

【作者】 余献勤

【导师】 郑体武;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 俄语语言文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 勃洛克的戏剧创作代表了俄国象征主义戏剧的艺术巅峰,是欧洲象征主义戏剧的重要组成部分。戏剧是勃洛克创作至为重要的体裁,勃洛克赋予其走向生活的作用。研究勃洛克的戏剧有助于深刻理解其美学思想和艺术体系。本论文尝试以欧洲和俄国象征主义戏剧为背景,深入考察勃洛克的戏剧创作,从戏剧道路、戏剧思想、戏剧人物、戏剧特色等方面对勃洛克戏剧进行综合研究,以期增进国内学界对俄国象征主义戏剧乃至俄罗斯戏剧的了解。论文由绪论、正文、结语、参考文献四部分组成。绪论部分回顾了勃洛克及其戏剧在俄中两国的研究历史与现状,阐述了论文的选题意义、任务、研究方法及创新之处。正文分为五章。第一章概括了象征主义戏剧的主要理论,对欧洲重要的象征主义戏剧家代表进行了评析,为勃洛克戏剧研究提供了一个宏观的视角。第二章梳理了俄国象征主义戏剧发展的历程,考察了勃洛克的戏剧道路,认为勃洛克的戏剧创作在俄国象征主义戏剧中成就最高,是剧作家本人创作体裁的延伸和创作思想的总结。第三章总结了俄国象征主义戏剧的基本理论和观点,深入挖掘了勃洛克象征主义思想的来源;以勃洛克对同时代戏剧的评论为基础,归纳阐述了他的戏剧观念,指出勃洛克认同象征主义戏剧的“生活再造观”,然而对其实现方式有着自己独特的见解。第四章剖析了勃洛克戏剧中的重要人物形象,包括永恒女性形象、自发力形象、永恒的探寻者和未来的新人等,阐明了他们在勃洛克戏剧及其美学思想中的意义。第五章论述了勃洛克象征主义戏剧的艺术创新。勃洛克在象征主义戏剧中表现了悲剧性这一时代精神,他发展了抒情诗剧这一体裁,带动了广场戏剧因素在20世纪俄罗斯戏剧中的复苏。结语部分对全文进行了归纳总结,指明了今后的研究方向。

【Abstract】 Blok’s plays not only represent the summit of Russian symbolic drama, but also constitute an important part of European symbolic theatre. Drama is an essential genre in Blok’s writings and he bestowed on it the function of approaching life. A study of Blok’s plays can help the reader gain a deeper insight into his aesthetical and artistic ideas. This dissertation attempts to explore Blok’s plays within the background of Russian and European symbolic drama. It will try to make a comprehensive study of his plays from the following aspects: his career as a playwright, his dramatic ideas, dramatic personae and dramatic features, so as to improve domestic readers’understanding of Russian symbolic drama as well as Russian drama.The dissertation is made up of the Introduction, the Body, Conclusion and Bibliography.The Introduction first gives a survey of both the history and current situation in Russian and China’s Blok studies, especially the study of his plays, then, it will illustrate the significance, tasks, methodology and contribution of the present study.The Body consists of five chapters. Chapter One summarizes the main theories of symbolic drama, make comments upon some representative playwrights of European symbolic theatre, and thus provides a wider perspective for the following study of Blok’s plays.Chapter Two retraces the development of Russian symbolic drama, studies Blok’s dramatic career and comes to the conclusion that Blok’s play-writing is the summit of Russian symbolic dramatic creation, an extension of Blok’s creative genres and a summary of his artistic ideas.Chapter Three lists the basic theories and viewpoints of Russian symbolic drama, and traces the source of Blok’s symbolic ideas. Based on his commentary upon contemporary drama, this chapter also illustrates Blok’s dramatic ideas, asserting that Blok agreed to the“Representation Theory”of symbolic drama, yet he had his own unique ideas about the way of its realization.Chapter Four analyzes the main characters in Blok’s plays, including eternal women figures, Element characters, eternal questers and future new men, expounding their significance in both Blok’s play-writing and his aesthetic ideas.Chapter Five concerns the artistic innovation in Blok’s symbolic drama. He expesses the tragic nature of the symbolic drama of his age, develops the genre of lyrical verse drama, and brings about a rejuvenation of square drama elements in 20th Century Russian theatre.The Conclusion makes a summary of ideas in the whole dissertation and points out the direction of possible future researches.

  • 【分类号】I512
  • 【被引频次】2
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