

Study of Urban and Rural Integration in the Process of Land System Changes

【作者】 汤芷萍

【导师】 曹锦清;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 社会学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文的研究重点是基于土地制度变革与城乡一体化进程之间的关联。通过土地制度对上海F区城乡一体化影响的描述,来反观以城乡一体化为目标的土地制度的功能。这个功能又如何推动了城乡一体化进程。通过对F区乡村社会典型变迁实践的剖析,得出农村土地承包和乡镇企业改制,使农民由“单位人”变为“社会人”,却没有相应的社会组织承担“单位”的经济和社会功能,是城乡二元关系紧张的主要原因。所以本文对于农民的身份认定有一个三段论的架构:“单位人(集体经济发达时期)——社会人(集体经济衰落时期)——社区人(土地换保障之后)”。这也是一个否定之否定的不断跃升。相应的,笔者对于农民的基本生活保障的实现方式,也有一个从集体化保障-----家庭自我保障,-----农民基本生活保障社区化,这样三阶段的把握。研究同样发现,这样的三段论的本质是土地从集体所有制的村级所有(管理)-----家庭承包----镇级所有(管理)的过程,而这个土地权属经由村级集体—家庭承包—镇级集体的转型,使农民实现了社会保障从村级统筹—个人支付---社区统筹,农民生活空间、生活方式和生产方式的升级转型,也就是城乡二元结构从稳定—紧张—自洽柔和的转变。因此,城乡一体化的逻辑是土地制度变革的三段论。即农村土地权属经由村级集体—家庭承包—镇级集体的转变过程,是城乡二元结构从稳定—紧张—解构的发展过程。村级土地集体所有制向镇级土地集体所有制升级是实现城乡一体化的制度基础。同时通过研究,认为村级集体土地权属提升到镇级集体土地后,实行所有权与使用权分离的土地制度。以土地使用权市场化实现土地效益最大化,实现农民保障城镇化和城镇公共服务行政化。本文共六章。第一章为“导论”。主要是通过对城乡一体化的认识,提出目前研究中的问题,并结合文献综述提出了本文的概念界定和研究内容,最后介绍了本文的主要研究思路、方法和写作框架及其逻辑图。第二章为“F区城乡二元结构特征”。本章在于展示了本研究区域的基本状况及二元结构特征。在叙述策略上,主要在历史的脉络中展现乡村城乡一体化的进程。第三章为“F区城乡一体化实践回顾”。本章以F区改革开放以来乡村土地制度对农村改革试点的功能,说明发达地区一度被抹平的城乡二元社会结构张力为什么会重新紧张起来。市场经济的工业化和城市化是一把双刃剑,即对城郊农村耕地的社会功能有解构作用,又是农民的保障资本和最后的稻草。而这正是城乡一体化战略的社会基础,也是土地制度革新的前提性条件。第四章为“土地置换:F区城乡一体化新探索”。本章以土地置换为视角,一方面展现土地置换模式的社会基础,另一方面展现以政府为主导土地置换的基本思路、原则、目标及具体的运作情况。以此,全方位考察政府在推进城乡一体化中的工作策略。第五章为“土地置换的效应:乡村社区重构。本章在于展现以土地置换为突破口的城乡一体化战略对乡村社会变迁的影响,主要集中研究乡村社会组织、农用地经营、农用地权属、社会空间和生活方式的变迁,以及乡村社会福利体制的构建,进一步解读了土地置换中的制度因素对乡村社区重构的作用。第六章在总结各章的基础上,得出了本项研究的结论,即城乡一体化的逻辑是土地权属经由村级集体—家庭承包—镇级集体变革的过程,也是农民社会保障、生活方式、生活空间和生产方式的城镇化过程和城乡二元结构自洽和逐渐解构的过程。并进一步研究了集体土地权属升级后,土地所有权与使用权分离改革的原则,以实现土地效益的最大化。研究结果联通了原来分割的城乡二元管理体制,为中国最基层政府能够提供良好行政公共服务找到了有效的途径。最后通过演绎推论,展望了城乡公平均衡发展,共享发展成果的城乡一体化发展趋势。

【Abstract】 The dissertation mainly dwells on the correlation between land system reform and the process of urban and rural integration. By means of describing how the land system has influenced the urban and rural integration of F District of Shanghai City, the dissertation presents the function of land system aimed at urban and rural integration, as well as how the function has propelled the process of urban and rural integration. During the prior researches, the dissertation depicts the development of rural industry and the pilot construction of small-sized towns of F District back in the 1980s to 1990s. And by analysis, it is concluded that the implementation of industry marketization reform and rural land contract responsibility system has significantly improved the economic benefits and mobilized the initiative of farmers, so as to play a leading role in China’s robust growth in the recent three decades. However, due to the diversification of economic system, decentralized management style of rural land, as well as the deficiency in terms of socialization integration of China’s welfare and security system, rural land has become a major source of farmers’ basic living, so as to create a divide between dual economic structure of urban and rural areas. After the year of 2003, F District of Shanghai launched the practice of land replacement. By studying it, the dissertation presents the notion that the previous village-level collective land ownership cannot deconstruct the dual structure of urban and rural areas. The process of land ownership from the village-level collective one to the town government collective one has realized the transition of farmers’ social security from contracting plots of land to the one secured by society, as well as has urbanized famers’ way of surviving and living through land ownership urbanization. The reform of separation between land ownership and land use right, combined with the open and fair market-based operation of collective land use right, can guarantee to maximize the benefits of collective land. The benefits from market-based operation of collective land are employed in town-level public services, which is an important guarantee of strengthening town-level public administration capacity. The dynamic integration between these two will help to realize the new pattern of both industry and agriculture reaping the benefits of development in the town-level. The whole process links the once-separated urban and rural management system, and realizes the fair and balanced development of urban and rural areas. The dissertation entails six chapters, and depicts in an all-round way the social transformation of pilot villages where the urban and rural integration has launched. On one hand, it tries to comprehend how the urban and rural integration strategy has influenced the rural communities. On the other hand, the dissertation observes the shortcomings and problems within the system, in an effort to better improve the system to realize urban and rural integration. Specifically, Chapter One is Introduction. It mainly focuses on the knowledge of urban and rural integration, and presents the problems in the current study. The chapter also shows the definition of concepts and research contents of the dissertation. In the last part of the chapter, it introduces the main guideline, ways, writing frameworks and logic diagrams of the study. Chapter Two is Features of Dual Structure of Urban and Rural Areas in Fengxian District. The Chapter presents the basic condition of the specific field selected by the study, including dualistic structural characteristics of pilot villages such as their administrative subordinateness, geographic condition, location, landform, climate, as well as economy, transportation, spatial layout, and population.The adopted narrative pattern is presenting the process of urban and rural integration in the historical context. Chapter Three is Review of Actual Practice of Urban and Rural Integration in Fengxian District. This chapter focuses on the historical transformation in terms of rural reform pilots and land function in rural communities since the adoption of reform and opening-up policies, and illustrates the reason why the once abandoned dual structure of urban and rural areas has once again brought about tension. The chapter also further explains why the innovation of the land system will become a bridge to defuse such tension. Industralization and urbanization are a double-edged sword, which on one hand, have a destruction role on the social function of suburban and rural farmland, and make farmers’land more of chicken ribs—things which are tasteless when eaten but a pity to discard; on the other hand, it also serves as the sole capital of farmers and their life-saver. And that is precisely the social foundation of rural and urban integration strategy. It is also the precondition for land system innovation. Chapter Four is Land Replacement:New Exploration of Urban and Rural Integration in Fengxian District. This chapter, in the view of land replacement which is one of the core measures in the process of urban and rural integration, presents the social foundation of land replacement in rural communities in urban and rural integration on one hand, and presents the basic thoughts, principles, aims and the actual operation of land replacement on the other hand.The chapter comprehensively examines the working strategies of the government in propelling urban and rural integration. Chapter Five is Effects of Land Replacement: the Reconstruction of Rural Communities. This chapter presents how the rural and urban integration strategy on rural communities, focusing on land replacement, has influenced the rural communities. It elaborates on the study in terms of rural social organizations, agricultural land management, agricultural land ownership, social space, the change of the way of living, as well as the construction of social welfare system in rural communities. It further interprets the function of systematic factors in land replacement on the reconstruction of rural communities. Chapter Six, on the basis of all the previous chapters, draws a conclusion of this study, that is, the logic of urban and rural integration is the process of land system from collective land—contracting plots of land—urbanization of land ownership. The land ownership ascension has promoted the urbanization of farmers’ social security and farmers’ living environment. The chapter, based on the analysis and study of the separation between land ownership and land use right, suggests that the market-based operation of land use right can maximize the land benefits, provide the guarantee of the construction of town-level public administration capacity, as well as realize the new pattern of urban and rural integration of both urban and rural areas reaping the benefits. Last but not least, this chapter constructs the development trend of urban and rural integration.
