

Study of Development Modes of Knowledge Process Outsourcing Industry

【作者】 徐辉

【导师】 孙东生;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球经济的不断发展,全球经济分工的细化,服务外包已经成为世界新一轮产业革命以及产业转移过程中一种趋势。知识流程外包作为服务外包的一种更具有知识密集型特色的细分产业,具有非常大的市场潜力。知识流程外包产业的发展,对于促进我国的产业结构调整,产生新的经济增长点具有非常重要的积极意义。但是,知识流程外包产业由于刚刚起步,整个产业的发展无论是理论发展还是实践经验都有待发展。本文以知识流程外包产业发展模式本身着手,对产业发展模式进行了研究,希望通过科学规划产业发展模式以促进知识流程外包产业发展。第1章绪论。主要介绍研究的背景、目的和意义,并开展国内外研究综述,同时开展相关概念的界定和研究的主要内容和方法。第2章知识流程外包产业发展模式理论。通过对知识流程外包产业的界定对知识流程外包产业发展模式的分析,提出了知识流程外包产业发展模式的定义,并将发展模式的构成进行了分析,提出知识流程外包产业发展模式理论。第3章知识流程外包产业组织模式及评价。通过产业组织模式分析,并从生产、扩散、网络等模式进行细分和研究。通过对产业组织模式的影响因素分析,建立产业组织模式评价指标体系,对几种产业组织模式进行定量分析。第4章知识流程外包产业运行模式及评价。梳理和整理集中较为常见的知识流程产业运行模式类型,并对知识流程外包产业运行影响因素进行分析。构建了知识流程外包产业运行模式评价体系,并运用模糊层次分析法对评价指标权重进行了计算。并对产业四种运行模式进行定量分析和比较评价。第5章知识流程外包产业知识产权制度及评价。梳理、整理知识流程外包产业产权分享制度、产业知识保护制度、产权风险转移制度、产业资本运营制度。构建对知识流程产业知识产权制度评价体系,并进行量化分析。第6章知识流程外包产业模式协同理论。通过研究知识流程外包产业组织模式与产权制度的协同,知识流程外包产业运行模式与产权制度的协同,构建知识流程外包产业发展模式的协同理论模型。并通过对模型分析进一步对第2章所构建的知识流程外包产业发展理论进行论证。第7章知识流程外包产业发展模式综合评价体系构建。通过建立了产业发展综合评价指标评价体,发现产业发展模式中的影响指标。通过构建知识流程外包产业发展模式的综合评价模型,通过对综合评价模型的计算和分析,找到了评价指标体系中关键指标筛选的方法。为下一步提出产业发展对策奠定基础。第8章知识流程外包产业发展的对策与措施。从宏观层面上应该通过制度创新提升产业模式发展的竞争力;从中观层面上打造一批优势产业园区;从微观层面上,从知识产权保护和人才培养与稳定以及政府职能转型等方面入手,完善产业模式发展运行基础。本文提出了知识流程外包产业发展模式理论。并从产业发展模式内部与外部机制的视角提出了产业组织模式理论是产业发展模式的内在机制;产业运行模式理论是产业发展模式的运行机制;知识产权制度理论是产业发展模式的约束机制,同时也是支撑机制;知识流程外包产业发展模式的协同理论是产业发展模式的协同机制。并从评价体系方面进行了量化分析。本文提出了以知识流程外包产业发展模式为主线,以影响因素为导向建立了知识流程外包产业发展模式评价体系和产业发展模式理论模型。并在模型的分析过程中发现了该模型评价指标体系中关键指标筛选的方法。并得出了可以通过具体的措施来改善指标和改善协同中的系数,进而改善产业发展模式,提高产业发展模式促进产业发展能力的结论。本文提出了知识流程外包产业模式协同理论,并构建了知识流程外包产业发展模式的协同理论模型。并通过对模型的分析得出了协同系数对产业发展模式的影响。并提出了提高协同系数的方法和途径。本文对于了解知识流程外包以及知识流程外包产业,并对选择适合知识流程外包产业发展的产业组织模式、产业运行模式以及构建知识产权制度环境有一定的借鉴参考意义。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of global economy and the refinement of the division of the global economy, the service outsourcing has become the world’s an inevitable trend in the new industrial revolution. As a subdivision of services outsourcing, knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) industry has a more knowledge-intensive characteristics which leading to a very large market potential. KPO industry contributes a very important positive sgnificance to the promotion of China’s industrial restructuring, resulting in new economic growth point. However, because KPO outsourcing industry has just started the industry needs to be developed both in theory and practical experience. We started from KPO industry’s own development model to research the industrial development model In this paper we hope that we can promote the KPO industry through planning industrial development model scientifically.The 1st chapter is the introduction. The main idea is research background, the goal and the significance, and carry out the domestic and foreign research to summarize.Besides this it also defines related concepts and research the main contents and methods.The 2nd chapter is KPO industry development model theory. By the definition and analysis of KPO industry, we propose the definition of KPO industry, analyse the constitution of development model and propose the theory of the model of KPO industry.The 3rd chapter is the appraisal of KPO industrial organization pattern. We carries on the quantitative analysis to several Industrial organization pattern.through the Industrial organization pattern analysis, research patterns and so on production, proliferation, through the Industrial organization pattern’s influencing factor analysis, establisheing the industrial organization pattern evaluating indicator systemThe 4th chapter is the appraisal of KPO industry movement pattern, carries on the the KPO industry movement’s influencing factor. It has constructed KPO industry movement pattern appraisal system and has carried on the computation using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to the evaluating indicator weight,and carries on the quantitative analysis to the industrial four kind of movement patterns and quited appraises.The 5th chapter is the appraisal of KPO industry intellectual property system. It reorganizes the industrial knowledge protection system, the property right risk shift system, the industrial capital operation system. The construction of the appraisal system of KPO industry intellectual property system, and carries on the quantification analysis. The 6th chapter discusses the knowledge flow outsourcing industry pattern coordination theory. It constructs knowledge process outsourcing industrial development pattern coordination theoretical model through researching KPO industrial organization pattern and property system’s coordination, and it demostrates the model which is constructed in the 2nd chapter through analysing KPO industrial development more deeply.The 7th chapter.The construction of KPO industry development model comprehensive evaluation system. It has established the industrial development quality synthetic evaluation target appraisal body through the construction of evaluation model and the analysis. It has found the key indicators in the screening method through the construction of KPO industry, a comprehensive evaluation model development model and the comprehensive evaluation model for the calculation and analysis,which contributes to laying the foundation for Industry Development.The 8th chapter. KPO industry development strategies and measures.System innovation should be upgraded to enhance the competitiveness of industry from the macro level.From the macroscopic level,makes one batch of superious industrial park. From the microscopic stratification plane, we started from the intellectual property protection and the personnel training and stable as well as government function reforming,ect,and improve the operational foundation for the development of industrial models.This article advanced the KPO industrial development pattern theory and proposed that the Industrial organization pattern theory is the industrial development pattern intrinsic mechanism from the industrial development pattern interior and the exterior mechanism’s angle; The industrial movement pattern theory is the industrial development pattern operational mechanism; The intellectual property system theory is the industrial development pattern restraint mechanism, simultaneously also supports the mechanism; The KPO industrial development pattern’s coordination theory is the industrial development pattern coordination mechanism. And has carried on the quantification from the appraisal system aspect.This article proposed that take the KPO industrial development pattern as the master line, influence factors as the guidance established KPO industry development and evaluation system. In this model analysis process, the paper found the model during the evaluation index system of key index screening method. And the conclusion that through concrete measures to improve index and improve coordination, and the coefficients in the improvement of industry development mode, improve industrial development pattern promote industry development ability. This article proposed the KPO industry pattern coordination theory, and has constructed the KPO industrial development pattern coordination theoretical model. And through has obtained the coordination coefficient to the model analysis to the industrial development pattern influence. And proposed the enhancement coordination coefficient method and the way.This research had many value that could be go to understand knowledge process outsourcing and knowledge flow of the outsourcing industry, and to choose a suitable knowledge process outsourcing industry development of industrial organization model, operation mode and the construction of the industry industrial property rights system environment.
