

A Study of Onomatopoeia and Its Translation in Hongloumeng

【作者】 黄生太

【导师】 王德春;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以《红楼梦》中106个,合276次拟声词为语料,分析了这些拟声词在语音、语义、语法上的特点,这些拟声词所构成的拟声修辞效果在英文译本中的翻译策略,以及杨宪益戴乃迭译本和霍克思闵福德译本翻译拟声词的异同。本文认为拟声词来源于拟声造词,是一种按照词的音义关系区分的类别,不是语法上的词类。拟声是即按照人们感知到的各种声音的特点,以发音近似的语言符号摹仿而成的词。《红楼梦》拟声词的语音形式、摹拟对象、语法功能都很丰富。在语音形式上,拟声词以阴平调为主,韵母以i、u、ang、eng最为常见,声母以d、h、l常见,音节结构以A式、AB式居多。摹拟对象比较丰富,以人类活动发出的声音为主,还有动物鸣叫、自然界的风雨声、各种日常器具发出的声音。语法功能上,以充当定语谓语最为常见,其次可有充当主语、宾语、状语、补语。出现的语境类型不但有叙述性语言,也有对话、诗词。拟声词主要用于刻画人物性格、渲染环境气氛、描写事物情状,增强语言的表现力。两个译本对于拟声词采取了拟声词对译、翻译补偿、创造拟声词、不译拟声词的策略,但两个译本有各具特色。杨宪益译本对拟声词主要采取对译,发挥英语拟声词的优势;霍译发挥译者创造性,积极创造拟声词进行翻译。尤其在诗歌翻译中,霍译本努力翻译拟声词,又追求诗句押韵。此外,译者积极使用英语拟声词,以拟声词翻译原文无拟声词的句子,增强译本的艺术性。

【Abstract】 This dissertation explores the 106 onomatopoeic words with 276 occurrences in theChinese classic Honloumeng. An exhaustive survey is made in their phonological, semanticand grammatical features and their contextual attributes, with whose help a comparison ismade of the best two English translations by Yang Xianyi and David Hawkes respectively.It is proposed here that onomatopoeia traces back its original lexical motivation fromsound to meaning, on which basis onomatopoeic words are thus grouped. Onomatopoeicwords are a group of words with common semantic features rather than a part of speech ingrammar. Onomatopoeic words tend to imitate not copy the sounds with phonologicalrestrictions in a certain language, hence are language specific.The analysis reveals that these 106 words are typical in terms of phonology, acousticsimilarity and grammatical function. They cover most of the initial consonants and vowelsin Modern Chinese. Initial consonants d, h, l are the most frequent; while vowels i, u, ang,eng are in highest frequency. The most common morphological structures are Model A andModel AB. These words imitate sounds made by human activities as well as those causedby daily utensils including furniture and garments, animal sounds and sounds by othernatural phenomenon as rain or wind. The words in discussion are used in narrative text andpoems, functioning most commonly as predicates, as well as subjects, objects, adverbials,complements, etc. The onomatopoeias enhance the rhetorical effects of the language andcontribute to the novel’s success.Similarities and differences in translation approaches are revealed by a comparisonbetween the two translated versions, i.e. A Dream of the Red Mansions by Yang Xianyi &Gladys Yang and The Story of the Stone David Hawkes & John Minford. In both of the twoversions, the translators approach these figurative words by finding equivalentonomatopoeias, compensating, creating, and omitting. In A Dream of the Red Mansions thetranslators mainly resort to the ready English onomatopoeia, while in The Story of the Stonethe translators create a dozen new sound forms to convey the original Chineseonomatopoeia. David Hawkes and John Minford try every means to comply with theChinese rhyme in translating the poems in the novel. In the two English versions the translators artfully polish their language by adding onomatopoeias in certain places.

【关键词】 《红楼梦》拟声词修辞效果翻译
【Key words】 Hongloumengonomatopoeiarhetorical effectstranslation
  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1069