

Studies in the Theories of New Rhetorical Situation in China’s International Communication

【作者】 薛婷婷

【导师】 胡曙中;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球化的发展,国际交流日渐频繁。如何利用媒体树立一个正面积极的国家形象,提升国家软实力,成了对外报道的主要任务。本研究关注的是对外报道中一种以趣味性和人情味取胜、时效性为次的新闻文体:软新闻。目前,国内以软新闻为对象的编译研究还没有受到足够的重视,相关研究不仅数量少,而且角度单一,绝大多数均运用德国功能派的翻译理论解释软新闻编译过程中使用的增减译法、改译法等手段的合理性,并没有提出具体可操作的编译策略。而且,这些研究也没有充分考虑到软新闻的特殊性,在具体理论运用时都没有以软新闻的传播效果为出发点,未能突出其“新闻性”。本研究通过运用西方新修辞学的相关理论,从传播效果出发,旨在构建我国对外英语报道类软新闻编译的新修辞情境理论,以解决目前我国对外英语报道类软新闻普遍编译存在的三大问题:受众意识薄弱、软新闻不“软”、以及缺乏可信度。作为应用型研究,本研究以西方新修辞学为理论基础,从意义、动机、价值观、媒介、辩证法等角度系统论证了对外报道类软新闻修辞情境中三大要素(受众、新闻价值和修辞权威)的构建过程。本研究在理论论证的基础上选取我国官方对外报道类软新闻的几大纸质载体中的实例,通过将其中文版和英文版中相应语篇进行比较分析,发现编译中存在的问题,并运用新修辞学理论提出具体的解决方案。本研究认为,运用西方新修辞学的理论构建适宜的修辞情境,可以有效解决软新闻编译稿目前存在的三大问题,进而提高其传播效果。这主要是基于以下几个方面的考虑:首先,软新闻编译稿属于修辞话语,而修辞情境是与修辞话语紧密相连的,修辞话语参与修辞情境的创建,是修辞情境的有机组成部分。其次,构建适宜的修辞情境可以帮助编译者采取正确的修辞立场,即实现“有关主题本身的可用争论”、“观众的兴趣和特征”和“说话人的声音和隐含性格”三者之间的难以言状的平衡。最后,新修辞学与传播学的交叉、新修辞学的跨学科性、认知性、以及对合作关系、伦理和社会行为的关注使得它可以成为本研究的理论框架,为构建软新闻编译稿的修辞情境提供理论支持。本研究主要在以下几个方面进行了创新:1)本研究在国内首次以传播效果为核心进行软新闻的编译研究,凸显了软新闻“趣味性”和“人情味”的特征,赋予了其“对外报道”的新闻属性。2)本研究在国内首次提出新修辞情境理论对于全面提高对外报道类软新闻传播效果的关键意义,明确指出该情境理论的三大主要构件:受众、新闻价值和编译者的修辞权威。3)本研究在国内首次将价值修辞学、论辩修辞学、动机修辞学、权力修辞学等西方新修辞学的主要研究维度作为理论支撑,提出了在编译过程中发挥受众主观能动性、软化软新闻以及树立编译者修辞权威的具体途径。4)本研究将翻译单位从句子及段落扩大为语篇,甚至超越了语篇范围。编译者被赋予了更大的自由度,他们摆脱了原文的束缚,在语篇结构、选材、论辩方式、媒介选择、辩证法运用等诸多方面都能发挥自己的创造性。需要说明的是,修辞情境是一个非常广的概念,参与到情境中并发挥作用的除了上述三大要素外还有很多,本研究限于篇幅和精力不能一一论述,相信随着相关研究的发展,将有越来越多的要素得到关注。

【Abstract】 With the development of globalization and increased intensity of internationalexchanges, how to avail ourselves of the media to create a positive national image andconsequently to enhance the soft power of our country has become the major concernin our international communication. In this study, we focus on the editing andtranslating of soft news, an indispensable part of international communication whichhas interestedness and human interest as its chief news values.Unfortunately, relevant studies on soft news adaptation have not received enoughattention they deserve, in terms of not only the number of publications but also theperspectives adopted. Up till now, only five theories have been applied, with theSkopos Theory the most popular one. All the papers exclusively aim at justifying themethods of adaptation used in the translation process, such as addition, deletion, etc.,yet no concrete workable strategies have been suggested. What’s worse, those studieshave failed to take full consideration of the news values and communicationeffectiveness of soft news. Therefore, centering on communication effects and basedon theories in New Rheteric, we endeavor to construct appropriate rhetoric situationso as to solve the three major problems existing in soft news editing and translating inour international communication, namely, the lack of audience awareness, theinsufficiency in its softness and the disappointing level of credibility.Application oriented, this study probes systematically into the construction of thethree main factors (audience, news values and rhetoric authority) in the rhetoricsituation for soft news from the perspectives of meaning, motive, values, media anddialectics, etc. All the examples in this study are selected from state-run soft newsmagazines to illustrate the existing problems in the process of editing and translating.The translation strategies proposed are based on the combination of data analysis andapplication of theories in New Rhetoric.The originality of this study is manifested in the following aspects: 1) makingcommunication effects the core of soft news edition and translation and emphasizing news values such as intestedness and human interest; 2) recognizing the significanceof rhetoric situation theories for enhancing comprehensively the communicationeffects of soft news in our international communication, identifying the three majorcomponents in the situation in question, and proposing workable strategies forbringing the subjective initiative of audience into play, demonstrating news values andestablishing translator’s rhetoric authority; 3)introducing theories in New Rhetoric,especially those on meaning, vales, power, and argumentation, as theoretic support toguide the process of editing and translating; 4) enlarging the translation units fromwords and sentences to the whole passage and even beyond, thus giving translatorsmore freedom in structuring, material selection, and argumentation, etc.We apply theories of New Rhetoric to construct the rhetoric situation withKenneth Burke’s enlarged situation theory as basis. Burke’s rhetoric situation theoryextends the range of rhetoric discourse significantly so much so that“effectiveliterature could be nothing but rhetoric”(Golden 313). Our assumption that theconstruction of suitable rhetoric situation based on New Rhetoric can effectively solvethe above three problems and enhance the communication effectiveness of the editionand translation of soft news is based on the following considerations: firstly, soft newsbelongs to rhetoric discourse, which is closely related to and also an indispensiblecomponent in rhetoric situation. Secondly, appropriate rhetoric situation can help thetranslator assume correct rhetoric stance, a proper balance among the availablearguments about the subject itself, the interests and peculiarities of the audience, thevoice and the implied character of the speaker. Thirdly, sharing the same origin withcommunication studies, New Rhetoric is characterized as interdisciplinary andcognitive, with an emphasis on cooperation, values and social behavior. All these makeit eligible for our theoretical framework, providing theoretical support in the processof translation.It is noteworthy that rhetoric situation is a large concept and consists of manyfactors other than the three studied in this paper. We sincerely hope that with the development of relevant research, more and more factors will be brought to theforeground.

  • 【分类号】H05
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】566