

The Path Construction of Civil Society in China

【作者】 刘思敏

【导师】 张文宏;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 社会学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 黄金周自1999年国庆之际诞生起,已历时12年。从一蹴而就到争论鹊起,一个技术性的制度设计在与市场产生相互作用之后,产生了连当初设计者都没有预见到的巨大效应。虽然五一黄金周已经从2008年开始退出公众生活,但毫无疑问,黄金周对于中国社会产生了重大影响。本文围绕黄金周存废问题,深入探讨黄金周制度安排的形成变迁过程,以及黄金周本身所承载的政治、经济和文化意义。在这个基础上,进一步分析围绕以黄金周为核心的假日制度改革形成的几方力量的博弈过程及其意义,透过这个过程,分析当前中国国家——社会关系状况,并在此基础上进一步探讨中国公民社会的发展状况。在分析的视角上,本文以市场对公共决策的影响作为切入点,认为市场的发展导致社会中自由流动资源的出现,而随着自由流动资源的出现和自由空间的扩展,国家与社会间结构的分化日益扩大,一个具有相对自主性的社会正在形成。而这个相对自主的社会对于中国公民社会的发育,具有重要意义,充分说明在国家与公民社会的关系中,市场的反向建构作用具有十分重要的地位。

【Abstract】 It has been 9 years since the policy of Golden Week was launched in China, which has experienced from .an overnight sensation to a controversial social issue. It is a technical system design, but when it has a reaction with market, its great role oversteps the designer’s plan. Although May Day Golden Week has been called off and the future of National Day Golden Week is still uncertain, it’s no doubt that the the policy of Golden Week has already played a significant role in the society. In this dissertation, we will have a depth analysis on the process of formation and transition of the Golden Week’s institution arrangement, and the meaning cling to it of politics, economics and culture. Furthermore, focusing on the issue of whether to abolish the Golden Week, we have an in-depth exploration on the process of game and its meaning between several powers related with the system of Golden Week. By looking into this process, this dissertation will address the current relationship of the state and society in China, and then have a discussion on the development of civil Society in China.The approach used in this dissertation is from the affect of market to public policy. We think that the expansion of market stimulate the appearance of free mobility of resources in society. Then in pace with the appearance of free mobility of resources and expansion of free space, the structure division between state and society spread increasingly. So a society with autonomy is forming, which has an important meaning for the emergence of China’s Civil Society. That is to say, market plays a very important reverse instruction role in the relationship of the country and Civil Society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 05期