

A Study on the Structure of Chinese Characters

【作者】 刘靖年

【导师】 李守奎;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 汉字是由原始象形文字发展而来的表意文字,它的每一个个体都是一个完整的符号,有音有义,几千年来完美地表达着古今汉语。人类进入科学时代后,人们发现,无论是客观事物,还是反映客观事物的人文符号,基本的法则都是组合,就是有由有限构造无限:7个音符,可以表现美妙绝伦的音乐世界;10个阿拉伯数字,可以表示无穷无尽的数字;100多种元素,可以构造浩瀚的宇宙。我们惊奇的发现,世界上的使用文字几乎都在遵循这样的法则。希腊字母有24个,拉丁字母有26个,阿拉伯字母有28个,斯拉夫字母有33个,谚文字母有40个,就是这些数量有限的字母,依靠组合,同样完美地表达着各自纷繁复杂的自然语言。人类进入信息时代,组合的优越更加凸现。汉字显然有些“异类”,常用字3500个,通用字7000个,能用字上万个。如此庞大的文字体系,不要说人来掌握和运用它,就是利用计算机来处理它,也是颇为困难的。汉字繁难是个事实,问题是有没有办法解决它。组合既然是个自然法则,那么汉字是否也隐含着这种法则呢?如果没有,那么是否可以人为地设计出来呢?分析汉字的结构,探寻汉字的结构成分,找到汉字的“有限”结构符号系统,那么汉字也是“组合”的了。这就是本文研究汉字结构的初衷。本文试图通过梳理前人分析汉字结构的成功经验,探索汉字的结构符号系统。早在汉字合体字成为识字教学对象的时候,汉字结构分析就已经开始了,只不过当时仅仅是个人偶然的、随意的求便行为。但这是一种思路,从此开启了解析汉字结构的先河。春秋战国时期,解析汉字结构已不再是汉字传承者的“私事”,已然成为一种社会风气,只等贤人来归纳总结了。到了东汉,我国最早的文字学家许慎,受先人解析汉字思想的启发,对当时所能见到的“古文字”——小篆,进行了全面的分析,创立了系统的汉字结构分析理论——“六书”学说。“六书”原本是探讨原始文字造字方法的理论,但客观上却达到了分析汉字结构的目的。用现代的思维方式理解,“六书”分析出的结构成分是偏旁,分析出的结构方式是象形、指事、会意、形声。后世学者对“六书”学说推崇备至,两千年来不断进行深入研究,不但使理论本身日臻完善,现代学者还进一步提出了“三书说”、“四书说”、“五书说”和“七书说”、“八书说”,有人甚至尝试用“六书”理论去分析其他民族的原始文字。在传统的汉字结构分析理论中,偏旁的地位至关重要。它不但被广泛应用于汉字识字教学,还被创造性地运用于汉字的排序和检索,推动了辞书学的发展。偏旁概念用之于辞书编排,转称为部首。部首是为归类汉字而精心选择的典型偏旁,它不是严格意义上的汉字结构成分概念,而只是偏旁的一种有选择应用。一个汉字,理论上只有一个部首,所以,部首没有相应的结构方式系统。汉字隶变楷化以后,出于书写的需要,汉字书法领域对汉字形体结构的关注度要远高于汉字研究领域对汉字形体结构的关注度。渐渐地,书法研究者首先发现了汉字的最小结构单位——笔画。汉字研究领域引入了这个概念,在汉字研究者眼里,笔画是汉字的书写元素,是最基础的结构成分,不可再行分析。笔画的结构方式就是笔画的组合关系,主要有相离、相接和相交三种。汉字简化以后,形体已彻底符号化。再用“追根溯源”的“六书”理论分析简化字,已有牵强之感。现代的汉字研究学者普遍接受了西方科学文字学的思想,开始从纯粹形体的角度分析汉字结构,提出了科学实用的汉字“部件”理论。部件与传统的偏旁一样,都是汉字的中间结构成分。只不过,偏旁是根据汉字的造字理据分析出来的,有音有义,结构块较大,处于汉字中间结构层次的顶层;部件是根据汉字的形体构造分析出来的,可以有音义,也可以没有音义,结构块较小,处于汉字中间结构层次的底层。如果将部件视为最小的笔画结构块,称为基础部件,那么偏旁就是最大的笔画结构块,也可以看作是最大的合成部件。部件的结构方式主要有单一结构、左右结构、上下结构、包围结构、框架结构等。“部件”理论是现代汉字结构研究的核心,它在汉字识字教学、汉字排序检索、汉字信息处理等领域有着广泛的用途。当代汉字研究学者普遍认为,部件是建立现代汉字“有限”结构符号系统的合适选择。不过,目前的“部件”理论还不够成熟,其在汉字识字教学、汉字排序检索、汉字信息处理等主要应用领域还不统一。因此,进一步探索汉字部件的本质属性,建立完整统一的汉字部件应用体系,是现代汉字结构研究的当务之急。

【Abstract】 Chinese characters evolved from the original hieroglyphic ideographs, which individual is a complete symbol with sound and meaning, it is the perfect expression of thousands of years of ancient and modern Chinese. With the advent of the technological age, it was found that both the objective reality and the cultural symbols, their basic rules are combination: we use limited rules to combinate unlimited structures. Only 7 notes can be expressed a fantastic world of music; and only 10 Arabic numerals can express the endless number; 100 kinds of elements can be constructed vastness of the universe. We are surprised to find that the use of the world, almost all of the text to follow this rule. Greek alphabet has 24, Latin 26, 28 Arabic alphabet, Cyrillic alphabet has 33, saying the mother has 40 characters, is the limited number of letters, to rely on a combination, as the perfect expression of their complicated natural language. As mankind enters the information age, the superior combination of more pronounced. Character appears to be some "alien", used the word 3500, word 7000 General, tens of thousands of words can be used. Such a large writing system, not to mention the people to grasp and apply it, is the use of computers to deal with it, is quite difficult. Troublesome is the fact that Chinese characters, the problem is there is no way to fix it. Since it is a combination of natural law, then the character is also implicit in this rule it? If not, then it can be artificially designed it? Analysis of the structure of Chinese characters, to explore the structural components of Chinese characters, Chinese characters found "limited" structure symbol system, then the character is "combination" of the rules. This is the original intention of this paper.This paper attempts to sort out the previous successful experience in analyzing the structure of Chinese characters, and according to it we try to explore the structure of symbol systems. Early from the teaching of Chinese ligatures when the structural analysis of Chinese characters has already begun, but were merely personal accidental. But this is an idea, from the analytical structure of Chinese characters on the first of its kind. Chinese Chun Qiu period, the analyses of the structure of Chinese characters is no longer a "private matter" of heritage Chinese characters , which has become a social atmosphere, only needs the summarize of the wise men. To the Eastern Han Dynasty, China’s earliest writing scientist Xu Shen, resolved by the thinking of the ancestors of Chinese characters. He conducted a comprehensive analysis on the only "ancient writing"– Xiaozhuan and he create a system of Chinese character structure analysis theory– "Liu Shu" which is defined in the Private methods of the theory of the original text, but the objective is to achieve the purpose of analyzing the structure of Chinese characters. With the understanding of modern way, we can say that in " Liu Shu " the structural component is the radical, approach is to analyze the structure of figure, refer to things, knowing, shape the sound. Later scholars in the following two thousand years, they go on the in-depth study, which made not only the theory itself is getting more sophisticated, modern scholars have further proposed a "San Shu", "Si Shu", "Wu Shu" and " Qi Shu "," Ba Shu”and so on, Some people even try to use this heory to analyze the foreign original text.In the traditional Chinese structural analysis theory, the radical is essential. It is not only widely used in Chinese teaching literacy, is also used in the sort and retrieve Chinese characters creatively, which promote the development of lexicography. This concept is called a traditionally recognized component of a Chinese character in the dictionary. Radical is classified as a typical well-chosen characters and radical, it is not strictly the concept of structural components of Chinese characters, but only the radical selectively applied. A character, in theory, only has one radical, so radical is not the appropriate way to structure the system.When the Chinese characters change into“Kai Shu”from“Liu Shu”, Chinese calligraphy areas of concern about the physical structure of Chinese characters is much higher than the Chinese characters of the physical structure of the field of attention with the need of writing. Gradually, Chinese calligraphy first discovered the smallest structural units - strokes. This concept in the eyes of Chinese characters researchers is the most basic structural components element, which can not be re-analyzed. The constructions of the strokes are the combinations of strokes, which can be describing as 3 kinds, they are the separating, the joining and the contraction.When the simplication happened,Chinese characters has became completely symbolic. It is out of date if we still use the”Liu Shu”theory Modern Chinese scholars generally accept the idea of Western philology science and began to a purely theorem point of view of structure of Chinese characters, They put forward the scientific and practical character "parts" theory.“Parts”are also structural components of Chinese characters as well as the“radicals”. But the radical is based on the rationale analyzed, there are sound with meaning, structure, large blocks, in the top of the hierarchy structure of Chinese characters middle; component is based on structural analysis of Chinese characters out of shape, can have sound and meaning, can also be no sound and meaning, structure, smaller blocks, in the middle of a hierarchy of the underlying characters. If the stroke unit as the smallest building blocks, known as the basic components, then the structure of the radical is the largest block of strokes can also be seen as the largest composite parts. Components are structured mainly single structure, so the structure, the upper and lower structures, surrounded by the structure, framework structure. "Parts" theory is the core structure of modern Chinese characters, it is the teaching of literacy in Chinese characters, Chinese characters sort retrieval, information processing of Chinese characters have a wide range of uses.Contemporary Chinese studies scholars generally believe that part is to build a modern Chinese characters "limited" structure appropriate symbol system selection. However, the current "parts" theory is not mature enough, teaching literacy in Chinese characters, Chinese characters sort retrieval, information processing of Chinese characters is not the main application areas such as unified. Therefore, to further explore the components of the essential nature of Chinese characters, Chinese characters components to establish a complete and unified application system, is the structure of modern Chinese priority.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 04期