

Being Faithful to the Source Language Culture

【作者】 彭爱民

【导师】 冯庆华;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 由于各国间的文化交流日趋频繁,文化信息的正确传递至关重要。本研究的着眼点是中国文学巨著《红楼梦》的文化翻译。要实现文化间的有效交流,文化信息不可被创造或更改,因此译者必须在创造性的翻译过程中忠实于源语文化。一旦源语文化被篡改为目标语读者乐于接受的目标语文化,从接受美学的观点来看,这样的翻译发挥不了文化交流的作用。我们的研究目的是通过研究《红楼梦》中恰当与不恰当的文化翻译,即文化翻译之所得与所失,用翻译理论来证明其恰当与否。对于那些被证明为不恰当的翻译,通过研究给出恰当的译文;对于不需要转换的文化因素,我们将探讨可以省略不译的原因。本研究的主要目的在于找出《红楼梦》文化翻译的所得和所失的原因,分析文化翻译的策略,探讨导致文化翻译时信息缺失的补偿措施。这一研究将为日后《红楼梦》和其他文学名著的重译提供一定的借鉴,也将有助于目标语读者更好地了解中国文化,从而促进中外文化交流。该研究主要解决以下五个议题:(1)文学文本译者在翻译过程中究竟应忠实于什么?(2)两名译者在《红楼梦》文化翻译过程中分别采用了什么翻译策略和翻译方法?(3)两名译本分别产生过怎样的社会影响?(4)文化翻译过程中引发译文差异的原因是什么?使译入语文化信息与源语文化信息相偏离的原因是什么?造成源语文化信息散失的原因是什么?(5)要忠实于源语文化,忠实地把源语文化再现给目标语读者,译者该采取哪些有效补偿文化信息的措施?本研究采取的是翻译学研究、文化学研究以及比较文学研究的跨学科研究方法。我们将采取系统的、以观察和总结为依据的措施来研究两名译本在目标语读者中的声望,以确认它们是否真正起到文化交流的作用。我们从两名译本和源语文本中选择了其他研究者们涉及较少的文化负载词来分析和比较两名译者处理的异同及对源语文本的忠实度。研究结果认为要实现文化交流,对源语文本的文化忠实才是文学翻译过程中至关重要的一个环节。译者应运用恰当的翻译策略和翻译方法实现文化信息的转换。译文不可以过度归化和过度异化。文学翻译往往与政治相关,译者在着手翻译之前,应该了解源语文本和原著作者的政治、历史、文化背景,避免过度归化或异化、零位翻译和误译。在翻译过程中可采用零补偿、文中补偿、注释补偿和转换补偿等方法来弥补文化失真问题。

【Abstract】 This study is an investigation concerned with the cultural translation of Chinese classic Hong Lou Meng in which the correct transmission of the cultural information is very important due to more and more communications between nations. Since cultural information can not be created or changed, the translator should be faithful to the source language culture in the creative translation. If the source language culture is tampered into the target one which the readers are willing to accept, the translation may not play the role of cultural exchange from the view of receptional aesthetics. We are to find out those cultural elements that were properly or improperly translated, i.e. the gains and losses in cultural translation and to illustrate their appropriateness or inappropriateness with translation strategies. For the improper translation, we will provide more ideal versions; for the petty cultural elements, we will give the reasons why we may use the translation technique of omission in cultural translation.This study aims to investigate the reasons that cause gains and losses of cultural translation in the English versions of Hong Lou Meng, to analyze the translation strategies of the cultural loaded words, to identify and classify internal and external factors for the loss of cultural translation, and to explore remedial measures for the loss of the cultural information in the translation. The study will provide a reference for the retranslation of Hong Lou Meng and other classics in the future, which aims to help target readers getting to know Chinese culture better and more accurately, thus further promoting Sino-foreign cultural exchanges.This dissertation addresses five primary research questions:a. What should the translator be faithful to when doing literary translation?b. What strategies and methods did the translators use in cultural translation of Hong Lou Meng?c. What social impact have the two versions aroused?d. What are the reasons that cause the differences in cultural factors translation, that cause the translated cultural information deviating from that of the source language culture and that cause the losses of cultural information in the original?e. How do the translators compensate the cultural information in order to be faithful to the culture in the original and to make a faithful introduction of the source language culture to the target readers?This study adopts cross-disciplinary approaches of translation study, cultural study, and comparative literature. We offer a systematic, empirical account of studying the popularity of the famous Chinese classic Hong Lou Meng in today’s Anglophone world and make sure that the translations have achieved the function of cultural communication. We randomly sample as many cultural loaded words as possible from the texts, analyzing and comparing the differences and similarities of the translated cultural loaded words by the two well-known translators and the faithfulness to the original text.Findings of this study showed that cultural faithfulness to the original text is first and foremost thing in literary translation to achieve the function of cultural communication. The translator should use fitting strategies and translation methods to convert the cultural information in the original into that in the target text. The versions can never be over-domesticated or over-foreignized. Still, part of literary translation is related to politics. The translator should get to know the political, historical and cultural background of the original text and the author and the readers and critics should get to know that of the translator. The translator should also avoid over-domestication, over-foreignization, zero translation and mistranslation and use zero compensation, compensation in the version, compensation by annotations and compensation by transformation to compensate the cultural default in specific translating process.

  • 【分类号】H315.9
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1509