

Research on the Operating Mechanism for the Self-organization of Scientific and Technological Resource Sharing System

【作者】 陈娟

【导师】 张铁男;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 伴随科技全球化的加速,科学技术竞争成为国家间竞争的焦点,特别是对技术和知识产权的占有使得这种竞争形势更加尖锐。在我国由于资源投入有限、统筹配置乏力导致科技资源使用中存在重建设轻运行、布局凌乱,投入分散、条块分割等现象,导致战略性研究经常受制于人,关键技术的突破难以实现,重大原创性科技成果难以形成。因此,为提高我国科技竞争力,实现科技资源的科技价值、经济价值和社会价值,资源共享成为优化国家资源配置效率的重要措施,而科技资源共享系统运行机制的建立是提高共享效率与效益的关键。本研究共分为四个部分:第一部分,科技资源共享系统自组织运行机制相关概念的辨析,着重分析了科技资源及科技资源共享的内涵与特征、科技资源共享系统的内涵、要素、结构及自组织特征、科技资源共享系统自组织运行机制的内涵与特点,为下文的具体分析奠定基础。第二部分,基于自组织机理的科技资源共享机制分析框架构建。在明确科技资源共享系统运行机理的基础上,定性分析了系统自组织运行的序参量,即共享价值与共享文化。通过对序参量演化方程的分析,明确了序参量与系统运行机制之间的内在关系,进而提出科技资源共享系统自组织运行机制体系,即运行动力机制、信息传导机制、组织协调机制和利益保障机制,并对各子机制的内涵与功能进行了界定与描述。本研究认为科技资源共享系统的演化并非由单一机制决定,而是由所有子机制及其相互作用关系与联系共同决定。第三部分,基于自组织的科技资源共享系统运行子机制研究。本文遵循“机理-结构-内容”的逻辑思路,分别对运行动力机制、信息传导机制、组织协调机制以及信息保障机制进行了深入分析与研究。(1)动力机制部分,首先分析了科技资源共享的动力源及动力特征,并依据系统自组织运行的役使,涨落与自耦合等原理,从推动序参量形成与作用的角度出发,提出动力生成机制和动力驱动机制两部分具体动力机制内容。(2)信息传导机制部分,在明确系统信息传导机理的基础上,首先分析了基于信息流运作模式的科技资源共享信息传导模式,并通过信息熵的测量,在保证信息交互效率与最大熵原理的前提下提出基于第三方信息中心的信息传导模型,进而给出信息传导机制的具体内容,包括信息监测、信息整合、信息扩散和信息反馈。(3)组织协调机制部分,在明确系统组织协调机理的前提下,从市场自组织与政府宏观调控能动性相结合的角度提出科技资源共享系统的三维组织协调体系,基于组织协调主体、客体与层次三个维度具体研究系统内部的组织协调过程,并从协同管理机制与制度保障机制两个方面给出组织协调机制的具体内容。(4)利益保障机制部分,分析了资源主体的利益构成,并通过利益主体之间的利益博弈研究了利益保障机制起作用的关键节点,在此基础上提出利益分配、利益平衡与惩罚、利益诉求与预警等具体利益保障机制内容。第四部分,科技资源共享系统自组织运行机制的系统动力学仿真。通过系统流图的构建,明确了系统内部各机制要素的结构关系,并运用仿真分析了系统主要变量的演变趋势。最后根据仿真结果论证了系统的自组织特性、运行机制的耦合关系以及共享价值与共享文化作为系统序参量的正确性。伴随着世界范围内科技创新的推进,实现全社会科技资源的有效共享具有十分重要的意义,一方面可以提高科技资源的使用效率,为全社会提供一个创新的环境,实现科技的跨越式发展,另一方面又有利于促进新型工业化和实现可持续发展,进而深化科技管理体制的改革,推动政府管理模式的根本转变。总体而言,科技资源共享系统运行机制的完善是一个循序渐进的过程。本文构建了一个基于自组织理论的运行机制体系,符合科技资源共享系统的运行规律,对共享实践的开展具有重要的现实指导意义。

【Abstract】 With the acceleration of globalization, science and technology competition becomes the focus of competition between the countries. Especially in the circumstances to possess technology and intellectual property, it makes this competition even more intense. In our country, because of the input limitation and inefficient overall planning, there are many problems in the process of using scientific and technological resources, such as resources wasting, unreasonable layout, dispersed input, barriers between different departments, etc. All the problems may bring about obstacles of strategic research, key technology solving and independent innovation. Therefore, to enhance our science and technology competitiveness, and realize the technique value, economic value and social value, resource sharing becomes an important measure for optimizing resource allocation. Accordingly, establishing of sharing system’s operating mechanism is the key point for improving sharing efficiency and benefits.This study is divided into four parts:Firstly, this thesis discriminates correlative concepts of operating mechanism. It gives the definition and character of scientific and technological resource and resource sharing. And then, it analyzes the definition, elements, and structure and self-organization character of scientific and technological resource sharing system. At the end of this part, it tells about the definition and character of operating mechanism of scientific and technological resource sharing system.Secondly, this thesis establishes a sharing mechanism system based on the self-organization theory. Through the relationship analysis of the various elements and sub-systems, this study finds the order parameter. According to the evolution equation analysis of order parameter, it clears the relationship between order parameter and operating mechanism. And then it puts forward a four-dimensional mechanism system, namely dynamic mechanism, information transmission mechanism, organizational coordination mechanism and benefit safeguard mechanism. After that, it gives the definitions and function introductions of all the sub-mechanisms. Operation is not determined by a single mechanism, contrarily, it is influenced by all the sub-mechanisms and their interaction.Thirdly, following the logical thinking of "principle-structure-content", this thesis does a research on each sub-mechanism based on the self-organization theory. (1)In the dynamic mechanism research part, it analyzes the power source of sharing and its characteristics first. And according to the slaving principle, fluctuation principle and self-coupling principle, this thesis promote the generation and driving mechanism, from the perspective of promoting the formation and working of order parameters.(2)In the information transmission mechanism research part, this thesis analyzes the information transmission model on the base of information flow’s operating mode. After measuring the comentropy of each information transmission model, we choose the cooperative transmission model which has the most efficient information exchange and the most information capacity. Then, we gives the content of information transmission mechanism, include information monitoring, information integration, information diffusion, and information feedback. (3) In the organizational coordination mechanism research part, this thesis analyzes the principle of organizational coordination. And then it establishes a three dimensional analytical framework to analyze the coordination process, which include coordination subjects, coordination objects and coordination aspects. Finally, it sets up a organizational coordination mechanism system include coordinated management and institutional guarantee.(4) In the benefit safeguard mechanism research part, this thesis makes clear the benefit constitute of all the resource subjects. Then through the analysis of the game relationships, it tries to find out the action spot of benefit safeguard mechanism. Finally, it gives the content of benefit safeguard mechanism, include benefit division, benefit balance, punishment, benefit demand and conflict warning.Fourthly, SD simulation of operating mechanism. Through the establishment of Flow Diagram, this thesis indicates the action relationship among mechanism elements. And then,according to the simulation results, it analyzes the evolution trend of the key variables. At the end of this part, it demonstrates the self-organizational character, coupling relationship of operating mechanism and the exactitution that sharing value and sharing culture are the order parameters.With the worldwide promotion of technological innovation, scientific and technological resource sharing becomes important day by day. Sharing can improve the efficiency of resource using, provide a better innovation environment, speed the development of technology, promote new industrialization, achieve sustainable development, deepening the reform of science and technology management system, and then promote a fundamental change in government management. Overall, improvement of operating mechanism of scientific and technological resource sharing system need our effort step by step. The operating mechanism system established by this thesis is in keeping with the evolution principle, and it has an important practical significance to practice of sharing.

  • 【分类号】F224;G322
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1373
  • 攻读期成果