

Research on the Development of Regional Economy Integration in the Pearl River Delta

【作者】 张军

【导师】 张炜;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 区域经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,伴随以信息技术革命为中心的高新技术迅猛发展,经济全球化浪潮席卷而来。经济全球化是当今世界经济发展的重要特征之一,同时也是世界经济发展的重要趋势。经济全球化浪潮给各国各地区特别是中国国内政策性重点区域的经济一体化发展带来了各种前所未有的发展机遇。这些机遇包括:可以利用外资,引进先进管理理论及经验并实现管理创新;可以承接发达国家技术水平相对较高的劳动密集型产业及相关生产环节转移,加快区域工业化进程,推动区域产业结构优化与升级;可以深入地参与国际产业分工,充分发挥本区域现实与潜在的比较优势,积极拓展国外市场;可以大力发展高新技术产业,积极发挥后发优势,实现区域经济的跨越式发展。1992年在巴西里约热内卢召开的联合国环境与发展大会提出并通过了“全球可持续发展战略”——《21世纪议程》,并要求各国按照本国实际情况,制定出各自的“国家可持续发展战略”。中国中央政府在1994年颁布了第一个国家级“可持续发展战略”——《中国21世纪人口、环境与发展白皮书》。为了全面实施“可持续发展战略”,“可持续发展”、“科学发展观”、“循环经济”、“主体功能区”等作为主题词先后被中国写入国家“十一五”规划、中共17大报告、国家“十二五”规划、中央政府工作报告以及相关法律和行政法规之中。改革开放以来,中国共经历了“六五”(1981—1985)时期、“七五”(1986—1990)时期、“八五”(1991—1995)时期、“九五”(1996—2000)时期、“十五”(2001—2005)时期和“十一五”(2006—2010)时期共6次国内区域发展政策大调整。2010年10月中共中央在《关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》中提出,要“实施区域发展总体战略和主体功能区战略,构筑区域经济优势互补、主体功能定位清晰、国土空间高效利用、人与自然和谐相处的区域发展格局,逐步实现不同区域基本公共服务均等化”。在上述背景下,本文运用理论分析与实证相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合、历史列举与现实分析相结合的研究方法,以作为中国经济发达区域之一的“珠三角”区域的经济一体化发展为蓝本,首先从理论基础、核心概念内涵、基本要求、指标评价、机制架构等方面,建立起了一套关于区域经济一体化发展的理论依据、评价工具和分析工具;然后对“珠三角”区域经济一体化发展的现状、机制进行了评判和分析,并在此基础上对其推进策略进行了探讨。本文内容共分为7章。第1章,导论。内容包括:选题背景;相关研究述评——国外研究、国内研究、总体评价;研究的区域及分析单位;研究意义;研究的技术线路、结构与方法;研究中的主要创新与不足。第2章,区域经济一体化发展的理论基础。内容包括:区域经济区位选择理论——产业区位论、城市区位论、市场区位论;区域经济分工协作理论——比较成本论、要素禀赋论、技术差距论;区域经济空间演进理论——增长极论、极化论、“倒U型”论、一体化阶段论。第3章,区域经济一体化发展的内涵、要求及评判。内容包括:内涵——区域、区域经济、区域经济一体化、一国内部的区域经济一体化发展:基本要求——观念与区划的突破、内容规定(“四个一体化”)、终极目标;评价指标——指标体系选择、数据标准化处理评价指数计算。第4章,区域经济一体化发展机制架构及分析。内容包括:机制——机制内涵、机制架构;市场机制——市场机制内涵、市场机制作用、市场机制缺陷;政府机制——政府机制内涵、政府机制作用、政府机制缺陷;组织机制——组织机制内涵、组织机制作用、组织机制缺陷。第5章,“珠三角”区域经济一体化发展的现状评判。内容包括:一体化空间调整——重点发展省城、优先发展“特区”、优先发展“经济区”、“经济区”范围扩展;基础设施网络——交通设施网络、信息设施网络;生产要素流动——劳动力流动、资本流动、技术流动;产业活动布局——第一产业布局、第二产业布局、第三产业布局;生态环境保护;一体化水平综合评价。第6章,“珠三角”.区域经济一体化发展的机制分析。内容包括:市场机制——聚散效应实证、结构效应分析、主要缺陷分析;政府机制——一体发展规划、基础设施建设、要素流动引导、产业布局调整、生态环境管治、主要缺陷分析;组织机制——参与发展决策、双向传递信息、协调各方利益、监督政府行为、主要缺陷分析。第7章,“珠三角”区域经济一体化发展的策略探讨。内容包括:国外策略模式及启示;一体化发展的策略思考——理清区域经济一体化总体思路、建立区域经济一体化管理机构、把握区域分异格局及功能定位、重构区域经济一体化整合机制、协调区域要素及产业分工协作、强化跨区设施建设与环境保护。研究表明,随着政策重点发展空间由省城到特区、再到经济区、最后到经济区范围扩展的演替,“珠三角”区域呈现出经济一体化发展态势;由于市场机制的基础性作用在放大,政府机制的推动性作用在增强,组织机制的协同参与作用在凸显,“珠三角”区域在基础设施网络、生产要素流动、产业活动布局和生态环境保护水平上目前已达到了一个自身前所未有的高度;但是,由于市场机制、政府机制和组织机制在不同程度上都存在一些急需弥补的缺陷,“珠三角”区域核心经济地域单元与外围经济地域单元之间在基础设施网络、生产要素流动、产业活动布局和生态环境保护上的水平差距显著,经济一体化发展水平还处于偏低状态;而要快速而有效地推进“珠三角”区域经济一体化发展,就必须参考国外区域经济一体化发展策略模式,依据《规划纲要》,切实制定和实施“珠三角”区域经济一体化发展策略。本文的创新之处在于:一是在研究视角方面,本文以区域经济一体化发展的现状为效果评判对象,以市场机制、政府机制和组织机制各自在区域经济一体化发展中发挥的作用和存在的缺陷为效果成因,并依据“1+1>2”的结构功能思想对其推进策略进行探讨。二是在理论及研究框架方面,本文对区域经济一体化发展的理论基础进行了梳理,对其内涵、要求进行了界定,对其评价指标体系进行了构建,对其机制架构进行了建立和分析,形成了一套可用于对一国内部的区域经济一体化发展之实例进行研究的理论依据、评价工具和分析工具。三是在实证研究方面,本文运用理论依据、评价工具和分析工具对“珠三角”区域经济一体化发展进行了评判和分析,对其推进策略进行了探讨,在方法上注重定量分析与定性分析相结合、历史列举与现实分析相结合。本文的理论意义在于:一是可以在一定程度上填补国内在区域经济一体化发展研究中所存在的诸如理论支撑不足、分析方法比较单一(多偏重定性描述)、视角偏窄等之类的缺陷;二是可以在一定程度上填补目前区域经济一体化理论不完整的缺陷。跨国家型区域经济一体化(不同政治体制下)理论比较完善,而一国内部的区域经济一体化(同一政治体制下)发展理论相对欠缺;三是可以在一定程度上填补目前国内外在对区域经济一体化发展的完整性研究方面所存在的缺陷。如在一体化发展机制方面,只大多看到了市场和政府的作用,而未看到民间组织的协同参与功能。本文的现实意义在于:一是可以在如何具体实现“珠三角”区域经济一体化发展方面为广东省提供决策参考;二是可以为国内其它省(自治区、直辖市)在实现省(自治区、直辖市)内区域经济一体化发展方面提供相关研究及决策借鉴;三是可以为中央政府在实现“大珠三角”经济一体化发展、“泛珠三角”经济一体化发展、“东、中、西”部经济协调发展、中国“两岸四地”经济一体化发展、“中国——东盟”经济一体化发展等方面提供相关研究及决策参考。

【Abstract】 Of the 20th century,90 years, accompanied by the rapid development of advanced and new tech that the center was information technology revolution, economic globalization has been sweeping. Economic globalization is an important feature of economic development in the world, but also an important trend, and it has brought various unprecedented opportunities of development for economic integration of China’s policy development in key region. These opportunities include:taking advantage of foreign investment, introducing advanced management theory and experience to realize management innovation; receiving the labor-intensive industries and the related production processes of developed countries in a relatively high technical level to speed up the process of regional industrialization and promote the optimization and upgrading of regional industrial structure; taking part in the international division of labor, and giving full play their real and potential comparative advantages to actively expand foreign markets; developing advanced-new-tech industries to actively play the advantages of late-development to achieve the regional economy by leaps and bounds.Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992 the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and the General Assembly adopted the "Global Sustainable Development Strategy"-"21st Century Agenda ", and requires States to work out their own "national sustainable development strategies" in accordance with their national conditions. China’s central government issued the first national "Sustainable Development Strategy"-"21st Century Population, Environment and Development White Paper" in 1994. In order to fully implement "sustainable development strategy", "sustainable development", "scientific development", "recycling economy" and "priority zones" have been written into national "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", the CPC 17th Party Congress, the State "Twelfth Five-Year Plan ", the central government work report and the relevant laws and administrative regulations. Since reform and opening, China experienced 6 major adjustments of domestic regional development policy in which appeared successively in "the Sixth Five-Year" (1981-1985) period, "the Seventh Five-Year" (1986-1990) period, "the Augustth Five-Year" (1991-1995) period, "the Ninth Five-Year" (1996-2000) period, "the Tenth Five" (2001-2005) period and " the Eleventh Five-Year " (2006-2010) period. Currently, China’s central government is designing the regional development policies in the "Twelfth Five" (2011-2015). In October 2010, CPC Central Committee "on National Economic and Social Development Twelfth Five-Year Plan’s recommendations" suggested that it should be made "to implement the overall strategy for regional development and the strategy for main functional areas, and to build pattern of regional development that regional economic advantages are complementary, and orientation of the main function is clear, land space is efficient used, and human being and nature commonly live in harmony, and to realize progressively equalization of basic public services among different regions ".In the above context, this article applied the combination of research methods that include theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, historical enumeration and real analysis to have firstly established the theoretical basis, evaluation tools and analysis tools for research on the development of regional economy integration from the foundation theory, the core concept of connotation, the basic requirements, index evaluation, institutional framework, etc. according to "the Pearl River Delta" as one of "China’s economically developed regions, then to have evaluated and analyzed the present situation and problems and the existing mechanism on the development of regional economy integration in the "Pearl River Delta", and on this basis, to have discussed its strategies. This article’s content was divided into 7 chapters.Chapter 1, Introduction. Includes:research background; related studies Comments - study abroad, domestic study, overall evaluation; study area and analysis units; study significance; technical line, structure and methods; main innovations and inadequate.Chapter 2, foundation theory of the development of regional economy integration. Includes:regional economic location choice theory - Industrial location theory, urban location theory, market location theory; regional economic division and collaboration theory - cost theory, factor endowment theory, technology gap theory; regional economic space evolution theory-growth pole theory, polarization theory, "inverted U" theory, integration stage theory.Chapter 3, the content, requirements and evaluation on the development of regional economy integration. Includes:the concept of connotation - region, regional economy, regional economy integration, regional economy integration within a country; basic requirements - breakthrough to ideas and zoning, content regulations ("four integration"), ultimate target; Index evaluation - selecting of Indicators system, computing of data standardization, computing of evaluation indices.Chapter 4, analysis of the mechanism of the development of regional economy integration. Include:mechanism framework - mechanism content, mechanism framework; market mechanism - meaning of market mechanism, roles of market mechanism, defects of market mechanism; government machinery meaning of government mechanism, roles of government mechanism, defects of government mechanism; organizational mechanisms- meaning of organization mechanism, roles of organizational mechanisms, defects’of organizational mechanisms.Chapter 5, evaluation on the status and problems of the development of regional economy integration in the Pearl River Delta. Include:adjustments of integrated development space - focusing on the development of the provincial capital, giving priority to the development of "Special Zone", giving priority to the development of "Economic Zone", extending of "Economic Zone"; network of infrastructure facilities - network of transportation facilities, network of information facilities; mobility of production factors - labor mobility, capital flows, technology flows; layout of industrial activities - layout of the first industry, layout of the second industry and layout of the third industry; ecological environment protection; total evaluation on integration level.Chapter 6, analysis on the existing mechanism of the development of regional economy integration in the Pearl River Delta. Include:market mechanisms empirical analysis of agglomeration effect and diffusion effect, analysis of structural effect, main defect; government mechanism - planning of integrated development, construction of infrastructure facilities, leading of factor mobility, adjustment of industrial layout, governance of ecological environment, main defect; organization mechanism-participation in development decision-making, two-way transmission of information, coordination of interests of all parties, monitoring government action, main defect.Chapter 7, discussion on the practical significance and strategies of the development of regional economy integration in the Pearl River Delta. Include:the practical significance of integration development; foreign strategically model and inspiration; thinking of strategies of integration development - sorting out the general idea of regional economy integration, establishing the management institutions of regional economy integration, grasping the regional differentiation pattern and functional orientation, reconstructing regional economy integration mechanism, coordinating regional elements and industrial layout, strengthening infrastructure construction and environmental protection amongst districts.The study concluded that with the succession of the policy priority space from the provincial capital, then to the economic zone, and finally to the big economic zone, the development trend of economic integration is being showed in "the Pearl River Delta"; Because the basic role of market mechanisms is being enlarged, and the promoting role of government mechanisms is being enhanced, and the synergistic role of organization mechanisms is being highlighted involved, infrastructure, mobility of production factors, layout of industrial activities and environmental protection in the "Pearl River Delta" have reached a unprecedented level; However, the market mechanism, government mechanisms and organizational mechanisms exist to some of the defects that need to be made up for, and for infrastructure networks, mobile of production factors, layout of industrial activities and environmental protection, the gap is significant between the core economic units and the outside units in "the Pearl River Delta", so the level of economic integration is still in the low state of development; Quickly and effectively to promote the regional economy integration in "Pearl River Delta", its practical significance must be clear, and combined with the revelation from foreign policy model of regional economy integration, regional economy integration strategy "Pearl River Delta" should be effectively developed and implemented.The main innovations of this article as follows:First, in the research perspective, on development of regional economy integration, the status and the problems is as effect evaluation object, the roles and defects of market mechanism, government mechanisms and organizational mechanisms is as causes of effect, and according to the structure and function idea about "1+1> 2", forward strategy was discussed. Second, in theory and research framework, on the development of regional economy integration, theoretical basis was clarified, and content and requirements were has defined, evaluation index system was constructed. In a word, theoretical basis, assessment tools and analysis tools was be established. Third, in empirical research, according to the theoretical basis, evaluation tools and analysis tools, the development of regional economy integration in "Pearl River Delta" was evaluated and anal sized, its forward strategy was discussed in the methods of combination of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, of combination of history lists and reality analysis.Theoretical significance of this article as follows:First, to a certain extent, it could fill the current domestic defects in the study of development of regional economy integration, such as theoretically inadequate support, relatively simple analysis (or more emphasis on qualitative description), narrow viewing angle; Second, to some extent, it could fill current defects that the regional economy integration theory is not complete. Theory on the development of cross-national regional economy integration (different political system) is more perfect, but theory on the development of regional economy integration within a country (same political system) is relatively lack; Third, to a certain extent, it could fill the vacuity in the integrity of research at home and abroad on the development of regional economy integration within a country. For the integration mechanism, only to see the role of market and government, but not see the collaboration functions of civil society organization.Practical significance of this article as follows:First, it could provide a reference for the Guangdong Province about concrete realization of the development of regional economy integration in the Pearl River Delta; Second, it could provide a reference of related research and decision-making for other domestic provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in the realization of internal development of regional economy integration; Third, it could provide a reference of related research and decision-making for the central government, such as "Greater Pearl River Delta" economic integration, "Pan-Pearl River Delta" economic integration ", economically coordinated development amongst Eastern, Central and West in China, " Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan" economic Integration, "China - ASEAN" economic integration.
