

Research on the System Stability and Control of Eco-industrial Park

【作者】 罗柳红

【导师】 张征;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 生态学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 生态工业园区是一个包括自然、工业和社会的地域综合体,是依据循环经济理论和工业生态学原理而设计的一种新型工业组织形态,是循环经济发展模式实现形式,也是世界工业园区的发展方向。它通过成员之间的副产品和废弃物的交换、能量和水资源的梯级利用、基础设施的共享等方式来实现园区在经济效益和环境效益的协调发展,成为建设生态文明与探索环境保护新道路的重要实践。本文针对当前生态工业园区发展研究现状,认识到园区系统稳定性与调控是关键问题,非常值得研究。研究中采取理论论证和定量分析相结合的研究方法,借鉴和运用生态学、管理学、环境科学、经济学和数学等多学科工具进行理论论证,并辅以长沙经济技术开发区生态化改造的实证研究,试图通过借鉴其他学科的定量分析工具和数学模型方法,对生态工业园区系统稳定性与调控给出一些定量化的结果,并提出若干思考与建议,可为生态工业园区的规划与运行提供科技支撑与决策参考,增强生态工业园区规划建设的科学性。首先,对有关生态工业园区的发展现状及相关理论研究作了综述和分析后,认为当前依据自然生态系统稳定性的定义而给出的园区系统稳定性的描述性定义,不符合园区系统的人工系统特征。通过对人工生态系统和园区系统的比较,提出园区系统的稳定性以抗干扰能力、经济生产力和环境效益三个可度量的指标来衡量,使园区系统稳定性可定量化。进一步研究表明,度量园区系统稳定性的指标均是通过生态工业链来实现其功能的;利用动态规划模型可衡量生态工业链的稳定性并得到一定成本和风险下的最优化方案。其次,通过对园区内生态工业链形成机理的分析,得出生态工业链主要有两种形式:对同种资源或能源的分级利用形成的共生关系;或是产品链上不同副产品交换形成的共生关系。(1)对于前者,本文以水资源为例,利用博弈论对参与梯级利用体系的各利益主体进行了深入分析,得出了它们的最优化战略是水资源价格p,再生水价格r、企业水处理成本s和排污收费价格t的函数,从微观经济学的角度对各利益主体参与梯级利用的动因进行了深入的剖析,及这一体系良性运转的机制。(2)对于后者,本文利用Shapley值法,对生态工业链的经济效益按各企业的贡献率进行公平合理的分配,并可促进链上企业间对干扰的联抗机制的形成与发展。再次,通过对园区系统拓扑结构的解析,将整个园区系统结构分成社团、主生态工业链及核心企业三个层次,使得系统结构清晰,调控目标明确。基于Normal Laplace矩阵将园区系统划分为若干个较小的社团结构;利用正的最大特征值及其特征向量的性质,对社团内的企业重要性进行排序,从中找到核心企业;进一步利用MatLab软件编程,找到核心企业所在的主生态工业链。最后,作为园区系统稳定性的调控手段之一,结合当前低碳经济的发展潮流,对园区的低碳转型作了一些探讨。

【Abstract】 Eco-industrial park is a geographical complex consisting of nature, industry and society. It is a new industrial organization designed by the theory of recycling economics and the principles of industrial ecology. It is also the implementation form of recycling economy development model as well as the developing direction of the world industrial park. It is through the exchange of by-products and wastes, stepwise use of energy and water among the members that the coordinated development between economic and environmental benefits in eco-industrial park are realized. Eco-industrial parks have become an important practice of building ecological civilization and exploring new methods of environmental protection.In view of the existing problems during the current development eco-industrial parks, this paper argues that the stability and control of park system is the key issue worthy to study. In this paper, it employs both theory proof and quantitative analysis as research approaches, refers to and utilizes tools of ecology, management science, environmental science, economics and mathematics to make theoretical argument, and uses Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone as an empirical studying case. Moreover, some quantified results about the stability and control of the park system are presented, and some reflection and suggestions are put forward using mathematical modeling and. some quantitative analysis tools from other disciplines. All these obtained results would provide scientific and technological support and decision reference for the stability analysis and control of the eco-industrial park, which will guide the planning and construction of the eco-industrial park in a more scientific way.First, after reviewing and analyzing the current status of development of the eco-industrial park and related theoretical research, we argued that the given definition of the stability of a park system, which only depicts the park stability based on the definition of natural ecosystem, does not reflect its characteristics as an artificial system. Comparing the artificial ecosystems with park system, we conclude that the eco-industrial park be measured by three indexes:anti-jamming capability, economic productivity and environmental benefits, which makes the stability of the park system quantified. On further research, it is indicated that the indexes, which evaluate the stability of eco-industrial park, function through the eco-industrial chains. This paper also employs the dynamic programming model to evaluate the stability of eco-industrial chain and to obtain some optimization results under certain costs and risks.Second, on analyzing the formation mechanism of eco-industrial chain of the park, this paper concludes that eco-industrial chains are mainly divided into two categories:one is symbiosis formed by cascade utilization of the same resources or energies, and the other is symbiosis formed by exchanging different by-products on the product chain. (1) For the former, by taking the waters resources as an example, and using the game theory to analyze the motivation of the related participants who are the members of the system of resources cascade utilization, this article concludes that the best strategy is a function of the prices of water p, the prices of reused water r, the processed cost of water s, and the cost of delivered waste water t. In addition, the mechanism of this system is also analyzed in detail. (2) For the latter, by using the Shapley value, the economic benefit of the companies in the chain is distributed according to their efficiencies, which can increase their ability of anti-jamming.Thirdly, by analyzing the topological structure of the eco-park, the whole system is divided into three layers:cluster, main eco-industrial chain and the nuclear company, which makes both the structure of the system and the target of control clear. Based on the Normal Laplace matrix, the park system is parted to some clusters. Then, according to the properties of the maximum positive eigenvalue and related eigenvectors, the companies in the eco-industrial park are rearranged according to their importance and hence the nuclear companies are found. Furthermore, the main eco-industrial chain associated to the nuclear companies can be found by the method of MatLab software programming.Finally, considering the present trend of low-carbon economical development and using one of the control methods for the stability of the eco-industrial park, the transformation of the eco-industrial park to the low carbon park has been discussed.
