

Research on Evolution of Adaptive Enterprise Strategic Niche

【作者】 韩兵

【导师】 张铁男;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着新知识、新技术以及新产业不断涌现,世界经济环境日趋复杂,市场竞争不断加剧。现代企业经营环境已经发生显著改变,外界环境复杂性以及不确定性导致传统企业战略管理理论在解决实际问题中的有效性明显降低。因此,需要寻求一种更为有效的战略理论,能够提高企业在面对外部环境变化的适应性。本文将战略理论、演化理论和生态位理论相结合研究适应性企业战略,为战略理论研究提供了新思路。通过综合多种学科理论,适应性企业战略可以加深在战略选择实践中对战略选择影响因素的辨识和把握。适应性企业战略生态位演变规律的研究为企业在复杂环境中的生存和发展提供战略分析的有利工具,有助于企业持续提高战略管理水平,具有较强的实践指导意义。本文研究的主要内容包括以下六个部分:第一部分,对适应性企业战略生态位演变的基本概念进行界定。首先,通过对企业战略的性质以及外部环境变化特征的相关分析,提炼出适应性企业战略的基本概念,并从本质属性和作用机理层面描述适应性企业战略的基本特征。其次,结合生态位理论和适应性企业战略理论,提出了适应性企业战略生态位的概念,并对其特征进行分析。第三,遵循以达尔文主义为基础的“选择——遗传——变异”的范式,从基本假设、核心理念以及方法论三个方面构建适应性企业战略生态位的演变范式。以生态位因子为桥梁和纽带,在遵循适应性企业战略生态位演变范式的基础上构建适应性企业战略生态位演变分析框架。第二部分,确定适应性企业战略生态位演变的基本单位——生态位因子。首先,对企业演化进行惯例解释,从惯例是企业演化的记忆、技巧和行事规则、目标三个方面剖析了企业演化惯例的本质。其次,对适应性企业战略演化惯例进行描述,并分析适应性企业战略演化惯例与生态位因子的关联关系。在此基础上,结合序参量的概念将生态位因子与适应性企业战略演化惯例有机融合。分别分析三种生态位因子(规模因子、运营因子以及赢利因子)的构成和特征,结合企业“投入——产出”过程探讨三种生态位因子的关联关系。第三部分,对适应性企业战略基本生态位的选择进行研究。首先,从战略的角度分析了适应性企业战略基本生态位选择的意义,结合生态位宽度和生态位重叠等测算生态的工具,提出适应性企业战略基本生态位的测度方法。其次,结合新兴古典经济学中的超边际分析方法,构建适应性企业战略基本生态位选择的超边际分析模型。在对选择模型做出角点决策的基础上,通过局部最优解的比较得出适应性企业战略生态位选择模型的整体最优解。根据适应性企业战略基本生态位演变模型的一般均衡分析,对选择演变可能导致的结果进行探讨。第四部分,对适应性企业战略现实生态位遗传演变规律进行研究。适应性企业战略现实生态位的遗传演变是当前现实生态位基本特征及资源占用情况的传递和延续。首先,对适应性企业战略现实生态位遗传演变的特征和必然性进行分析。其次,通过构建遗传演变的演化博弈模型模拟遗传决策的博弈过程。在给出一定假设条件的基础上,构建演化博弈支付矩阵,并对复制动态方程进行均衡分析得到演化稳定均衡策略,并对适应性企业战略现实生态位遗传博弈的影响因素以及演化博弈的结论进行探讨。第五部分,对适应性企业战略现实生态位搜寻演变规律进行研究。首先从企业内部变革需求和对外部环境的适应性两个层面分析了现实生态位搜寻的目的。其次,遵循马尔科夫链的决策分析原理,通过确定搜寻的时刻及周期、搜寻的状态值、搜寻的转移概率以及搜寻的报酬等模拟适应性企业战略现实生态位搜寻的过程。最后,以企业战略决策者接受搜寻目标状态空间为例,对现实生态位搜寻演变结果进行预测。第六部分,对适应性企业战略现实生态位创新演变规律进行研究。首先,从技术变革和制度变革两个方面分析了现实生态位创新演变的必然性。以协同学理论为基础,利用隐喻方法研究企业生态位的演变规律,以Logistic方程构建企业生态位创新演变模型。通过分析模型的阈值条件,为适应性企业战略现实生态位创新演变确定决策时刻提供依据。通过求解序参量方程和模拟序参量演化轨迹,分析了序参量引导下现实生态位创新演变的路径。本文以演化理论、生态位理论为基础,从时间和空间层面研究了适应性企业战略的互动机制和定位方法,为企业战略理论研究提供了新思维。论文致力于将新的理论工具与战略管理实践有机结合,通过综合多种学科的理论和方法为企业在复杂环境中制定对企业自身生存和发展最为合理的战略提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the surging of new knowledge, new technologies and new industries, the economic environment in the world is increasingly complex, and the market competition is fierce, so the business environment to modern enterprises has changed significantly. Because of the complexity and uncertainty of the external environment, the traditional strategic management theories play a lower effectiveness role to solve practical problems, so a more effective strategy theory is needed to make the enterprises adapt to the external changing environment. This dissertation combines strategic theory, evolutionary theory and the ecology niche theory to study Adaptive Enterprise Strategy (AES), which provides new ideas for strategic theory study. Adaptive Enterprise Strategy (AES) pays more attention to identify and grasp the influencing factors in strategic choice practices through the integration of a variety of disciplines theories. Resrarch on evolution of Adaptive Enterprise Strategy niche provides strategic analysis tools for enterprise’s survival and development in a complex environment help enterprises to improve strategic management level continuously, and with a strong practical significance. The main contents of this dissertation include the following six sections.The first part, mainly researches the basic concepts of evolution of evolving rules of adaptive enterprise strategic niche. First, analyzes the nature of enterprise strategy and the variation of external environment, and according which to extract the basic concept of AES, and then describes the basic characteristics of AES from its essential nature and action mechanism. Second, combines the niche theory and AES theory to propose the concept of adaptive enterprise strategic niche and research its characteristics. Third, follows the "gene-variations-choice" paradigm of Darwinian to build niche evolution paradigm for AES, and researches which basic assumptions, core concepts and methodology. Finally, takes the niche factor as the bridge and link, and follows the niche evolution paradigm of AES to establish framework of this research.The second part, determines the evolution factors of evolving rules of adaptive enterprise strategic fundamental niche. Firstly, explains the evolution routine, mainly from evolution memory, skills and act rules and objectives to describe the essence of enterprise evolution. Secondly, analyzes the relationship between the evolution routine and niche factors, and bases on the concept of order parameters to combine the evolution routine factors of adaptive enterprise strategic fundamental niche. Finally, analyzes the formation and characteristics of there niche factors, scale factors, operational factors and profit factors, and according the process of "input-output" in enterprise to exploits their relationship.The third part, researches the selective evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic fundamental niche. Firstly, analyzes the meaning of the selective evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic fundamental niche from the strategic point, and applies the ecological measure tools as niche breadth and overlap to propose the measures for adaptive enterprise strategic niche. Second, applies marginal analysis in the new classical economics to construct the model of marginal analysis for the selective evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic fundamental niche. Through deciding the corner on the selection model, and comparing the local optimal solutions to obtain the overall optimal solution of the selective evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic fundamental niche. Finally, accords the general equilibrium analysis of the selective evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic fundamental niche to discuss the several results of selective evolution.The fourth part, researches the gene and evolution rules of adaptive enterprise strategic realized niche. The gene and evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic realized niche are the delivery and continuity of the basic characteristics and resource occupancy of realized niche. First of all, analyzes the characteristics and the inevitability of the gene and evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic realized niche. Secondly, constructs the evolutionary game model of gene and evolution to simulate the game process of genetic decision-making. By giving certain assumptions to construct payoff matrix of evolutionary game, and applying equilibrium analysis to the copy dynamic equilibrium to get evolutionary stable equilibrium strategies. Finally, analyzes the game factors and evolutionary game results the gene and evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic realized niche.The fifth part, researches on searching evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic realized niche. Searching is a variable state of adaptive enterprise strategic realized niche. Firstly, analyzes the purpose of realized niche searching from the internal change demand and the adaptability of external environment. Secondly, follows the Markov chain principle, simulates the searching process of adaptive enterprise realized niche by determining the searching moment and cycle, values of searching states, transition probability and remuneration. Finally, a case study with strategic decision makers accepts the searching target state space, which predicts the search evolution results of realized niche.The last part, researches on innovative evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic realized niche. Firstly, analyzes the inevitability of realized niche innovative evolution from technological changes and institutional changes. Then, bases on synergetic theory to study the evolution law of enterprise niche by metaphor method, and constructs an innovative evolution model of enterprise niche in Logistic Equation. We can provide the basis for decision-making time inside innovative evolution of adaptive enterprise strategic realized niche through the analysis of threshold conditions. Finally, analyzes the realized niche innovative evolution paths under the guidance of order parameters through solving the order parameter equation and simulating order parameters evolution curves.This dissertation bases on the evolutionary theory and niche theory, from the space and time adaptive angel to exploit interaction mechanism and positioning method for AES, and provides a new thinking for enterprise strategy research. This dissertation focuses on combining the theoretical tools and strategic management practice, and through applying an integrated multi-disciplinary theories and methods to promote the enterprises establishing reasonable strategy for their survival and developments.
