凝聚力作为因变量,通过数据分析,对思想政治理论课的效果做出客观评价。本文利用文献研究法对社会凝聚力进行理论分析的基础上对之进行操作化;利用访谈法以及词频分析法对思想政治理论课的效果以及大学生的主观因素进行维度分析。再利用SPSS、STATA以及结构方程模型对二者的相关性及因果关系进行统计分析。结果表明:大学生社会凝聚力分为信任感、参与性、公平正义感、责任感以及归属感等五个维度;主观因素分为态度、动机、课外实践活动评价、课内授课方式评价、内容评价等五个维度;课程效果分为两个概论课程、纲要形策以及基础等三个维度。对这些维度的横向相关性、纵向相关性以及大学生人口学变量在这些维度上的差异性进行分析,得出如下结论。相关性分析结果为:思想政治理论课主观因素同其效果的相关系数为0.52,思想政治理论课效果同社会凝聚力的相关系数为0.49,思想政治理论课主观因素同社会凝聚力的相关系数为0.94,而且这些相关系数全部在不同显著水平上具有显著性。差异性分析结果为:民族、干部、党员、专业、学习成绩、学校性质、独生子女、生源地等大学生的人口学变量在社会凝聚力的不同维度上呈现出不同的显著性差异。干部、党员、专业、学习成绩、学校性质等大学生人口学变量在思想政治理论课程主观因素的不同维度上呈现出不同的显著性差异。学校性质这一变量在思想政治理论课程效果上有显著差异,具体表现为:重点院校思想政治理论课效果好于普通院校,普通院校课程效果好于民营高校。从整体上看,思想政治理论课程对大学生社会凝聚力变异的解释量为22%,大学生思想政治理论课主观因素对社会凝聚力变异的解释量为77%,这二者共同对大学生社会凝聚力变异的解释量为81%,若将大学生思想政治理论课主观因素作为中介变量进行分析时,思想政治理论课程对社会凝聚力变异的解释量为85%。根据以上分析结论,从教育主管部门、教育者、受教育者以及教育介体等方面提出了增强思想政治理论课效果的建议和措施,并就未来的研究方向进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Lower effectiveness of-courses of ideological and political theory is one of the issues troubling researchers of ideological and political education currently. Because of this problem, those researchers have been committed to the effectiveness of ideological and political education, hoping to propose solutions and effective measures. This paper aims to examine and evaluate the effectiveness of ideological and political education of colleges and universities, assessing attitudes of college students on ideological and political theory courses and the effectiveness of the curriculum as well, making the highly abstract and highly general objectives operationalized, with the overall objectives decomposed down into a series of specific, measurable, action-oriented sub-objectives. An index system will be constructed with the overall objectives and sub-objectives as the dependent variables so as to assess effectiveness of ideological and political education. Specifically, courses of ideological and political theory are treated as independent variables and social cohesion of college students as the dependent variables and then objective evaluation of effectiveness of courses of ideological and political theory will be made through data analysis.In this paper, different researching methods are applied, such as method of literature, used to the theoretical analysis of social cohesion, on based of which the concept of social cohesion is being operationalized; and interviewing method and word frequency analysis are also used to analyze dimensions of the effectiveness of courses of ideological and political theory and the subjective attitudes of students. Then the software of SPSS and STATA and structural equation models are available to analyze the correlations and causal relationships between them above. The analytical results show that the social cohesion of college students can be divided into five dimensions such as confidence, participation, equity and justice, responsibility and sense of belonging while subjective attitudes into motivation, assessment of extracurricular activities, assessment of teaching methods and content evaluation, course effectsiveness into three dimensions such as two introductions, outline of modern Chinese history & situation and policies, and morality cultivation and basis of law. After the analysis of horizontal and vertical correlations of these dimensions and the difference analysis in these dimensions of college students, this paper draws the following conclusions in the final part.Correlation analysis results show that the correlation coefficient of subjective attitudes of courses and its effectiveness is 0.52. the correlation coefficient of the effectiveness and social cohesiveness of is 0.49. the correlation coefficient of subjective attitudes and social cohesion is 0.94. and the coefficients above are all significant in different levels.Difference analysis results show that demograhpic variables properties of the students such as nation, cadres, party members, major, academic level, school nature, only child all show different significant differences in different dimensions of social cohesion.And variables properties of the college students of cadres and party members, major, academic level.and school nature also show different significant difference in different dimensions of subjective attitudes of the students on the courses.Only school nature shows significant difference in the effectiveness of the course with the better effectiveness of key univesities than the general universities and better of general universities than the private universitie. On the whole, courses of ideological and political theory can explain 22% of social cohesion variation of college students, subjective attitudes of students on the political course can explain 77% of social cohesion variation, both of them can explain 81% of social cohesion variation. If subjective attitudes are treated as mediators, the courses can explain as much as the 85% of social cohesion variance.According to the analysis and conclusions above, this paper in the final part gives advice to enhance the effectiveness of political theory courses to the education authorities, educators, educatees and education mediators and this paper also looks forward to the future researches.
