

A Study of Spatial Narrative in Toni Morrison’s Fiction

【作者】 胡妮

【导师】 乔国强;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 托妮?莫里森是当代著名的非裔美国女作家、文学批评家,蓝登书屋出版公司的编辑和高级编审、普林斯顿大学人文学科教授。在过去四十年中,莫里森已经创作出版了以《宠儿》为代表的长篇小说九部和大量的文学评论文章。莫里森的小说具有浓郁的黑人文化特质,主题思想深刻复杂,人物形象丰富立体,叙事话语凝重而不失活泼。这些小说阐释了一个个穿梭于历史与现实、真实与魔幻之间的黑人故事。这些故事既塑造了一个个可怜、可叹、可悲的人物形象,也勾勒了一幅幅悲怜、悲壮、悲凉的美国黑人生活画卷。由于文学创作领域的杰出贡献,莫里森先后荣获了美国小说类图书奖(1978)、普利策文学奖和肯尼迪奖(1988)、诺贝尔文学奖(1993)、美国国家图书基金会杰出贡献奖(1996)和美国国家人文奖章(2000)等。值得注意的是,莫里森的小说创作恰逢20世纪后半叶以来各种批评理论相继兴起的时代,因而批评界对其作品的整体评价和诠释一直处于多样化的发展变化之中。不过,总的说来,国内外的莫里森研究均经历了单一视角解读向多维视角研究的转变过程。经过四十年的发展,莫里森研究者已经从女性主义批评、文化批评、神话-原型批评、叙事学批评和生态批评等众多角度切入,探索莫里森小说中的各类思想主题,分析小说中的人物形象,探讨小说中的叙事艺术。近年来,受到人文社会科学领域中“空间转向”的影响,莫里森小说中的空间问题也开始引起评论界的注意。已有部分批评文章关注到《宠儿》和《所罗门之歌》中的空间政治结构。然而,从空间叙事的视角对莫里森小说进行的系统研究还比较鲜见。基于以上认识,本论文以莫里森的前七部小说为主要论述对象,探索作品中的空间叙事类型、空间意象的叙事功能和空间叙事策略。本论文围绕以下论点展开:第一,小说叙事中的空间具有物理、人文、心理和宗教等多维属性,因此,空间既是小说文本得以展开的基点,也是小说人物塑造和主题深化的场域。第二,莫里森小说文本中的叙事空间具有实指和虚指的双重特性,包括以物理属性为特征的现实-生存空间、以欲望为特征的虚构-权力空间、以纠结为特征的内在-心理空间和以虚幻为特征的神圣-宗教空间四种空间叙事类型。第三,空间叙事的核心功能由空间意象承担。在莫里森小说中,家园式、厨房式、道路式和圣经式空间意象一方面体现了小说人物的性格和命运,另一方面推动着小说叙事情节的发展。与此同时,空间意象形成隐喻,有力深化了小说的叙事意蕴。第四,空间叙事策略是空间叙事功能得以实现的有力保障。莫里森小说中的空间叙事策略主要用于处理空间的选择与转换、空间与人物的互动关系和空间与时间的互逆关系。本论文主要在空间叙事批评的指导下,采用定性、定量和文本分析相结合的研究方法。定性和定量的研究方法主要用于文献资料梳理。文本分析的方法主要用于论文主体部分,细致分析了莫里森小说中的空间叙事类型、空间意象的叙事功能和空间叙事策略。本论文的创新之处在于围绕“空间叙事”这一核心概念展开莫里森小说的文本分析。首先,在借鉴前人的基础上,本论文对空间叙事的相关理论进行了梳理,并提出自己的看法。笔者认为,空间叙事的类型即小说文本中的叙事空间类型。空间意象在不同的社会文化、宗教、心理等视角参照之下,呈现出不同的空间属性特征。这是区分不同空间类型的重要参照。灵活的空间叙事策略是完成小说空间叙事的重要保障。其次,本论文在详细阅读莫里森小说文本的基础上,运用空间叙事理论,将莫里森小说中的叙事空间分为现实的物理-生存空间、虚构的欲望-权力空间、纠结的内在-心理空间和虚幻的神圣-宗教空间四种类型。各个空间叙事类型之间相互依存、相互影响。再次,本论文将莫里森小说中的空间意象归纳为“家园式”、“厨房式”、“道路式”和“圣经式”四种类型,并探讨了各类空间意象在塑造小说人物形象和建构小说文本意义过程中的作用和意义。最后,本论文归纳了莫里森小说中的空间叙事策略,同时紧密结合文本,细致分析莫里森如何处理空间的选择与转换、空间与人物的互动关系和空间与时间的互逆关系。

【Abstract】 As a claimed Afro-American woman writer, Toni Morrison (1931-) has been awarded various honors including 1988 Pulitzer Prize for fiction and 1993 Nobel Prize for Literature. Since 1970 Morrison has published nine novels, a short story, a collection of critical essays and several edited volumes. Because of her magnificent body of work and her keen theoretical insights, Morrison has been studied by many English and American scholars with essays and monographs galore on her works in the past four decades. Generally speaking, the main stream of criticism on Toni Morrison has developed from single-perspective-orientation to multi-perspectives-orientation. Various critical approaches have been applied to analyze her works, among which mainly are Feminist criticism, Reader-Response criticism, Marxist criticism, Historicist approach, Narrative approach andPsychoanalytic approach, etc. In recent years, spatial issues have invited critical attention. However, few articles have approached Morrison from the perspective of spatial narrative. Consequently, this dissertation“A Study of Spatial Narrative in Toni Morrison’s Fiction”puts forward the notion of“Spatial Narrative”as a paradigm to explore the types of spatial narrative, narrative functions of spatial images and strategies of spatial narrative in Morrison’s novels. It should be noted that the concept of space discussed here is beyond geographical limitations. Taken social-cultural and mental factors into consideration, spaces are metaphorically understood in the following analysis of their composition and embodiment. Holding the arguments above, the author of this dissertation tries to make textual analysis with the application of spatial narrative, qualitative and quantitative research.The author of this dissertation mainly discusses four types of narrative spaces in Morrison’s novels. Firstly, the physical living space in Morrison’s characters’real world is geographically structured with northern cities and southern villages. Both of the two parts consist of several smaller spaces, such as houses, street, forests, churches, etc. The dualistic structure of north and south is also the reflection of dualistic cultural structure of black and white in America society. Secondly, the entangled psychological space of Morrison’s characters’inner-world is caused by the absence of physical beauty, self-identity, love and freedom. For historical and realistic reasons, Afro-Americans suffer a lot in their life and try to seek better opportunities in northern cities. In the effect of moral relationship, the change of living spaces would make great influence on characters inner-world. Thirdly, the fictional power space in Morrison’s novels is characterized by battles between manipulating and anti-manipulating as well as those between slaving and anti-slaving. As a matter of fact, it is the rich white men/women who control the poor black man/women for their priority in sex, race and class. Fourthly, the sacred religious space in Morrison’s mysterious fictional world is represented by devout prayers and mysterious events. It should be noted that both the power space and religious space are abstract.The author of the dissertation believes that the function of narrative is undertaken by spatial images. Therefore, the spatial images in Morrison’s works are put into four categories: Houses, Kitchens, Roads and Bibles according to their function in narration and characterization.The author of the dissertation also regards strategies of spatial narrative as the key to successful spatial narration. As a result, the flexible strategies in Morrison’s works mainly discussed in the dissertation include those applied in the selecting and switching of places, in the dealing with places and characters and in the dealing with space and time

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