

On the Subregion Economic Cooperation between China and the Southeast Asian States

【作者】 吴世韶

【导师】 程又中;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 国际政治, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随经济全球化和区域一体化的发展,东亚地区的区域经济合作日益为学界和政界所关注。但由于政治制度、历史文化、宗教与民族矛盾以及发展程度等各不相同,大国关系异常复杂,东亚地区以地区一体化为导向的区域经济合作困难重重。作为一种替代,次区域经济合作在东南亚地区应运而生。自“新柔廖增长三角”发起以来,东南亚地区和中国周边的次区域经济合作机制风生水起,倡议不断——次区域经济合作成为地区各国的优先选择,尤以亚洲开发银行发起主导的大湄公河次区域合作,成效最为显著。论文在严格界定“次区域经济合作”概念的基础上,通过对以大湄公河次区域合作(GMS)为代表的中国与东南亚国家间次区域经济合作的发展进程进行研究,指出该合作的合作领域不断拓展,合作地域不断扩大,合作机制不断完善,合作程度不断加深,呈现出合作的“进化”现象。接着,论文探讨了次区域经济合作发生发展的内外条件:由于地缘邻接和资源互补,次区域地区在合作各方采取开放与合作政策的环境下,经由跨境民族的跨境流动,推动边界由“屏蔽效应”向“中介效应”转变,使边境地区由国家经济社会发展的边缘成为地区经济新的增长点,实现了次区域地区经济社会的发展;同时,论文还发现:域外国际组织在次区域经济合作中扮演了重要角色(尤其亚行是大湄公河次区域合作发展资金的提供者、次区域合作的催化剂和中介),而域外大国在次区域地区的地缘竞争由于对次区域经济合作规范的认同而导向了地缘合作,使其不自觉地成为次区域经济合作的外部推动力。论文在对中国与东南亚国家间次区域经济合作效用评估的基础上,对该合作在当前所面临的困难进行了剖析。论文指出:次区域内国家间的政治经济矛盾和次区域外国家和组织的地缘政治经济竞争所带来的利益分配问题是当前问题的核心。因此,论文提出了通过提升次区域经济合作的战略地位,从国家大战略层面与合作参与各方实现利益共享,以推动我国与东南亚国家间次区域经济合作进一步发展的路径。随后,论文对中国与东南亚国家间次区域经济合作的经验进行了总结,认为:发展是次区域经济合作的初始出发点,和平的周边环境与共同发展的政策取向是次区域经济合作成功的必要条件,在此基础上,建构地区认同与形成共同获益是次区域经济合作得以发展的根本原因,而中国的积极参与是次区域经济合作发展的主要推动力。在此基础上,论文最后对解释次区域经济合作现象的理论框架进行了初步的探讨,提出了建构一个“地缘政治经济学”解释框架的观点——次区域地区各方在国际组织的推动下利用该地区的自然地理条件,通过建构合作文化,推动次区域地区在不同层次和不同领域开展合作,从而建构起相应的合作规范,并引导次区域外大国和国际组织认同该规范,最终实现次区域地区经济社会的共同发展。

【Abstract】 With the globalization of the world economy and the integration of regional economy, regional economic cooperation in East Asia attracts increasing attention from academic and political circles. However, the regional economic integration in East Asia is very difficult because of diversities in political system, history, culture and religion as well as the economic gap between each country and the complex relations among the major big powers. So, the sub-regional economic cooperation came into being as an alternative form in the Southeast Asian countries. Since the "SIJORI Growth Triangle" was launched, the sub-regional economic cooperation continues to be initiated and developed in Southeast Asia and China. In particular, the Greater Mekong Sub-regional Cooperation initiated and dominated by the Asian Development Bank makes the greatest achievement.The dissertation firstly defines the subregional economic cooperation strictly. Then it researches the process of the sub-regional economic cooperation between China and Southeast Asia countries, especially Greater Mekong sub-regional cooperation. It points out that the domains and areas of cooperation continue to be expanded, the cooperation mechanisms improved, and the level of cooperation deepened, which shows an evolution of cooperation.Secondly, the dissertation discusses the internal and external conditions of the sub-regional economic cooperation. It puts forward that the boundaries turn from the "shielding effect" to "intermediary effect" motivated by the cross-border flow of the cross-border ethnic groups due to the geographical adjacency and complementary resources as well as an open and cooperative policy of all parties in the sub-regional areas, which makes border area change to a new growth point in region economy from the edge of a country. At the same time, the dissertation also finds out that the international organizations play an important role in the sub-regional economic cooperation (especially ADB, the financier, catalyst and advisor of the GMS). And the competition of external big powers in the sub-regional areas will become the external driver of sub-regional economic cooperation because they identify with the cooperative norms of sub-regional areas in the geopolitical competition, which becomes the driving force of sub-regional economic cooperation.This dissertation would like to seek for a path to promote a further cooperation between China and Southeast Asia countries on the basis of assessing the effectiveness of the sub-regional economic cooperation and analyzing the difficulties and obstacles in the cooperation. It claims that the interests distribution is the core of the current problems caused by the political and economic conflicts in sub-regional countries and the geo-political economic competition. Therefore, China can promote the sub-regional economic cooperation with the Southeast Asian countries by improving its strategic position in the sub-regional economic cooperation and sharing interests with the cooperative parties from the perspective of national grand strategies. On this basis, the dissertation makes the following conclusion:1)the development is the initial starting point of the sub-regional economic cooperation, 2)peaceful surroundings and common development is a necessary condition for successful cooperation in sub-regional areas,3)regional identity and the common benefit is the fundamental cause of the sub-regional economic cooperation, and 4) China’s (Yunnan, and Guangxi) active participation in the sub-regional economic cooperation is the main driving force.Finally, the dissertation discusses the theoretical framework applied to explain the phenomenon of sub-regional economic cooperation. It proposes a concept of "geo-political economy". On the promotion of the international organizations, the sub-regional countries (local governments) can make use of the natural geographical conditions to construct a culture of cooperation and promote cooperation in different levels and domains in the sub-regional areas. By establishing appropriate cooperation norms, the sub-regional countries (local governments) should guide the external big powers and international organizations to identify with them and ultimately achieve the common economic and social development in the sub-region areas.
