

【作者】 李强

【导师】 韩润生;

【作者基本信息】 昆明理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文在系统总结狮子山铜矿床区域成矿背景、矿床地质特征、矿床地球化学基础上,以矿田地质力学和构造地球化学的方法、理论为依据,开展狮子山矿床构造控矿规律、矿体定位规律以及隐伏矿预测研究,取得如下主要成果及创新占.1、狮子山铜矿床产于狮子山倒转倾竖褶皱的北西翼,赋矿地层为中昆阳群因民组、落雪组、鹅头厂组。根据赋矿地层岩性的差异,将狮子山铜矿床矿(化)体划分为四种类型:因民组中的砂岩型矿体、落雪组中的白云岩型矿体、鹅头厂组中的板岩型矿体;新发现一种矿化类型:铜矿化辉长岩。2、通过石英脉流体包裹体岩相学研究及均一温度、盐度的测定,新发现高温、高盐度的包裹体,反映有深源成矿流体参与成矿作用。结合矿床地质以及矿床地球化学其他特征,认为狮子山铜矿床属沉积-改造-深源叠加类型,新提出矿床深部存在深源流体参与成矿作用。3、在前人工作的基础上进一步总结了矿区构造控矿型式:“背斜+一刀”、“多字型”控矿构造型式;提出了狮子山褶皱构造演化新机制以及矿区三级构造控矿特点及矿体定位规律。4、通过7、13、15中段构造地球化学研究,得到了不同元素的组合:高温元素组合Cu-Mo-Ag-Bi、中低温元素组合Na2O-Zn-Ge-Ag-Sn-Pb、与沉积-成岩成矿作用有关的元素组合:CaO-MgO-Sr-Mn-(Cu)。矿区构造地球化学异常呈北东—南西向展布,与北东向控矿断裂走向和褶皱轴向大体一致,反映了构造对成矿作用的控制;异常浓集中心主要位于狮子山背斜转折端,异常由北东向南西减弱、由落雪组向因民组递减,指示成矿流体运移方向;构造地球化学异常浓集中心位于3-8号勘探线之间,与主矿体、8号飘带矿体重叠,说明该区域深部是隐伏矿的主要靶区。5、提出成矿元素分带规律及地球化学异常模式:Cu-Mo-Bi-Co-Mn组合为近矿指示元素;Ag-Pb组合为远矿指示元素;垂向上具自上而下的轴向分带序列Mn-Ba-Ag-Cu-Zn-Co-Pb-Bi-Mo。6、在成矿规律、矿体定位规律基础上,应用构造地球化学勘查技术,对矿区深部隐伏矿进行了预测,经工程验证,取得了良好的找矿效果。

【Abstract】 On the summarying systematically of regionnal mineralize background、mineral deposit characteristics and goechemistry of mineral deposit, The paper uses the method and theory of field geodynamics and tectono-geochemistry to study the property of structural controlling mineralization、the allocation property of orebodies and the prognosis of concealed orebodies and obtains main achievements and innovations as follows:1、The Shizishan copper deposit locates in the northwest of reversed、plunging vertical Shizishan anticline.The ore-bearing stratums are Yingming formation、Luoxue formation and E’touchang formation of the Mid-Kunyang group. According to the discrepancy of ore-bearing stratum,the ore bodies of the Shizishan deposit are divided into four types:sandstone type orebody、dolomite type orebody and slate type orebody.The gabbro ore body is another new mineralize type discovered in the deep.2、By means of studying the fluid inclusion’s lithology of quartz vein and the measurement of the homogenization temperature and salinity, the paper finds a new kind of high temperature and high salinity inclusion that states the deep-focus ore-forming fluid involved in metallogenesis. On the research of mineral deposits and other characteristics of geochemistry of mineral deposits, the paper thinks that the origin type of Shizishan copper deposit is sedimation-reformation-magma composition. So this paper raises the new opinion that the deposit may have superposition metallogenesis of deep-focus fluid.3、Based on the predecessors’ research, the paper further sums up the ore-controlling structure patterns of this ore area:"anticline+fault" type and"ξ"type;and raises the new evolution mechanism of Shizishan fold structure and the rule of tertiary structure-controlling and ore body orientation.4、Through research on the tectono-geochemistry of 7、13 and 15 levels of the Shizishan deposit, the paper obtains different of association of elements: Cu-Mo-Ag-Bi are high temperature composite elements and Na2O-Zn-Ge-Ag-Sn-Pb are mid-lowe temperature composite elements of; CaO-MgO-Sr-Mn-(Cu) are the mineralize composite elements of sedimentation-diagenesis. The tectono-geochemistry abnormal of the Shizishan spreads along NE-SW and to be in line with the northeast strike of ore-controlling faults and the axial direction of the Shizishan fold. It reflects that the metallogenesis is controlled by structure; The tectono-geochemistry abnormal concentration center is situated in the ridge of Shizishan composite anticline and weakens from the northeast to the southwest、from Luoxue formation to Yingming formation,to indicate the migration direction of ore-forming fluid; The tectono-geochemistry abnormal concentration center is situated between No.3 prospecting line and No.8 prospecting line where is overlapped the main ore body and No.8 ribbon ore body almost. It implies that area in deep is the main target of conceaed orebody.5、The paper presents the zoning rule of mineralize elements and geochemical anomaly pattern:Cu-Mo-Bi-Co-Mn is the indicator element combination of ore body and Ag-Pb is the long range indicator element combination.This deposit has Zoning sequence of Mn-Ba-Ag-Zn-Cu-Pb-Co-Bi-Mo in axial direction from above to below.6、Based on the metallogenic law and orientation rule of ore body, the paper applies the geochemical exploration technology to prognosis the concealed orebody of the Shizishan copper deposit and obtains better prospecting effect after being verified by later project.
