

Research on the Model and Implementation of Grid-Based Management of Beijing Urban Forestry

【作者】 张旸

【导师】 吴保国; 唐小明;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 本研究充分利用现代信息技术理论与实现方法,借鉴计算机网络技术和城市网格化管理的理念,针对现代城市林业管理实践中已经具备的基础和存在的主要问题,依托北京城市林业网格化管理建设项目支撑,紧密结合北京城市林业建设和管理的业务实际,对北京城市林业网格化管理建设的背景条件、城市林业网格化管理的基础理论、城市林业网格化管理的信息化关键技术、城市林业网格化管理系统建设的标准体系、城市林业网格化管理的基本要素、城市林业网格化管理系统运行保障等方面进行了全面系统的研究。本研究重点提出了城市林业网格化管理的内涵、目标。通过业务梳理,从网格化管理的视角,全新地定义了网格化管理的的对象、业务和事件。将现代城市林业与网格化管理相结合,构建了一个完整的城市林业网格化管理模式,包括业务原型模式、三级平台模式、体系建设模式和系统构架模式。在理论上建立了四大模型,如地理空间网格模型、对象资源网格模型、业务数据网格模型和责任主体网格模型。在北京城市林业信息化建设的基础上,建立行政职能和业务的规范,将数据流程与业务流程整合,做到业务管理的协同、指挥调度的统一、突发应急的快速反应、决策的科学果断、监督考核的量化。城市林业网格化区划是城市林业网格化管理的一项基本内容。本研究在融合了林业与城市园林现有区划体系的基础上,建立了城市林业网格化区划以及编码方法。在理论研究的基础上,本研究对城市林业网格化管理信息系统的研发与实现做了大量的研究。系统设计分为五个子系统,分别为系统构建与维护子系统、网格信息采集子系统、综合查询子系统、网格化数据交换子系统和网格化专题应用子系统。本研究完成了城市林业网格化管理从概念提出、理论创建、模型设计、标准制定和指导信息系统研发的全过程。在北京城市林业网格化管理建设项目完成后,在全市推广应用。为全局核心业务和职能供了强有力的信息技术支撑手段,取得了非常良好的社会经济效益,对推动我国城市林业的更高层次的发展具有典型示范性作用。

【Abstract】 Taking full advantage of the current information technology and its method for implement, such as grid computing technology and the concept of city grid-based management, the paper fully studied the aspects of background of the grid-based management of Beijing Urban Forestry, the basic theories of city grid-based management, the key techniques, the standard series for the information system, the core factors and safeguard environment of system construction and running. The project launched from the groundwork of modern urban forestry management and the purpose for solving the problems existed, based on the construction program of grid-based management of Beijing Urban Forestry and Park and covered the running practical work of the whole industry.The research laid emphases on the connotation of grid-based management of urban forestry and its objectives. Through carding of operations, from the view of grid-based management, the object, event and operation of the grid-based management were newly defined. Combining the modern urban forestry with the grid-based management, we build up a integrated model of the grid-based management of urban forestry. It includes four models, such as the grid-based space model, the grid-based objective resource model, the grid-based operational data model and the gride-based responsible unit model. Based on the infomationization of the Beijing Urban Forestry, breaking the convention of system construction individually, we made criterion for administrative functions and operation by integrating data flow and operation and aimed at the co-operation of business management, the unification of commanding and cross-operation, quick reaction of emergency, scientifically decision firmly and supervising and assessing in quantity.The grid-based division of urban forestry is one of basic components of grid-based management of urban forestry. The research set up a grid-based division of urban forestry and its methodology by combining both divisions of the urban forestry and city gardening.Based on the study on theory, the research did a lot of work on the system development and its implement of the grid-based management of the urban forestry. The system development includes framework analysis and design and the function analysis of five sub-systems. The five sub-systems are system quick-build-up and maintenance, data sampling of grid-based, information comprehensive enquiry, grid-based data exchange and sharing and application in special topic of grid-based. Finally, the research went through a whole process of theory study, designing of concept model, criterion making and system development. After the system construction, it is widely used for Beijing Urban Forestry with a success, as a technical tool supporting the basic business and core operation. It sets a practical example of better urban forestry management for the country.
