

Study on Knowledge Sharing about Student Affairs Management in Universities

【作者】 陈晓晖

【导师】 汪克夷;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 高校从一开始就是知识型组织,它的活动无一不与知识的获取、存储、应用、创新等知识管理活动相关。随着我国高等教育的不断发展、学生培养规模的迅速扩大,学生管理的重要性在高校发展过程中越来越凸显。当前,从人才培养的需要出发,强化知识管理,协调高校学生管理各相关部门,克服知识的部门分割,共同致力于高校学生管理的知识资源数量的积累、质量的提高、结构的优化,实现高校学生管理中知识的充分交流与共享,是时代发展对高校学生管理工作提出的一项新任务。本研究以高校学生管理中的知识共享为研究对象,在综合分析现有文献的基础上,提出了高校学生管理中知识共享的影响因素模型,并探讨了学生管理知识共享对学生管理绩效的影响关系。本研究主要开展了以下三个方面的工作。首先,在参考现有文献以及深度访谈的基础上,将高校学生管理中的知识定义为:高等学校学生管理部门及学生管理者个人在长期的工作实践中形成的对学生管理工作内在本质和规律的认识,包括管理对象的认知、相关管理理论、管理理念、管理模式、管理方法及管理经验等。在此基础上,进一步把这一概念划分为三个维度:管理对象认知、学生管理理论和学生管理经验。本研究以东北地区高校学生管理工作者为调查样本,开发了包括上述三个维度的高校学生管理中的知识的测量量表,检验结果表明该量表具有良好的信度与效度。其次,运用知识管理以及绩效的相关理论,构建了高校学生管理中知识共享的影响因素模型,并对该模型进行了实证检验。分析结果表明,在主体影响因素中,利己愿望与交流方式都对知识共享具有积极的正向影响;在客体影响因素中,管理对象认知、学生管理理论都对知识共享具有积极的正向影响;在环境影响因素中,良好的人际关系对知识共享具有积极的正向影响。此外,高校学生管理中的知识共享对学生管理效率和学生管理业绩也具有积极的正向影响。最后,选取激励作为调节变量,研究并实证检验了激励对主体、客体、环境因素与学生管理知识共享之间关系的调节作用。通过在不同高校、不同激励政策下的学生管理工作者样本中检验本研究提出的模型,得出了高校学生管理中知识共享的影响因素模型在不同高校、不同激励政策下的学生管理工作者中具有普适性的研究结论。在激励的作用下,在主体影响因素中,利己愿望、交流方式对知识共享的影响更加显著;在客体影响因素中,管理对象认知、学生管理理论对知识共享的影响更加显著;在环境影响因素中,良好的人际关系对知识共享的影响更加显著。本研究有三个创新点:(1)开发了由管理对象认知、学生管理理论和学生管理经验三个维度构成的高校学生管理中的知识的测量量表,并以东北地区高校学生管理工作者为调查样本对测量量表进行了实证检验。本研究首次尝试对高校学生管理中的知识进行了维度划分与概念测量,为其他学者进行相关研究奠定了先期的基础。(2)构建并实证检验了高校学生管理中知识共享的影响因素模型。这是把知识共享研究向高校学生管理领域进行的拓展,为知识管理理论对高校学生管理工作的指导提供了有益的探索,丰富了高校学生管理工作的指导理论。(3)实证检验了激励对主体、客体、环境因素与学生管理知识共享之间关系的调节作用。本研究在不同高校、不同激励政策下的学生管理工作者中检验了该模型的普适性,更加清晰地展示了激励对高校学生管理中的知识共享的调节作用,为高校更好地实践学生管理中的知识共享提供了借鉴。

【Abstract】 From the very beginning, the University is a knowledge-based organization whose activities are closely related with knowledge acquisition, storage, application, innovation and other knowledge management related activities. With the sustainable development of higher education and rapid expansion of enrollment scale, the development of student affairs management in colleges and universities are increasingly important. Currently, it is a new and demanding task to overcome the separation of knowledge and to meet the needs of personnel training, to strengthen knowledge management and the coordination of relevant student affairs management in the departments of universities. Everyone must work together committed to the quantity accumulation, quality improvement and structural optimization of student affairs management knowledge resources.In this study, knowledge sharing management of university students is regarded as the research object. Based on the comprehensive analysis of existing literature, proposes theoretical model of the factors to the knowledge sharing management of university students and exploring the relations between the knowledge sharing of student affairs management student performance, this study mainly carried out the following three aspects of the research.First, on the basis of reference to existing literature and depth interviews, knowledge of the student affairs management is defined as:Student Affairs Management Departments of Universities and student affairs manager individuals form the awareness to the intrinsic nature and the law of student affairs management in the long time work practice. Also in the form of student affairs management knowledge, including acknowledgement to the management object, relevant management theories, management concepts, management models, management methods and management experience. On this basis, the concept is further subdivided into three dimensions:management object recognition, student affairs management theory and student affairs management experience. In this study it develops a measurement scale which includes the three dimensions above in the samples taken of university student affairs managers. The test results show that the scale has good reliability and validity.Second, with the application to knowledge management and performance-related theory, it constructs a theoretical model of the factors to the knowledge sharing management of university students and tests the model empirically. The results display that among the main factors, selfish desire and means of communication are positively oriented. Among factors to the object, management object recognition, student affairs management theories has a positive effect on the knowledge sharing. As the factor to the environment, good interpersonal relationships have a positive impact on the knowledge sharing. In addition, student affairs management knowledge sharing has positive affects on efficiency for student affairs management and performance of student affairs management.Finally, it conducted research for regulation of relations between the incentive to the subject, object, environmental factors and student affairs management knowledge sharing. It inspects the regulatory role between the relations of student affairs management knowledge sharing management performance and also inspects its regulatory role with empirical. To test the theoretical model we choose the student affairs manager sample in different universities and different incentive policies which obtains the universal conclusions of theoretical model of the factors to the knowledge sharing management of university students in conditions above. Under the condition of incentive mechanism, main factors and managed object recognition, student affairs management theory has a more significant impact on knowledge sharing; in factors of environment good interpersonal relationship impacts more. In addition, knowledge sharing of university student affairs management impacts significantly on management efficiency and management performance of university students.There are three innovations in this paper:(1) Define the concept of knowledge in university student affairs management clearly based on the existing literature and depth interviews and with the data sample of university student affairs managers develops a multi-dimensional measurement scale that has both good reliability and validity. The first attempt of this paper is to define and measure the concept of knowledge in university student affairs management, which provide a useful reference for other scholars.(2) Apply relevant theories of the knowledge management and performances, construct a theoretical model for factors impacting knowledge sharing of university student affairs management and empirically tested. Such is an expansion to the knowledge sharing research to university management domain, as well as beneficial exploration in knowledge management theories for university student affairs management guidance. It also enriches the Student Management guiding theory.(3) Select the incentives as variables, examine regulation of relations between incentive to the subject, object and environmental factors and student affairs management knowledge sharing as well as the regulatory role between the relations of student affairs management knowledge sharing management performance and also inspects its regulatory role with empirical. In order to show the motivation’s regulatory role in knowledge sharing and management performance to the college student affairs management and provide with solid foundation for further research, this study exams the universality for student affairs managers in different universities and different incentives.
