

Economic Research about the Link of the Increase and Decrease of the Land for Construction Use in Both Urban and Rural Areas

【作者】 马永坤

【导师】 杨继瑞;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 目前,我国正处于工业化、城镇化快速发展时期,建设用地需求增长态势明显,保护耕地和保障经济社会发展用地的任务十分艰巨。城乡建设用地增减挂钩是通过建新拆旧、土地复垦和土地的集约化利用,最终实现建设用地总量不增加,耕地面积不减少和土地质量不降低,使用地布局趋于合理化。近年来,各地区开展农村土地整治,有效促进了耕地保护。一些地方开展城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点,对统筹城乡发展发挥了积极作用,但也出现了一些亟须规范的问题,如挂钩指标分配缺乏依据,决策存在寻租空间:资金来源渠道单一;用地供求矛盾尖锐;城乡地租悬殊巨大等。少数地方违背农民意愿强拆强建,片面追求增加城镇建设用地指标,擅自开展城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点或扩大试点范围,擅自扩大挂钩周转指标规模,挂钩周转指标使用收益分配不规范,严重侵害了农民利益。在当前社会经济不断发展和农村土地价值不断显现过程中,城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点还处于不断摸索与经验总结的阶段,各地已经探索出各类不同的宅基地流转方式,例如转权让利模式、保权让利模式、保权保利模式等。在各种模式中,收益分配,即土地所有者、使用者、政府及其他投资者间的利益分割显然是关键所在,利益分配的具体比例在不同区域不可能固定不变,但是必须把握一个原则就是农民应为最大受益者,而其它投资者(包括地方各级政府)则应根据各自在农村基础设施、公共设施、工业等方面的投资情况享受合理的投资收益。根据新一轮土地利用、城镇建设用地总体规划和新农村建设规划要求,研究城乡建设用地增减挂钩机制,充分利用农村集体建设用地,规划农村新型社区建设是我国社会经济发展全局和战略性问题。城乡建设用地增减挂钩的实施将有助于促进城乡统筹、新农村建设和耕地保护“三位一体”的城乡一体化建设,有效地推动经济建设和城镇化发展的进程。在当前村庄建设异构现象明显的情况下,实现“异构协同”难度大。推进安置区建设的乡村空间重构,将有利于“保持耕地总量动态平衡”总体目标的实现和社会主义新农村建设的推进,对促进我国社会主义经济可持续发展具有重大意义。成都市在统筹城乡发展中,尤其是在开展农村土地整治和城乡建设增减挂钩过程中,结合新一轮土地利用总体规划修编,科学合理安排农村各业用地,促进了社会主义新农村建设和城乡一体化发展。本文综合运用产权经济学、马克思地租理论、区位理论、城市化理论、计量经济学、发展经济学和资源经济学等理论成果与理论工具,结合当前开展的城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点实际,对挂钩的理论根源、内涵和模式进行深入的探讨;对城乡建设用地增减挂钩的价格、动力、演化和调控机制方面进行重点剖析;在实地调研并掌握大量有效数据的基础上,通过计量分析手段的运用,对城乡建设用地增减挂钩机制对结构演化及其对经济增长的影响等问题进行系统研究;以成都市为例证对城乡建设用地挂钩机制进行了系统、全面的剖析和探讨,为建设用地增减挂钩的理论构建和实践指导提供一种可借鉴的思路和对策。全文主体框架和结构由四部分组成:第一部分为导言,包括第一、二、三章;第二部分为城乡建设用地增减挂钩的机制分析,包括第四、五、六、七章;第三部分为增减挂钩的实践分析,包括第八章;第四部分为结论与展望,包括第九章。第一章为绪论,主要说明本论文的选题意义、背景、研究现状、研究的思路和方法等。探讨城乡建设用地的设定及面临的问题,为城乡建设用地增减挂钩的开展提供了数据来源和范围的界定。第二章为本文的理论基础。本章为城乡建设用地增减挂钩的研究提出了相关理论基础,并建立了增减挂钩机制的理论分析框架。第三章对城乡建设用地增减挂钩的内涵进行了阐释。从城乡建设用地配置效率的角度分析了挂钩项目区的构成,挂钩规模的确定及其操作方法,同时界定了各地不同的挂钩实践类型。第四章主要介绍了城乡建设用地增减挂钩地价评估体系。在建立城乡统一的建设用地市场的基础上,建立一整套完善的价格体系是必不可少的一个环节。农村建设用地的价格体系是空白的,国家没有制定规程,也没有相应的指导性文件作参考。在级别的划分路径、评价单元的设置、价格评估的方法方面都需要在实践中建立与城镇地价体系的有效链接,本文的研究成果为国家制定统一的建设用地评价规程提供参考。第五章从城市空间增长理论和地方单元的样本中分析城乡建设用地增减挂钩动力机制,如何通过对现实中的研究来揭示我国城乡建设用地增减挂钩的动力机制是本章研究的重点。为城乡建设用地增减挂钩的机理的分析提供了参考。第六章围绕城乡建设用地结构空间和时间序列的演化机制,探讨了增减挂钩结构演化中的自身机理及面临的问题。第七章研究了当前我国城乡建设用地政策的思路,通过对调控机制的分析,提出了作者对未来城乡建设用地增减挂钩的引导和控制的具体建议。第八章是以成都为例,实证分析城乡建设用地增减挂钩的实践中的经验和不足,并对下一步研究提出建议。第九章是对全文的总结,并对以后试点工作的开展提出了作者的见解。论文不足:国内在对城乡建设用地挂钩机制的研究较少,在价格和动力机制等方面的研究还需要今后进一步的研究和探讨,如价格模型是如何结合实际来修正和确定。同时在动力机制方面,对农民参与挂钩的积极性和安置意愿上研究不足,且研究样本只限于成都等四川个别市、县,研究结果不具有普遍性,带有明显的地域特征。在研究深度和广度上都有待于进一步的深入和完善。同时数据资料搜集的不完善和不可得,使得研究不够全面细致。论文的主要贡献:1、城乡建设用地增减挂钩涉及政治、经济和社会的方方面面,挂钩机制的研究具有全面性、系统性和社会性的特点。本文从价格、动力、演化和调控机制四个方面进行重点分析,研究视角上有所创新。本文对城乡建设用地增减挂钩机制(价格机制、动力机制、演化机制、调控机制)为主要研究内容,以城乡建设用地作为研究对象,进行了比较深入系统的剖析和探讨,论文选题具有新颖性。2、在城乡建设用地挂钩的价格评估和测算上,理论和实践上没有共识和实质性的评估和测算模式。本文基于产权理论和Hedonic模型的项目区建设用地定价问题的研究,并对建新区土地使用者的竞价曲线及其空间序列进行了分析,确定了市场竞价下的建新区土地利用数量。在理论和操作中都有章可循、行之有效,具有重要的理论和实践意义。3、探索了城乡建设用地统一市场的可行性,按照城乡建设用地统一规划的要求,在城乡之间建立建设用地增减挂钩机制的运作平台。另外,探讨了实现建设用地指标资本化,为城乡建设用地增减挂钩提供支持,也为进一步的研究提供了参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 At present, China is in the rapid growth of industrialization and urbanization. The situation of demand growth for construction land is obvious. It is a very difficult task for protection of arable land and guarantee land demand of economic and social development. In the process of socio-economic development and continue to show the values of rural land, the Link of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas is still in the stage of trial and skills summary, there are many problems linked to the pilot, such as the absence of grounds for indicators allocation, existing rent-seeking space of decision-making; a single source of funding sources; land supply and demand contradiction; a huge disparity between urban and rural areas for rent. Under the new round of land use, the overall planning of urban construction land and new rural construction planning requirements, Research about the link of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas, making full use of rural collective construction land, planning and building of new communities in rural social is China’s global and strategic issues for its economic development.The implement of Changes in urban and rural construction land will promote the implementation of linking urban and rural, new construction and land protection in rural areas, "Trinity" of urban and rural integration, effectively promoting economic development and urbanization process. The Isomerism phenomenon is obvious in the current construction of the village; realizing "heterogeneous coordination" is difficult. Promoting the space reconstruction of the center village (community) in the construction of new rural village complex will help realize the overall goals of "maintain the dynamic balance of total arable land" and promote the construction of new socialist countryside. It is a great significance for promoting China’s socialist economy sustainable development. Chengdu city combined with a new round of revision of land use planning, scientific and reasonable arrange rural land to promote the building of new socialist countryside and urban and rural development in the urban and rural development especially in urban and rural construction land of rural areas.This paper depth discussed the theoretical roots of linking, content and mode by using property rights economics, Marxist theory of rent, location theory, urban theory, econometrics, development economics and resource economics and other theoretical results and theoretical tools, combined with the ongoing experimental units of changes in urban and rural construction sites and linked to the actual trial. This paper analyzed the price, power, evolution and control mechanism of the increase and Decrease mechanism of the land for construction use in both urban and rural Areas; Based on a large number of valid data for field research by means of quantitative analysis for urban and rural construction on the structural changes linked to mechanisms of evolution and its impact on economic growth issues; Chengdu as an example of the urban and rural construction sites linked to the mechanism of the system, a comprehensive analysis and study for the construction of land use linked to the theory building and practical guidance, providing ideas and measures.The main frame of this paper consists of four parts:The first part is an introduction, including the first, second and third chapter; the second part is research about the link of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas, including the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh chapter; the third part is about analysis in the practice linked the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas, including ChapterⅧ; fourth part is conclusion and outlook, including chapterⅨ.The first chapter is an introduction about the significance, background, status, research ideas and methods of thesis topic, discussing the settings and problems for construction land of urban and rural, providing a range of data sources and the definition.ChapterⅡanalysis the theoretical basis of this paper, while describes the changes in domestic and international issues of urban and rural construction land linked to the research progress and further defined the focus of this study.ChapterⅢexplains the connotation about the link of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas. The analysis from the perspective as allocative efficiency methods of the land consolidation project area linked to the main content, moving the use of idle land in rural areas, while increasing the renewal of the wharf area in polis, improve urban efficiency.The fourth chapter describes the premium assessment system of increase and decrease urban and rural construction land, establishing a unified market on the basis of construction land and a set of perfect price system is an essential link. Price system in rural construction land is empty, the state did not develop a point of order, and there is no corresponding guidance document for reference. Division at the level of the path and setting of the evaluation unit, the price evaluation methods are needed to establish in practice, there is need the effective land price system links the urban to formulate a unified reference for construction land evaluation procedures.ChapterⅤanalyzed the dynamic mechanism about the link of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas from the urban space growth theory and the samples of local unit. This chapter focuses on the dynamic mechanism study of reality to reveal the changes in urban and rural construction land, providing mechanism reference for analysis of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas.ChapterⅥexplains the evolution mechanism of space structure and time series, discussing the structural evolution and problems of its own mechanism.ChapterⅦstudied the current land policy of the urban and rural construction, providing the guidance and control recommendations through the analysis of control mechanism for future changes in urban and rural construction sites.ChapterⅧcarries out empirical study in Chengdu city, empirical analysis of its experience and practice changes in urban and rural construction sites, and provides further research recommendations.ChapterⅨis a summary of the full text, and presented the view of writer’s own.The main contribution:1、The mechanism of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas linked to political, economic and social aspects and be hold characteristics of comprehensive, systemic and social. This paper focus four aspects as he price、power、evolution and regulation, there has innovation in research perspective. this paper based on the mechanism of the increase and decrease of the land for construction use in both urban and rural areas (the price、driving、evolutionary and control mechanism) as the main content. There were more in-depth system analysis and discussion on rural and urban construction land as the object of study, so it is novelty on the selection of a subject.2、there is no consensus on the theory and practice, and substantive assessment and measurement mode linked to the price of urban and rural construction land on the assessment and calculation. Based on the model of property rights theory and Hedonic Pricing Project on research areas, and analyzed of the construction of new district land users of its spatial sequence and bidding curves to determine the auction market which was built under the new district the number of land use. Both of rule-based、effective and have a great theoretical and practical significance in theory and operation.3、Explore the feasibility of construction land market in accordance with the requirements of unified planning, construction land in urban-rural areas increase and decrease between the operation of the mechanism platform. In addition, actively pursuing the construction land capitalization, linking to the support of rural-urban construction land change.
