

Ideological and Political Education System in Universities under the Environment of Public Opinions on Internet

【作者】 周涛

【导师】 曾狄;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 思想政治教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 现代科技的飞速发展使网络成为社会舆论交锋的前沿阵地,网络舆论正以其特有的方式传播到社会的各个角落,其强大的功能已对人类的政治、经济、文化、生活等诸多领域产生了广泛的影响。如今,大学生的学习、生活与网络已经密不可分,校园网络为高校师生沟通与信息交流提供了便利的平台,因此它也成为校园内重要的思想舆论阵地。各种网络舆论所组成的校园网络舆论环境,已经成为高校思想政治教育环境的重要组成部分。马克思主义认为:环境的好坏,直接影响着思想政治教育的开展和效果。思想政治教育者通过对思想政治教育体系的创新,积极营造正面的网络舆论环境,将会促进思想政治教育更加顺利地进行,在全球化、数字化时代的博弈中会占据更为有利的地位。高校肩负着为社会主义现代化事业培养合格建设者和接班人的历史重任,因此优化校园网络舆论环境,积极进行网络舆论环境下的思想政治教育探索的意义就显得尤为重要。本文的章节内容如下:导论部分明确提出,进行校园网络舆论环境下的高校思想政治教育创新,是当前高校思想政治教育面临的一个重要课题,是对信息时代、数字化背景下高校思想政治教育环境急剧变化这一热点问题的积极回应,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。作者在此对已有的国内外研究成果进行了梳理,并进行了评述。在文献综述的基础上,提出了本文的研究思路、基本框架、创新点和不足。第一部分是本文研究的理论工具。主要内容包括:第一,对本文的核心概念——网络舆论环境内涵作界定。界定的难点主要体现在网络舆论环境内涵的广义与狭义、校园网络舆论环境与社会网络舆论环境的关系上。网络的开放性特征决定了校园网络舆论环境与校外网络舆论环境的区别是相对的,其界定的主要标志就是网络的使用者——大学生。简言之,校园网络舆论环境是由各种大学生网络舆论要素组成的氛围和格局。第二,介绍了本文研究使用的基本理论,包括马克思主义关于环境与人的辩证关系原理、舆论传播的相关理论。马克思主义认为,人与环境是辩证统一的关系。思想政治教育的有效实施离不开积极向上的环境的影响,环境的营造同样也离不开思想政治教育活动的促进。良好网络舆论环境的营造必须建立在对网络舆论相关理论把握的基础上,这些理论包括网络传播非线性发散型结构理论、舆论“场”理论、舆论的阶段转化理论、议程设置理论、“把关人”理论等。第三,就校园网络舆论是思想政治教育环境的辩证关系进行了清理。文章在环境与高校思想政治教育的相互作用原理的引导下,分析了舆论功能的二重性,网络舆论环境对高校思想政治教育的重要意义,以及高校思想政治教育对优化舆论环境的能动作用。第二部分对网络舆论环境下的高校思想政治教育机制与特殊规律进行了探讨。本章首先对网络舆论环境的“高校特征”进行了分析。作为思想政治教育环境的重要组成部分,高校网络舆论环境具有与其他网络舆论环境不同的特征,主要表现在:高校网络舆论场是社会网络舆论场的重要发源地和集散地;高校网络舆论主体的高素质性和多元性、矛盾性;高校网络舆论客体特殊指向性及学术性特征;高校网络舆论介体充分数字化特征。其次,就网络舆论环境对思想政治教育的作用机制进行了分析。笔者看来,网络舆论环境对高校思想政治教育的影响主要在于:它对传统主导价值体系具有整合与解构功能。一方面,舆论是道德、法律、习俗、理论等深层次意识形态的来源;另一方面,它直接通过评议对现存价值体系施加影响。网络舆论环境对思想政治教育的具体作用机制则主要是通过舆论传播规律和网络传播来实现的。其中,舆论具体作用机制包括群体效应、聚扩效应、群体极化效应、“意见领袖”效应、“沉默的螺旋”效应、议程设置效应等。网络传播的特性则使上述舆论效应的影响力增强。第三,对网络舆论环境下的思想政治教育特殊规律进行了探索,这些特殊规律包括思想政治教育时空延伸律与重叠律、教育结构“弱中心化律”、教育过程互动律、教育过程拉伸律等。第三部分则对网络舆论环境下的高校思想政治教育面临的挑战与机遇进行了分析。首先,高校网络舆论环境出现了一些新变化和新趋势,如大学生网民获取信息的积极性和主动性意识不断增加;大学生网民的舆论敏感度增强;校园网络舆论客体转换和交换频率不断加快;校园网络小舆论群趋于增多;网络传播传统的“把关人”作用的削弱导致校园舆论的可控制难度增大;校园网络非理性舆论现象增加;校园网络舆论往往成为诱发高校危机事件的“导火索”等。上述情况的出现原因是多方面的,既有主体能力的制约,也有客观方面的作用。其次,这些新变化加上网络传播的复杂性对现有高校思想政治教育的理念、内容、机制、方式方法、空间与环境、介体等带来了冲击和挑战,提出了更高的要求。此外,校园网络舆论环境高校思想政治工作的影响是全方位的,也有积极的促进作用。主要表现在它有助于思想政治教育内容的创新;有助于思想政治教育方法的创新;有助于思想政治教育过程的顺利进行。第四部分对网络舆论环境下的高校思想政治教育创新进行了探讨。第一,在思想政治教育理念上要强化平等意识、民主意识、包容意识、主动意识、透明意识、对话意识及疏导结合的意识。第二,在思想政治教育内容上,要进行网络舆论安全观教育、信息素质教育、网络信息传播规律教育、网络舆论伦理教育、网络舆论法制观教育及网络舆论心理教育等。第三,在思想政治教育方法上重视基层言论,主动了解;设置舆论议题,有意疏导;设置“把关人”,加强监管;注重“意见领袖”培养,强化引导;有意识举办各种评论活动等。第四,在思想政治教育制度建设上,要完善管理制度,优化运行机制。严格落实校园网络实名准入制;建立新闻发布制度;建立校园网络舆情收集和分析制度;建立校园舆论危机应急处置制度。第五,在校园网络舆论的技术基础上,要加强校园网络传播硬件建设,研发和组建信息监控和过滤系统,设置校内网络“防火墙”。本文的创新之处主要体现在:第一,对网络舆论环境的“高校特征”进行了概括。作为思想政治教育环境的重要组成部分,高校网络舆论环境具有与其他网络舆论环境不同的特征,主要表现在:高校网络舆论场是社会网络舆论场重要发源地和集散地;高校网络舆论主体的高素质性、多元性和矛盾性;高校网络舆论环境客体特殊指向性及学术性特征;高校网络舆论环境介体充分数字化特征等。第二,就网络舆论环境对思想政治教育的作用机制进行了初步的梳理。网络舆论环境对思想政治教育的具体作用机制主要是通过舆论传播效应来实现的,包括群体效应、聚扩效应、群体极化效应、“意见领袖”效应、“沉默的螺旋”效应、议程设置效应等。第三,对网络舆论环境下高校思想政治教育的特殊规律进行了探索。网络舆论环境下的思想政治教育有着自己的特殊规律。根据笔者的初步研究,这些规律主要包括教育时空延伸和重合律、教育活动双向互动规律、教育结构“弱中心化”律、教育过程拉伸律等。第四,对网络舆论环境下的高校思想政治教育创新进行了系统性思考。网络舆论的产生有比较复杂的原因。解决网络舆论传播下高校思想政治教育的面临的问题与挑战需要系统思维,单靠某一个要素很难达到预期效果。鉴于此,本文从网络舆论环境下思想政治教育理念、教育内容、教育方法与途径、教育队伍建设等进行了创新思考。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of modern technology, internet has become the fronts of public opinions, and speech on the internet is also transmitted in its unique ways to every corner of society. Its strong power has imposed extensive influences on every walks of human life including politics, economics, culture, daily live-hood and so on. Nowadays, since the study, work and life of university students are all closely connected with internet, the campus internet provides a convenient platform for the communication and academic study among faculties and students in institutions of higher education, which has become an important field for exchanges of thoughts and opinions. Also, the environment of public opinions on campus internet, composed of a variety of public voices on the internet, has become an important component of the ideological and political education in universities and colleges.Meanwhile, Marx’s classical argument on the relationship between human beings and environment implies that whether the environment of public opinions on the internet is positive or negative carries a direct influence on the promotion and outcome of ideological and political education. The innovation of the system of that education and the construction of a positive environment of public opinions on the internet will advance ideological and political education so as to take a more favorable position in globalization and digitalization. Institutions of higher education take the historical responsibility to cultivate qualified constructors and successors for the course of socialist modernization. Therefore, the improvement of the environment of public opinions on campus internet carries a crucial significance for the exploration of ideological and political education.The structure of this dissertation is as follows.The Introduction poses clearly that the construction of a favorable environment of public opinions on campus internet is a major task facing the ideological and political education in universities. An improvement of that environment is a response to the hot issues of changes happening in education environment in a new era, and, as well, a vital component of ideological and political education, which carries theoretical and practical significance. Therefore, here, the author makes a relatively detailed review on the existing domestic and foreign studies on this issue and an overall judgment on these literature works.Section One is a theoretical basis of this dissertation and covers studies from the following aspects:firstly, it defines the core conception in this dissertation, i.e., Environment of Public Opinions on Campus Internet. The key points of that definition lie in the relationship between the broad sense and narrow sense of campus internet, and between the environment of public opinions inside campus and that outside campus. Besides, the openness of internet decides that the difference between the environment of public opinions inside campus and that outside campus is relative. In a word, the environment of public opinions on campus internet is an atmosphere and a structure consisting of a variety of public voices on campus internet with one of the basic phenomena as public opinions on the internet. Secondly in this section, the author mainly introduces the theoretical basis of this dissertation, including the dialectical relationship between environment and human beings in Marxism, the theory of transmission of public opinions and campus crisis theory. Marxism reveals the dialectical unity between human beings and environment in a profound sense. Similarly, an efficient implement of ideological and political education can not be carried out without a positive environment; the construction of environment can not do without the promotion of ideological and political education, either. The construction of a favorable environment of public opinions on the internet has to be based on a profound understanding of the basic laws including the non-linear divergence structure of internet transmission, emergence and development of public opinions on the internet, the phase transformation characteristics, the agenda setting theory, the "Gatekeeper" theory, etc. Thirdly, this section analyzes the dialectical relationship between public opinions on campus internet and the environment of ideological and political education. According to the interaction between environment and ideological and political education in universities, it discusses the duality of function, significance of the effect of public opinions on internet to ideological and political education and how ideological and political education in turn influence the construction of public opinions environment.Section two covers discussions on ideological and political education system in universities and its functioning pattern under the environment of public opinions. This section firstly analyzes features of environment of public opinions in universities. As a vital component of ideological and political education environment, the environment of public opinions in universities differs from other forms in the following aspects:the platform of public opinions in universities is where the platform of social public opinions originated and spread; the subject carries the features of high quality, diversity and contradictory while the object contains the special orientations and academic features and the media is fully digitalized. Further in this section, it analyzes the functioning system of the spread of public opinions toward ideological and political education. As far as the author is concerned, the influences of environment of public opinions on internet to ideological and political education lie in its ability to unify and deconstruct traditional dominating value systems. On one hand, profound ideologies, i.e. morals, law, customs and theories are originated from public opinions; on the other hand, through comments, it directly influences the existing value system. Among the specific functioning pattern of public opinions, there are population effect, expansion effect, group polarization effect, the effect of "opinion leader", "spiral of silence" and agenda setting effect, etc. The unique characteristics of internet transmission promoted these public opinion effects mentioned above. Thirdly, section two concludes the specific functioning pattern of ideological and political education under public opinions on internet including the extension of binary space, overlapping rate, decentralization, interactions and sustained rate in education processes.Section three focuses on the analysis on opportunities and challenges facing by ideological and political education system in universities under the environment of public opinions on internet. Public opinions on campus internet, existing all through the process of ideological and political work, not only makes great influence on ideological and political education in universities, but also propels the conception, subjects, objects and methods of it. At present, the environment of public opinions in universities has undertaken changes and shown new trends, for instance, there is an increase in both initiative, sensitivity among university students to get information and shift rates among objects of campus internet platform; branches and groups in campus internet increase sharply, and it becomes more difficult to control public opinions on campus internet; in addition, public opinions on campus internet is more likely to become a trigger of campus crisis as a result of increasing irrational phenomena through the media. Without doubt, the reasons trigger to the problems mentioned above are diverse; both limitations on the environment and other objective prospects should take the credit. These transformations and the complicated internet media pose a challenge to ideological and political education in universities in terms of conception, content, faculty, system, method, environment, evaluation and resources. Besides, the environment of public opinions on campus internet does have positive influence on ideological and political education in terms of content innovation, methodology improvement and outcomes.Section Four examines the innovation of ideological and political education in universities and colleges. First, the innovation has to take Marxism and other Chinese theoretical outcomes, i.e., Socialist Theories with Chinese Characteristics, as its guiding ideologies and abide by the principles of positivity, effectiveness, integrity, hierarchy and development and so on. Second, in terms of educational ideas, the awareness of equality, democracy, inclusiveness, activeness, transparency, communication and induction should be strengthened. Third, according to the theory of production and phase transformation, it is needed to value and understand the voices of grass-roots actively; topic for public discussion is supposed to set and inducted; "Gatekeeper" is required for supervision; the cultivation of "Opinion Leaders" deserves great attention to enhance guidance, and so on. Fourth, with regards to the cultivation of faculties of ideological and political education, it is required to integrate resource to develop both professional and pluralistic teachers, to promote trainings for quality improvement and to advance communication for the good of their internal and external quality. Fifth, the improvement of mechanism should be applied by the measures such as implementing the regulation of real-name admittance into campus internet strictly, constructing the regimes of news release, collection and analysis of public opinions on campus internet and emergency disposal of crisis. Sixth, it is needed to step up the construction of hard-wares of campus internet, develop the system of monitoring and filtering information, and build up fire walls.The innovations of this dissertation lie in:firstly, it concludes the campus feature of environment of public opinions. As a vital component of ideological and political education environment, the environment of public opinions in universities differs from other forms in the following aspects:the platform of public opinions in universities is where the platform of social public opinions originated and spread; the subject carries the features of high quality, diversity and contradictory while the object contains the special orientations and academic features and the media is fully digitalized. Secondly, it covers discussions on functioning patterns of ideological and political education system under the environment of public opinions. Public opinions on internet influences ideological and political education through the transmission effect including population effect, expansion effect, group polarization effect, the effect of "opinion leader", "spiral of silence" and agenda setting effect, etc. Thirdly, the dissertation explores the special disciplining of ideological and political education under the environment of public opinions on internet, including the extension of binary space, overlapping rate, decentralization, interactions and sustained rate in education processes. Fourthly, it takes a systematic look of innovations of ideological and political education under public opinions on internet. The reasons which trigger to public opinions are many and only by considering the overall situation rather than one factor, could the problems and challenges be solved. Therefore, this dissertation discusses the innovation from the teaching concept, contents, methods, media and construction of teaching faculty of ideological and political education under the environment of public opinions on internet.

  • 【分类号】G206;G641
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】6126
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