

Research on Optimization and Application for the Scheduling Process in Mechanical Manufacture

【作者】 王帅

【导师】 王庆明;

【作者基本信息】 华东理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 生产调度问题是生产过程中存在的经典问题之一,它伴随着工业化大生产的出现而产生,但其真正的发展还是在近几十年。在目前全球金融危机的大背景下,中国的机械加工行业将会面临更多的困难,包括经营风险加大、资金链趋紧导致流动资金严重不足、订单要求越来越高致使难以满足要求等等,这一切都使得加工企业,特别是中小型加工企业竞争加剧,如果不加以改变很可能就会被淘汰出局。而要提高其企业竞争力,增强其抵御金融危机的影响能力,除了在技术革新方面需要努力之外,更重要的是需要设计和制定出适合其企业自身特点的生产管理和调度规划计划,使之能够在现有设备基础上降低成本,提高效益,提高资金流动速度,提高对订单要求反映的及时性和有效性,提高企业信誉,从而从“软件”上提高企业的竞争力。本文以机械加工过程中的生产调度问题为研究对象,结合上海精正机械设备有限公司的生产加工的实际情况,通盘考虑各种约束条件,建立起各种不同的调度模型,然后分析模型的特征和性质,提出针对性的算法,对加工参数进行优化,并最终通过计算机编程和系统仿真的方式对其进行计算,验证模型的合理性和算法的有效性。通过对机械加工过程中各类成分构成的分析和归纳以及对加工过程前后所引起的相关成本变化进行总结,建立了成本分析模型,并且通过在此模型上添加相关约束来实现对各类生产要求的模拟,提出了相应的算法,并通过企业的实际例子验证了模型的有效性和适用性。另外,借助“准时加工”、“延时开工”等现代生产理念,对生产调度模型中两大基本的约束条件——时间约束和资源约束进行了分类和讨论,并针对部分模型提出了相应的算法或解决思路,利用算例证明了算法和思路的可行性。针对遗传算法计算时出现的诸如超平均现象、超级个体现象、收敛速度过慢现象以及计算效率不高等问题,本文提出了一系列解决方案,包括对适应度计算方式的改进、对遗传算子的改进以及对遗传方式的改革等方面,并利用改进后的算法与改进前的算法以及已有算法进行比较计算,验证了算法改进的成功性。然后在算法改进的基础和前提下,建立了面向两级用户的生产调度参数优化系统,对系统的构成原理和构成方式进行了分析并介绍了系统各部分模块运行方式和状态,并通过编程方式实现。本文的研究内容与实际加工情况紧密结合,利用上海精正机械设备有限公司的实际生产过程验证了模型的正确性和算法的有效性,说明新模型能够直接指导实际生产。本文的各种计算结果和结论均真实有效,对于机械制造企业提高现代制造水平具有一定的指导意义和参考价值。

【Abstract】 Scheduling problem is one of classical problem in manufacture process which appeared with industrialisation production and developed in last few decades. Under the financial crisis background, mechanical manufacture industry faces more troubles, including management risk increasing, serious flow financing shortage due to financing chain contraction, higher and unsatisfied order request and so on. And all these troubles make the competition grow between manufacture enterprises, especially between small and medium-sized enterprises which will be washed out without any change. In order to enhance competition power and tone up the resistance for financial crisis, it is more important but technique renovation to plan and constitute effectual scheduling scheme fitting for self-characteristic of enterprise so as to reduce the cost, enhance the benefit, accelerate the financing flow, improve the timeliness and validity for orders, heighten the credit standing of enterprise and enhance competition power on "software".The scheduling problem in manufacture process is the reseach object in this paper and different scheduling model is built with combining the production realization of Shanghai Jingzheng Mechanical Equipment Ltd. and surveying different kinds of restriction. Then through the analysis for the character and quality of these models, specific algorithms is put forward for machining parameter optimization and realized by computer programme and system simulation to validate the rationality of models and validity of algorithm.Cost analysis model is built through analysing and summing up the relationship between different kinds of cost in manufacture process and the change of cost before and after manufacture. Some restrictions are added to cost analysis model to simulate production request and relevant algorithm is originated to calculate and validate the the rationality of models with practical example of enterprise. In addition, in virtue of modern production logo such as "Just-in-time manufacture", "delay-starting operation", some algorithms or thoughts aiming at some models are put forward and tested after the two basic restrictions in scheduling model——time restriction and resource restriction are classified and discussed. Several solutions, including improvement for fitness calculation appraoch, genetic operator and innovation for genetic rule, are advanced in this paper for the problems appearing in calculation course by genetic algorithm such as super average phenomenon, super individual phenomenon, too slow convergence rate and too low efficiency. As compared with the unimproved algorithm and the algorithm appearing in literature, the result of improved algorithm shows that the algorithm is improved successfully. Moreover, parameter optimization scheduling system oriented to two grades of users is built and realized by programme on the basic of algorithm amelioration and the structure and running mode of each part are introduced.The research content of this paper is integrated with the case of practical manufacture closely and the correctness of models and validity of algorithm are validated by the practical manufacture course of Shanghai Jingzheng Mechanical Equipment Ltd.. The result shows the new model can guide the practical production directly. All the result and conclusion of the paper which are true and available, are significative and valuable for modern manufacture level improvement of mechanical manufacture enterprise.
