

Novel Experimental System and Method for Measuring Tri-axial Force on Foot-Ground Interface

【作者】 司文

【导师】 严壮志;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 足地间三维相互作用力的测量是人体运动研究中足底信息最全面的获取方式。获取运动中足地间三维相互作用力可以对人体运动进行建模研究,对提高运动训练的效果、改进竞技体育的技术动作以及减少运动的伤病有着重大的意义。目前测量足地间相互作用力的方法主要依靠三维测力板、测力鞋以及测力鞋垫等。三维测力板可测量足地间三维相互作用力,但体积大、重量沉,只能测量站立时,或步行一步的步态参数,这样就限制了它的使用范围。而一些测力鞋与鞋垫只能测量足地间垂直方向受力,并且不适合在运动竞技训练这种高强度冲击系统中应用。综上分析目前可获得足地间三维相互作用力的测量技术还不完善,本文针对人体运动中的足地间三维相互作用力情况展开研究,探索了一种足地间三维相互作用力测量方法与实验系统。通过该实验系统可获取人体运动中足地间三维相互作用力,为人体运动的研究提供指导和帮助。在短跑中起跑动作的合理和连贯是非常重要的,有效的起跑涉及足地间三维相互作用力、起跑器的摆放位置以及人体各关节的角度等因素。为提高人体运动研究中起跑技术的有效性,本文提出使用AnyBody数值仿真的方法来验证上述足地间三维相互作用力的测量方法。建立了基于AnyBody软件的起跑仿真模型,并通过计算模型中各块骨骼、肌肉和关节的受力情况,验证了仿真模型的可靠性和合理性。在此基础上设计了明确的人体起跑实验方案,通过实验提高了研究的科学性。本文针对人体起跑实验的需求进行了三维数字测力跑鞋的设计与实现。三维数字测力跑鞋由以下三部分组成:(1)一种能够获得足地间三维相互作用力的新型测力器件;(2)采集作用力的数据采集卡;(3)上位机处理部分。三维数字测力跑鞋实现了实验所需要的功能:(1)足地间三维相互作用力与电信号的转换;(2)电信号的采集和存储;(3)所采集数据的分析和显示。本文针对三维测力器件的动态测量的需求,设计实现了动态标定方法和装置。研制了模拟鞋地间相互作用的冲击测试环境,并通过基于二元非线性冲击系统的理论分析和数值计算,对三维测力器件进行了标定。本文针对不同的起跑技术动作选取问题,结合起跑技术的特点,基于AnyBody仿真提出了使用三维数字测力跑鞋对九种不同起跑技术动作的足地间三维相互作用力进行测量的实验方案。针对实验方案要求设计并实现了三维数字测力跑鞋及其动态标定方法和装置,并与基于Anybody的起跑动作的建模整合成完整的实验平台,为开展人体运动中足地间三维相互作用力的研究提供了一种新方法。通过实验得到了一些可以在实践中指导运动员训练或者借鉴的结论,为体育训练和科研提供指导和帮助。在今后的运动训练中引入该研究方法,可以帮助运动员在训练过程中尽快掌握动作的技术要领,减少盲目的重复,极大地提高训练效率,从而达到最佳的训练效果。

【Abstract】 Measurement of the tri-axial force on foot-ground interface is a way of acquisition of the most comprehensive information in the plantar, which facilitates the human-body modeling of movement and may enhance the effect of sports training, improve sports technical movement, and reduce sports injuries. At present, the main methods for measuring tri-axial force on foot-ground interface include the tri-axial force plates and force measurement shoes and insoles. Tri-axial force plates measure the tri-axial force on foot-ground interface, but they are large and heavy. So they can only measure gait parameters of the standing position or a step of walk, thus limiting their application. The force measurement shoes and insoles can only measure the vertical stresses between the foot and ground, and they are not applicable in high-intensity sports and exercise. Therefore, currently available methods for measurement of the tri-axial force on foot-ground interface have drawbacks. A novel experimental system and method is proposed in this paper for measuring the tri-axial force on foot-ground interface in human-body movement, providing guidance and assistance for sports training and scientific research.In sprint,the starting action with reasonable and coherent movement is very important. An effective starting action depends on the tri-axial force on foot-ground interface, the location of the starting blocks, the angles of articulations, and other factors. In order to improve the movements in the starting action, a new method using AnyBody numerical simulation is proposed to verify aforesaid measurement system of the tri-axial force on foot-ground interface. Based on AnyBody, a simulation model of the starting action is presented, which is evaluated by calculation of the forces in each bone, muscle and articulation.Spiked shoes for the tri-axial force measurement are then proposed and designed for experiments of studying the starting motion. The spiked shoes for tri-axial force measurement are composed of three parts: (1) a novel tri-axial force measurement device for measuring tri-axial force on foot-ground interface; (2) the data acquisition system; (3) the part of signal processing by computer. The tri-axial force measurement spiked shoes have achieved three functions: (1) transformation of the tri-axial force on foot-ground interface to electrical signals; (2) acquisition and storage of the data; (3) display of the data files saved in computer.In order to check the output characteristics of tri-axial force measurement device, we have designed dynamic loading test experiments. Based on the second-order nonlinear model of the impact machine system, a dynamic loading test equipment to simulate the impact on the foot-ground interface is developed to validate the tri-axial force measurement device. The experimental curves and the theoretical calculation results show good consistency.In this paper, the sport biomechanics analysis is carried out for the crouch starting, and it uses AnyBody for modeling simulation. The spiked shoes for tri-axial force measurement are proposed, designed and used for experiments by changing the starting block’s angles and positions. In the experiment, the AnyBody modeling simulation is incorporated into a complete experimental platform, which provides a new method for measuring tri-axial force on foot-ground interface and may be helpful for improvement of athletes’running speed. In the future, the method may be introduced in sports training to help athletes’master technical key-points of the sports training technical essentials, and improve training efficiency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期