

A Research on the Public Goods Supply of Cities and Villages in Western China

【作者】 李西源

【导师】 王朝明;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 政治经济学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国经济发展成绩斐然,但发展失衡的问题也相当突出,区域之间、城乡之间和工农业之间发展的差距不断扩大。广大中西部地区和农村地区发展滞后,内需严重不足,制约着我国经济进一步发展。没有广大中西部地区和农村地区的发展,就没有现代化。为此,党和国家作出了统筹区域发展和城乡发展的重大决策,并通过具体规划和部署确保中西部发展和农村地区发展。西部地区城乡发展差距问题也相当突出,协调西部城乡经济发展是西部地区和整个国民经济健康发展的需要。从公共产品供给视角看,公共产品供给差距既是城乡经济发展不平衡的重要表现,也是城乡经济发展失衡的重要原因。城乡基本公共产品供给均等化,在促进西部城乡经济协调发展中,具有不可替代的功能,担负着重要使命。研究如何通过公共产品供给促进西部城乡经济协调发展,不仅具有一定理论意义而且具有一定实践价值。本文以公共经济理论和经济协调发展理论为基础,从协调城乡经济利益视角,运用规范分析与实证分析相结合分析法、系统分析法、灰色关联分析法、协整分析法、文献研究法、比较分析法等研究方法,对西部城乡公共产品供给问题展开研究。全文包括五个部分。第一部分为导论和第一章,是回顾和评介相关研究文献,界定研究范围和研究主题。第二部分为第二章,构建公共产品供给与经济利益协调及二者相关性的理论框架,为本文提供理论基础。第三部分为第三章,通过新中国城乡居民公共产品供给体制变迁及现状分析,提出西部城乡公共产品供给存在的问题及其根源。第四部分包括第四、第五章,评价西部城乡经济利益协调状况,验证公共产品供给与西部城乡经济利益协调状态之间的相互关系,为本文分析问题部分。第五部分为第六章,是研究结论与应对策略,为解决问题部分。以上这五个部分联系起来,构成了本文研究所遵循的基本思路和框架:界定研究范围和研究主题——建构理论——提出问题——分析问题——解决问题。在上述研究框架和研究思路下,本文研究了以下内容:0章,导论。主要是阐述选题背景和意义,界定研究范围和主题,明确公共产品、公共产品供给、公共产品供给均等化、经济利益、经济利益冲突、经济利益协调等概念的内涵,介绍研究思路与研究的逻辑结构,提出研究方法,指出可能的创新及存在的问题。第一章,相关文献研究与评介。主要围绕马克思主义公共产品理论和经济利益基本观点、国内外城乡公共产品供给差异问题研究、城乡公共产品供给差异对经济利益影响、经济发展对城乡公共产品供给作用四个方面,进行文献回顾与评介。认为,马克思主义公共产品理论和经济利益观点对建构中国公共产品供给理论、对协调城乡利益关系均具有指导意义;国内外关于公共产品供给与城乡经济利益关系的研究,无论是在内容上还是在研究方法上,都还存在许多不足之处。尤其是国内,从经济利益协调视角研究西部城乡公共产品供给问题的文献还不多见。国内外研究存在的不足,正为本文研究提供了空间。第二章,公共产品供给与经济利益协调及二者相关性的理论框架。主要阐述三个方面的理论问题,即公共产品供给的相关理论、经济利益冲突和经济利益协调的一般理论、公共产品供给与经济利益协调互为作用的机理。具体明确了公共产品类型、公共产品供给模式、公共产品供给机制及其组合,具体探讨了公共产品供给规模确定、城镇化及其进程对公共产品供给的影响,具体分析了经济利益冲突的一般机理、城乡经济利益冲突的机制、经济利益协调的一般机制、公共产品供给对经济利益协调作用的机理、经济利益协调状态对公共产品供给作用的机制。而后,基于公共产品供给与经济利益协调的理论分析框架,提出了两个理论假设:西部城乡公共产品供给差异是制约西部城乡经济利益协调状态的重要因素;西部城乡经济利益协调状态影响着西部城乡公共产品供给均等化状况。第三章,新中国城乡居民公共产品供给体制变迁及公共产品供给现状。主要围绕城乡二元公共产品供给制度的形成、改革开放以来城乡公共产品供给体制的变化、我国城乡公共产品供给现状、城乡公共产品供给差异原因这四方面进行分析论述。分析表明,自新中国成立以来,城乡二元公共产品供给制度长期存在,并在新的形势下得以延续和发展。改革开放以来,城乡公共产品供给差距不仅没有缩小,反而进一步扩大。究其原因,城市偏向战略和城乡二元公共产品供给体制是制度根源,经济发展水平不高、财力、财源不足是经济根源,政府事权与财权关系界定不清、转移支付的缺陷、公共产品供给机制缺陷、政府官员外在激励存在问题、城镇化水平低、村民居住分散等,都是重要原因。第四章,西部城乡经济利益协调状况的评价。分别运用两种方法进行分析,一是运用整体分析法进行综合评价,二是灰色关联分析法进行模型评估。依据经济利益协调状态的评价指标体系,运用整体分析方法进行综合评估的结果显示,西部城乡在经济利益协调状态、协调动力和协调保障方面差异显著,经济利益处于不协调状态。根据选取的城乡经济变量,运用灰色关联分析法进行测评的结果表明,西部城乡经济利益处于一级不协调状态。显然,两种不同方法得出了一致的评价结果。然后,根据公共产品供给与经济利益协调相关性的理论,以及经济要素的关联性,进而推论:城乡经济非协调发展、城乡公共产品供给的巨大差距及二者之间的恶性互动是城乡经济利益失衡的重要要原因。第五章,公共产品供给与西部城乡经济利益协调状态相互关系的实证分析和经验验证。运用实证分析和经验验证的方法分别检验了公共产品供给差异是制约西部城乡经济利益协调的重要因素、城乡经济利益协调状态制约西部城乡公共产品供给均等化状况这两个理论假设。运用协整方法、从公共支出视角实证分析的结果为:公共产品供给对西部城乡经济利益影响显著。公共支出在长期和短期内对西部地区生产总值都有显著影响,在长期内对城乡居民收入差距和城乡居民消费水平差距均有长期显著影响。而且在长期影响上,其对地区生产总值的影响力着实不小,增长弹性达0.323076,并且存在规模报酬递增;对城乡居民收入差距和消费差距的影响大于资本形成总额和劳动力投入的作用,回归系数分别为4.675336和4.194001。因为公共支出是西部地区公共产品供给的主要资金来源,所以公共支出对西部城乡经济利益的作用证实了公共产品供给对西部城乡经济利益协调状况有重要影响之假设。运用历史比较分析法、案例分析法进行经验验证表明:公共产品供给体制变化对西部城乡公共产品供给制度和供给数量作用突出,特别是在城乡统筹发展战略推动下,西部农村基础设施公共产品、社会性公共产品供给的快速稳步增加,以前仅向城市居民开放的基本公共产品的权利和机会也向农村居民敞开,成渝统筹城乡综合改革在城乡公共产品供给一体化道路上成绩显著。因为发展战略影响了城乡公共产品享有权利和机会的变化、农村基本公共产品供给数量的变化,所以经验验证证实了经济利益协调状态制约西部城乡公共产品供给之假设。第六章,研究结论与应对策略。全文研究结果认为,西部城乡经济利益处于失调状态;城乡公共产品供给差异显著,农村公共产品供给严重匮乏;公共产品供给与经济利益协调状态之间存在互为制约关系,公共产品供给影响西部城乡经济利益协调状态,经济利益协调状态制约着城乡公共产品供给;在城乡统筹战略下,城乡基本公共产品供给均等化是协调西部城乡经济利益的重要途径之一。依据公共产品供给的平等、效率原则,促进西部城乡经济协调发展、构建向农村倾斜的公共产品供给制度、理顺财权与事权关系、完善财政转移支付、培育农村公共产品市场供给机制、激励自愿供给、创新行政官员的外在激励机制、健全公共产品供给决策机制、推进村镇化建设、加快城镇化进程等,都是西部城乡基本公共产品供给均等化的重要策略选择。本文可能创新之处有以下三个方面:一是在研究范围和研究视角的创新。从西部城乡和经济利益协调视角研究公共产品供给是鲜见的。二是研究方法上创新。将系统分析法、灰色关联分析法、协整分析法、规范分析法、实证检验法、历史比较分析法、文献研究法等多种方法综合运用于西部城乡公共产品供给与经济利益协调状况分析,避免了分析方法单一的状况。尤其实证检验和经验验证法、灰色关联分析法,在国内外关于城乡公共产品供给和城乡经济利益关系的研究中也是不多见的。三是内容观点上的创新。其一,对公共产品供给规模的确定进行了探讨,认为公共产品最优供给规模是不存在的,只能根据经济发展需求和制约公共产品供给的因素大体确定。其二,就城镇化水平及其进程对城乡基本公共产品供给均等化作用进行了理论分析。认为,中等城镇化以前,城镇化对城乡公共产品供给差距有明显的扩大作用;中等城镇化以后,城镇化对城乡公共产品供给差距的缩小作用显著。其三,探讨了经济利益冲突和协调的机制,揭示了公共产品供给与经济利益协调状态互为作用机理。其四,运用整体分析和模型评估方法,对西部城乡经济利益协调状态进行评价,得出西部城乡经济利益处于失调状态的结论。

【Abstract】 The economy of China has made great achievements since we adopted policies of reform and opening-up. However, the unbalance of the economy has enlarged the development gap between different regions, cities and villages, industry and agriculture. The development lagging of vast area in middle and western China as well as the sufficiency of domestic demand will restrict the further development of China economy. It is no easy matter for China to achieve her modernization without full economic development in vast area in middle and western China and other rural areas. Therefore, in order to ensure the development of vast area in middle and western China and other rural area, important strategic decisions to plan development between different regions, between cities and villages have made by CPC and Central government.The development gap between cities and villages in western China is also very outstanding. So to make sure the sound development of western china and the whole country, we must coordinate the economic development in urban and rural area of western China. From the angle of public production supply, the gap of public production supply is not only the manifestation but also the main reason of the unbalance of economic development between urban and rural areas. The equalization of basic public production supply plays a vital and irreplaceable role in the coordinated development of urban and rural economy development. Therefore, it has great theoretic significance as well as practical value to study on how to promote coordinated development of western economy in the way of public production supply.Based on the theory of public economy and coordinated development of economy, this paper tries to study on the public production supply in rural and urban areas of western China. Such methods as system analysis, grey correlation analysis, co-integration analysis, literature search, canonical parse and empirical analysis will be employed. The paper includes five sections. The first section involves introduction and the first chapter which gives an overview of literature review. It is also the first section that helps to confine the spectrum and subject of the paper. The second chapter which gives the theory basis of the whole paper, makes up the framework of public production supply and coordination of economic interests and some other relevant theory. The third chapter constitutes the third section. This section tries to raise the questions and origins of public production supply of western cities and villages in light of the system changes of public production supply of rural and urban residents in new China. The fourth part, including chapter four and chapter five, in one hand, evaluates the state of coordination of economic interests in western rural and urban areas. And in the other hand, this parts verifies the relationship between public production supply and the coordinated state of rural and urban economic interests. The sixth chapter, the conclusion of the paper, focus on the coping strategy to the problems raised in the previous chapter. From the above sections, it is easy to follow the thread of my thoughts:confining the spectrum and subject--constructing frame of theory--raising questions--analysis of questions--raising solutions to questions.Based on the frame and the thread of thoughts mentioned above, the main contents of this paper are as follows:Chapter zero is the introduction of the paper which not only elaborates background and significance of this research but also clarifies such concepts as public production, public production supply, equalization of public production supply, economic interests, economic interests conflict, economic interests coordination and so on. It is also in this part that the research ideas, the structure of logic as well as the research methods will be introduced, the originality and the existing problems of the paper will be raised.Chapter one is the literature review which centers on the following four aspects:public production supply theory of Marxism and the basic views of economic interests, researches on the differences of urban and rural public production supply at home and abroad, influences of differences of urban and rural public production supply on economic interests and the role the economic development plays in public production supply. The conclusion of the literature review includes the following parts correspondingly: it is of directive significance to use public production supply theory of Marxism and the basic views of economic interests to construct the theory of public production supply and to coordinate economic interests; there are a lot of insufficiencies both in contents and methods of research on relationship between public production supply and rural and urban economic interests. Those research insufficiencies especially the insufficiencies in China offer space for this paper.The second chapter provided a theoretical framework of public production supply and coordination of economic interests and some other relevant theory. This section mainly clarifies theoretic problems in the following three aspects. That is, the relevant theory on public production supply; the general theory on conflict of economic interests and coordination of economic interests; the principle of interaction between conflict of economic interests and coordination of economic interests. This chapter also makes clear the types of public production, the modes of public production supply, the system and its combination of public production supply. Then, based on the public products supply and economic interest coordination of theoretical analysis framework, put forward two theoretical assumptions:western urban and rural public product supply difference is restricted by the western urban and rural economic interest coordination state of important factors, Western urban and rural economic interest coordination state affecting the western rural public product supply equal status.The third chapter shows the changes of supply system of public goods of Chinese citizen and its present situation. It works over four aspects:formations of binary public goods supply systems of cities and countryside, changes in both systems since Opening and Reform, the problems in present supply system, and causes for the different supplies of city and countryside. Since the founding of The People’s Republic of China, the binary supply system of public goods existed and continually develops in the new era. The difference of goods supply enlarges further after Opening and Reform. The system reason is the city biased tendency and the binary supply system of city and countryside. The financial reason is the low economic development the insufficient funds and resources. Other important reasons are the vague marginal between government duties and economic rights, the faults of transfer payment, the faults of public goods supply system, the problems in the incentive system of government officers, the low urbanization, and the sparsely populated citizen. The fourth chapter gives the evaluation to the coordination of economic benefit in the western cities and countryside. Two ways are involved in the analyses. First one is to give general evaluation by way of overall analysis method, and second is to evaluate through model by way of grey correlation analysis. According to the evaluation index system of coordination of economic benefit and whole analysis method, the general evaluation result shows the great differences in coordination of economic benefit of the western cities and countryside, the coordinating dynamics, and the coordinating security. The economic benefit is inconsistent. According to the selected economic variable of city and countryside and the grey correlation analysis, the evaluating result shows the economic benefit of the western city and countryside is in first class inconsistence. Apparently, two different methods end the same results. Then, based on the relative theory of public goods supply and economic benefit coordination, and the relevance of economic factors, it infers the important reason of unbalanced economic benefit of city and country:the incoordinated development of economy, the great different supply of public goods, and the malign interaction of two.The fifth chapter provides positive analysis and experimental verification to interrelation between public goods supply and economic benefit of western city and countryside. The positive analysis and experimental verification inspect two hypotheses:different supply of public goods is the important factor restricting coordination of economic benefit of western city and countryside, and economic coordination restricting the equalization of public goods supply. From angels of cointegration and public expense, it shows the public goods supply gives much influence to economic benefit of western city and countryside. The public expense has great effect to total output value of western area in long and short run and long influence to different incomes and consuming level between urban and suburban citizen. And in the long-term impact on, its influence on in GDP growth is not really small, its growth elasticity reaches 0.323076, existing scale remuneration increasing;The influence to urban and rural residents income gap and consumption gap is greater than total investment capital formation and labor force, the role of regression coefficients is 4.675336 and 4.194001 respectively. The public expense is the main financial source for public goods supply in the western area. The positive analysis proves the hypothesis that public goods supply gives much influence to economic benefit coordination of western city and countryside. The historically comparative analysis and case analysis proves that the change in public goods supply system had much effect on the system and quantities of goods. Especially motivated by the plan development of city and countryside, the supply of public facilities and goods of western countryside increases quickly and steadily, the public right and chance of basic public goods to urban citizen are open to village resident, and the reform in plan development of Chengdu and Chongqing works well in the union of city and countryside supply systems. The experimental analysis proves the hypothesis that the economic benefit coordination restricts the public goods supply of western city and countryside.The sixth chapter provides the conclusion and policy. The conclusion .concludes that the economic benefit of western city and countryside is unbalanced; the supplies of public goods of city and countryside have great difference, and the public goods supply in countryside is insufficient; the public goods supply and the coordination of economic benefit restrict each other: the public goods supply influences the economic benefit coordination of western city and countryside, while the economic benefit restricts the public goods supply; under the strategy of union of city and countryside, equalization of basic public goods is one of the important ways to coordinate the economic benefits of city and countryside. There are some important choices to equalization of basic public goods supply of western city and countryside, such as, according to equal and efficient principle of public goods supply, promoting well economic development of western city and countryside, forming public goods supply system to countryside, straightening financial rights and responsibilities, completing financial transfer payment, cultivating market supply system of countryside, stimulating supply of voluntary, creating incentive system of government officer, strengthening decision mechanism of public goods supply, promoting construction and speed of urbanization, etc.There may be innovation from the following aspects:First, the innovation in scope and angel. There is fewer thesis which studies public goods supply from angel of western city and countryside and economic benefit coordination. 5 Second, the innovation in study methods. It avoids single method by applying many methods to public goods supply of western city and countryside, such as system analysis, grey correlation analysis, cointegration analysis, standard analysis, positive analysis, historical comparative analysis, and literature analysis, etc. In both home and abroad studies on relationship of public goods supply and economic benefit of city and countryside, the positive and experimental analysis and grey correlative analysis are less.Third, the innovation in the point of view. One, it discusses the amount of public goods supply, and suggests there is no best amount of supply and only can give roughly according to economic development need and factors restricting the public goods supply. Two, it analyzes theoretically the effect of urbanization and its progress to equalization of basic public goods of city and countryside. It believes that, before medium urbanization, urbanization enlarges the difference in supply between city and countryside, and after medium urbanization, it shortens the difference. Three, it discusses the economic conflict and coordination mechanism, and reveals the public goods supply and economic coordination works over each other. Four, it evaluates economic coordination of western city and countryside with methods of whole analysis and model analysis, and concludes that the economic benefit of western city and countryside is unbalanced.
